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Thursday, 5 May 2022

PICTURES & PLANES ..........

I went to the cinema yesterday ..... I like this cinema. It's an independent, three screen cinema for arthouse and mainstream films, plus theatre and ballet screenings, two screens like the one above and one where you feel like you are sitting in someones living room ! You can have food and coffee, there is art on the walls and big, squashy leather sofas to sit on { and, the cleanest, loveliest toilet facilities in all of Hertfordshire ! I was about to take a photograph of me in the full length mirror in the lovely toilets but, a surge of ladies came in and I chickened out ! } 

We went to see Downton Abbey, A New Era .....

Now, I am a lover of period series and films and have seen all of the Downton Abbey series a few times and know it inside out. I have always thought that Maggie Smith is the star of the show and has had the best lines and pretty much all of the other cast members played their parts very well. I then saw the first Downton film which I thought was good and worth seeing and, although I felt this new offering passed away a couple of hours quite pleasantly, I felt that Julian Fellows didn't have his heart in this one and that he was desperately squeezing the last few drops of life out of it. There were some laughs in it and lump in the throat moments, but it was a rip off of Singing in the Rain, the storylines were quite weak and someone { I won't spoil it for you by telling you who } gets the same illness as someone had in the last series ..... there are many, many other illnesses you could have chosen from Julian !!! ..... and, Lady Mary's husband isn't in it { played by Mathew Goode in the last film and series, I read that he was unavailable due to prior commitments and, it looked odd that he didn't come back for the important ending { I won't say what ... }
Having said all that it was worth seeing and the clothes and scenery were lovely !  ..... and, before the film we went to The Giggling Squid and had Pad Thai so, all in all, not too shabby for Jackie !  

..... and then, I was just out in the garden when, hearing a loud roar, we looked skywards, and saw a British Airways plane { which I think is Voyager } flanked by two RAF Tornado fighter planes which I have found out was carrying the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, ahead of his meeting with Boris. The two typhoon jets and the RAF Voyager Vespina, finished with a Union Jack painted tail, flew very, very low over our garden ! We often get the planes used in flypasts, flying over our house after they have done the flypast. Must be their route back to base !
Makes for a bit of excitement ! 
The weather here is lovely ..... warmer than Saint-Tropez, Ibiza and Crete ..... we haven't had much rain for ages ! Who says it's always raining in the UK ?


image ! :via me, images 2, 3 & 4 : via goole



  1. Your theater looks outstanding and made to provide comfort and luxury to film goers. It seems although falling short in a few ways the film was still very good.
    The Thai meal really topped off your day very nicely. The photo of the BA jet with 2 RAF jets over your garden is an amazing shot. It could have been an airport photo. So close over head!

  2. Dear Susan ..... if only I could take credit for the jet photograph !!! I wasn't quick enough to take my own but, because it was reported in the news, there was a photo online ! The film was OK and made for a pleasant afternoon but, I don't think he should make another one ! XXXX

  3. What a lovely day. The cosy living room cinema sounds wonderful!
    I am envious of your tropical weather down there. I needed gloves and a Barbour for my trip to town this morning!.

    1. I have been in the little screen one .... saw a Helen Mirren film ..... its so nice ...... I worked in Leicester Square in my younger days and we used to get complimentary tickets to the big cinemas there but I much prefer the smaller venues. Much more cosy ! XXXX

  4. A pleasant enough film. all a bit shallow for me, but entertaining enough and probably if I watched Downton Abbey on TV I would understand the sub-plots! We have a small arthouse cinema here but I avoid it. I prefer the big experience of cinema at Odeon. Good to see the planes, I would have enjoyed that. xx

    1. I agree Rachel ..... it made for a pleasant afternoon. The planes were rather impressive. XXXX

  5. I will be skipping as the first movie was disappointing for me and I agree- they were in it only for the $$$ which is fine- but do your best people as without the audience you get squat

    1. It's not the best Downton experience but, not the worst couple of hours I've experienced Z !!! I think it should now come to an end. I have been watching The Gilded Age by Julian Fellows ..... pretty much Downton Abbey in New York ..... think its on HBO for you ..... quite good and worth watching. XXXX

  6. Here the same….beautiful weather no rain in weeks…great picture from that plain..nice movie …love downtown abbey …lovely weekend enjoy love Ria and Leaf 💗🐾🍀

    1. Weather is lovely isn't it Ria ? Enjoy the sunshine Ria and Leaf. XXXX

  7. Costumes, costumes, always get me every time! Doesn't really matter how good or bad it is, if the costumes and sets are lush ...!! I love the look of your local cinema and its offerings are right up my alley. And some Pad Thai thrown in? You had a perfect outing! xx

    1. Oh Pip, the dresses are beautiful and I always love the hats.... I love a hat ! I think I was an Edwardian in a previous life !!! XXXX

  8. It hasn't rained at all in our corner of England since last October. A few drops here and there, but no actual RAIN. I've not seen any of the Downton series, either on TV or in the Cinema; frankly I'd rather watch the planes.

    1. Haha ..... the planes where a sight to behold Cro. The rain situation is the same for us ..... hardly any apart from a the odd short shower. I love a period drama so have enjoyed Downton. XXXX

  9. Dear Jackie - I would never say that it is always raining in the UK (will not miss the pun of "It never rains in California - but it pours") no - I spent a few very hot summers in the UK (and I only speak of the temperature :-) One time people were not allowed to water their gardens or shower too long.
    Stunning photos of the British Airway planes! XXXX

  10. I think the costume department always make a period piece worth watching, even when the storyline is poor. The thing about warm weather in Blighty is that when it comes we REALLY appreciate it!

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    Since women were responsible for most household purchasing done, advertisers and agencies recognized the value of women's insight during the creative process. In fact, the first American advertising to use a sexual sell was created by a woman – for a soap product. Although tame by today's standards, the advertisement featured a couple with the message "A skin you love to touch". Companies have plenty of room for improvement in the creativity of ad campaigns. For instance, the types of creativity that agencies currently emphasize are often not the most effective ones at driving sales.

    In our research, we quantified the impact that each dimension has on sales. Although all of them had a positive impact, elaboration had by far the most powerful one (1.32 when indexed relative to the overall average creativity of 1.0), followed by artistic value (1.19). Trailing behind were originality (1.06) and flexibility (1.03), with synthesis a distant fifth (0.45). Yet the study shows that ad agencies use originality and artistic value more than they use elaboration. Possibly, companies think primarily of originality when trying to be creative. For instance, if you’ve had any negative exposure, running an ad that highlights a positive part of your business can redirect potential consumers away from the unwanted attention.

    An important tool for influencing immigrant workers was the American Association of Foreign Language Newspapers . The AAFLN was primarily an advertising agency but also gained heavily centralized control over much of the immigrant press. The tobacco companies became major advertisers in order to sell packaged cigarettes. The tobacco companies pioneered the new advertising techniques when they hired Bernays to create positive associations with tobacco smoking. Advertising revenue as a percent of US GDP shows a rise in audio-visual and digital advertising at the expense of print media. In ancient China, the earliest advertising known was oral, as recorded in the Classic of Poetry of bamboo flutes played to sell confectionery.

  12. I too enjoy smaller cinemas - sadly some here have closed permanently since the pandemic - the larger ones have re-opened but on the couple of times we've been they've been almost empty of patrons. We have a small TV - compared to what many people now have in their homes - and it is nice to see a special movie on the big screen sometimes.
    Jackie - Bob and I were really sad not to get into London this trip - that day we were going to take a few hours looking around Oxford St. etc., was ruined by the first day of the big transportation strike, so no trains/underground or even buses from our hotel at Heathrow. Of course we watched a lot of planes from the hotel window - always fascinating, haha!
    It was great to get home though - seeing family was special after such a long three years!

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