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Tuesday, 1 March 2016


I am obsessed with black to the point where it's unhealthy !!!!!

Me at the top of The Shard ..... in black !!!!

image 1: via fantasmagoria, image 2: via bloglovin, image 3: via net a porter, images 4 & 11: via kero, images 5 & 12: via zsa zsa bellagio, image 6: via pinterest, image 7: via antonioli, image 8: via open blank page, image 9: via the jewelry store, image 10: via glamour magazine, image 13: via me, video from youTube



  1. Oooh, you're very close to the edge there Jackie, step back please!! Doesn't your hair look lovely though?!

    I love black, I'm top to toe in it today, it's all seasons for me :) Xx

    1. Haha ........ Loved The Shard and I rather like that feeling of heights Simone !!
      I definitely look best from the back ....haha !! XXXX

  2. All black then to accessorize with black!

  3. Love the photo of your back, your hair looks lovely, have you just been to the 'Coiffure' ?

    1. Thanks Barbara ..... my back view is far better than the front nowdays !! I only go to the hairdressers a couple of times a year to have my highlights done and a trim. XXXX

  4. So nice to see a new post from you, Jaqueline! I, too, love black, relieved by a touch of grey perhaps. I bought a red top to wear on Christmas this year and now I'm wondering what to do with it.
    I have no idea what that video was, but it was hilarious!

    1. Hi Shawn ....... I'm a very shallow and sporadic blogger !!!
      Most of my wardrobe is filled with black with the odd grey, brown or burgundy pieces ..... know what you mean about the red top. I've been tempted but the brighter colours just never get worn ...... it's always back to black for me.
      The video was from The Fast Show .... everytime he mentioned black he went into one !!!! .... I thought that it was appropriate !!! XXXX

  5. I'll have to come back to watch the video. I usually wear black - or white. Very few other colors. Only problem with black is if you have a cat that's not black.

    1. Haha .... that's true Donna .... we had a ginger cat, a grey cat and a peachy coloured cat .... not a good look on black is it ?!!!!!
      You might find the video a bit weird ..... it was from a comedy show we had here in the 1990's ..... it just seemed to fit my post !!!
      Hope all's well with you and your husband Donna. XXXX

  6. Oh yes. I'm addicted as well. Terrific quotes, especially the Yohji Yamamoto!

    1. Haha .... they're good quotes aren't they Connie ? Someone once said to me that people who wear black are miserable ...... they couldn't be more wrong in my case. XXXX

  7. Hello Jackie!
    I love black, too, as does my husband. But I don't like how it shows off dog hair! ;) (Love the photo/s of YOU in this post - the photo of the ribbon-ed pony tail I wasn't sure is you or not, but I'm pretty sure that you in front of that window) xox

    1. Hi Carol,
      Well, I really wish that the photo of the ribboned pony tail was me but, unfortunately not !!!!! ..... I have got a hat like that though !!
      The one in front of the window is me. I'm at the top of The Shard, a wonderful new London landmark. XXXX

  8. Yes, yes, yes dear Jackie..............nearly ALL my clothes are black and yesterday I´ve been painting one wall in my bedroom black (you can see it on Instagram at jadescountryliving). What a wonderful BLACK post - love your hair and outfit!

    Have a great week, with love, Jade

    1. You are my black ally Jade !!! ..... although, you wear it better than I do !!!!
      Have a lovely week too. XXXX

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. As I sit here in all black, I laughed at these and then said " hmmmmm?"
    I found black to be easy a long time ago, when getting dressed and not wasting time choosing what to wear, was important. Then my husband said to me one day, you look better in black than most people do ... well, what was I supposed to do ? wear a color after that ?? lol


    1. Haha ....... it could only be black after that lovely comment Candice !!!
      I sometimes try things on in another colour but it always looks better in black to me !! XXXX

    2. :) Exactly ! You try something on in a color and look in the mirror and think.. This would look great in black :)

  11. I especially love black velvet. I sit around in an old black velvet jacket and shorts in the evenings! But I am into a bright colours phase at the moment. I am too pale to wear pale colours, I just look ill.

    1. Oh Rachel .... I always think that everyone else looks wonderful in colourful clothes ...... I just seem to gravitate back to black everytime.
      I now have a wonderful mental image of you in your black velvet watching Arsenal !!!! ... at least we both lost last night !!! XXXX

  12. Black is also my favorite to wear black from me Ria x

    1. I am ALWAYS in black Ria .... maybe I'll wear a different colour scarf today just to be daring !!!! Much love Ria. XXXX

  13. It's a no from me. I hardly ever wear black - it's just not me. But it suits you - you can carry if off far better than I can.

    1. I don't know if I do Elaine but most of my clothes are black ! I love others in colour but I just go back to black everytime .... it's an illness !!!! haha XXXX

  14. Now that I am over 55 (ahem) I find black overwhelms me now. Not into looking like Queen Victoria.

    1. I was 65 a couple of weeks ago and I still wear it ...... I rather like the Queen Victoria look !!! haha XXXX

  15. I've just looked down at what I'm wearing, and, yes, all black except a small grey stripe on the top of my black socks.

    1. Grey is allowed Cro ...... or a little splash of any drab colour !! Black isn't so good when I spill runny egg yoke down it though !!!!! XXXX

  16. Dear Jackie - you are on the Shard, aren't you? - in your photo? I stood there and thought: good that there is glass between me and the earth...
    Black is lovely - though I am just wearing the contrary: white, real cold snow white, very, very often. Well, and pink and turquoise and cherry red ... and very seldom black, though I like it.

    1. Yes Britta .... that photograph was taken of me at the top of The Shard .... it's a long way up isn't it ?
      I really love other people in colourful clothes ....... I just always feel better in black .... there's probably something wrong with me Britta !!!!! XXXX

  17. Head to ankle black (white Adidas on the feet). It's easy. You can wash it all together. It always matches (not like trying to match blues or reds or browns). It makes less more.
    -Taste of France

    1. Perfect ...... and, I often wear a white camisole just to take the edge off !!!!! We are black allies !! XXXX

  18. COLOR GIRL HERE although on my latest POST I am wearing BLACK & WHITE!

    1. Haha ...... Elizabeth ..... if you didn't wear colour there would be something wrong !!!!!
      I just can't seem to get away from black ! XXXX

  19. Nothing wrong with black. It's elegant and stylish. And as you say, black seems absolutely right for a poet. It suggests seriousness and deep thought. Though having said all that, the only black clothing I have is outdoor jackets. And gloves. And - ahem - underpants.

    I LOVE all the black dresses in your photos.

    1. I used to wear colour Nick but I always think things look better in black on me ...... but I love others in colour. I'm probably weird !!!
      My husbands pants are mostly black !!!!! XXXX

  20. A beautiful ode to black Jackie!

    From a fellow black lover :-)

    Madelief x

    1. Thanks Madelief although, you are far more colourful than I am ...... I need to take some colour lessons from you. XXXX

  21. The great thing about Black is it is a no brainer when you are in a hurry and don't want to fuss over what to wear. Black trousers/jeans and a white shirt and you look good.
    I am wearing black jeans today with a black and olive striped turtleneck and I swear I look taller ! LOL

    1. You are so right Candice ...... maybe it's because I am lazy !!!!
      .... and, you can never go wrong with black and white, can you ? XXXX

  22. Black is what I wear a quite often with a pop of color here and there!

    1. Exactly Cathi ...... I do sometimes have a little bit of colour poking through somewhere. !!! XXXX

  23. Too funny. I do own my fair share of black but it is mostly bottoms ~ I like to mix it up on top as my fav colour is red. My girlfriend posted this to Facebook last night: My favourite colours are: Black, Dark Black, Pitch Black, Pastel Black, Light Black & Faded Black

    1. LOL ! And sometimes you can go hog wild and wear a black jacket over your black top and black jeans :)

  24. Hahahahahaha !!!! ..... that's brilliant Lori and sums me up to perfection .... I shall have to use that one !!! XXXX

  25. Hello Jackie,
    I have been reading here, (met you on Cro and Rachel) but never commented before.
    I love colour but, I only wear black.....?
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Hi Maria ..... how lovely to hear from you and thanks so much for your comment. I'm afraid that my blog is a little shallow and usually about places that I visit, interiors and fashion but I hope you will come and visit and comment often. I think that you are Italian ....... such a beautiful country and our favourite holiday destination.... I LOVE Italy SO much. XXXX

    2. Thank you, Jackie. I am Italian so my English will not be all that good but I will try to do my best. Your blog is not shallow at all, it is very relaxing and calming, so nice to read.x

    3. Your English is far, far better than my Italian in fact, it's excellent. The English are very lazy when it comes to languages as we know that most people speak English !!!! We are very naughty !! XXXX

    4. Sì, noi nella Gran Bretagna siamo molto pigri riguardo alle lingue. (Yes, we in Great Britain are very lazy regarding languages). Maria will no doubt correct that sentence!

    5. Perfetto! 110 e lode (first-class honours)! You're proof, Nick that not all English are lazy! Greetings Maria x

  26. I always, always fervently hoped that one day you would visit me, Jacqueline. She could fly London to Shannon and hire a convertible, I told myself yearningly, and maybe stop at the petrol station in Gort for a sandwich if she is hungry, but only a small sandwich as of course I would be making an impressive array of cakes. But now I worry that your black will clash with my pink and turquoise armoire.

    1. I think that we would make a fine pair and would compliment each other very well Mise !!!! I look forward to the day it happens !! XXXX

  27. Some lovely images here Jackie. I'm a bit too pale for black, but I did wear all black for a night out last weekend and felt great!!! Just add more blusher! Happy weekend Xx

    1. Haha .... yes, add more blusher and fake tan !!!!! XXXX

  28. Hello Jacqueline, You wear it well. Black is black, is that a song? I love your style. I would be happy to let you shop for me. I hope you take Mise up on her invitation to visit Ireland. I will be driving cross country to meet you in Gort for that sandwich and then we can travel on to Mise's place. That is a lovely thought.

    Helen xx

    1. You're right Helen .... ' Black is Black ' is a song by Los Bravos 1967 ... I remember it well !!!!
      .... and, I would absolutely love to meet you and Mise Helen .... a very lovely thought. XXXX

    2. Thanks a lot girls, now I will have that tune stuck in my head all night... and tomorrow when I open the closet doors :)

  29. I don't think you can ever have enough black Jackie. :-)xx

  30. Me too, me too, me too. In fact, I have a post ready to put up about this very thing. Not as interesting as your's but the point is the same. And, what is the Shard? I'm looking at your stamps right this minute, and I still love them & YOU !!!

    1. Haha Marsha ....... I didn't know that a few stamps could bring so much pleasure !!!!
      The Shard is the tallest building in London and was opened in 2013. It looks like a shard of glass and you can go up to the top and view London. You can eat or just have a glass of Champagne while you try and spot all of London's famous landmarks !!
      .... and, I'm sure that your ' black ' post will be far better than mine Marsha. Love you too. XXXX

  31. Dear Jackie, I may not always get to read your posts when you put them up but when i do, they are truly savoured. I adore this post and the lovely photos. that quote about poetry is superb. How is that HILARIOUS twinkle twinkle litle star video of the painters. Another apopros clip. I loved it.

    I'm trying to decide my fave pic. Maybe the one of you (?) looking out on over London? :) All in black.

    That dress, those boots, the coat and corsett are all gorgeous too. I feel so refined now. Thank you. BTW, I had a co-worker tell me tha ti wear too much black so I started to branch out in some dark maroons, purple, etc but other than dark blue, black is DEF my go-to colour as well.

  32. Yep me too with the black thing. Although sizzling Summers in Australia force me to wander slightly away from the theme, but only to Pale Black!
    M xx

    1. Oh Mill's,
      I've only just seen that you've commented and what a lovely surprise.
      Love that .... Pale Black ..... I'm going to use that !!!!
      Hope your doing OK ..... miss you lots. XXXX

  33. I always can't wait to see the photos you will post next Jackie. Sometimes they just crack me up. and I loved the 'I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color'quote.
    Now...don't be shocked, but I only own about ten articles of black clothing. I wear white shirts and jeans about every day.
    Do you still want to be my friend? :) !
    sending love...

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