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Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Remember, remember the fifth of November
the gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
why the gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot.As the 5th of November approaches, here in the U.K., children stand on corners with stuffed figures of a man, holding collecting boxes and ask, 'A penny for the Guy ?'
The GUY in question is an effigy of the arch-traitor, Guy Fawkes. When the evening of November 5th arrives,.........

.......... the guy effigy is burnt on a bonfire ..........

Guy Fawkes Day commemorates the foiling of a plot by Guy Fawkes and other Catholic extremists, to blow up King James 1st and his Parliament, in 1605. Guy Fawkes belonged to a group of Roman Catholic restorationists, who planned the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

Their aim was to displace the Protestant rule, while King James 1st and the entire Protestant and even most of the Catholic aristocracy were inside........ but the authorities foiled the plan and captured Guy Fawkes while he guarded the gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was executed on the 31st of January 1606 and was hanged, drawn and quartered. To this day, Yeoman Warders search the Houses of Parliament, at the opening of Parliament, for explosives. The Gunpowder Plot was never to be forgotten, and in late January 1606, Parliament passed a statute entitled 'An Act for a Public Thanksgiving to Almighty God, every year, on the 5th of November', which has lasted to this day.

The money that the children collect, goes to charity and to buy fireworks. Whilst standing around the bonfire, there is hot soup ..........

.......... potatoes baked in the bonfire...........

.......... coleslaw..........

.......... toffee apples..........

.......... sparklers ..........

.......... and fantastic firework displays..........

.......... in every city, town ...........

.......... and village ..........

.......... and this celebration of thanksgiving is all because of Guy Fawkes and his conspirators plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November, 1605.



  1. a great glimpse of all the intrigues of British history-old and new. la

  2. Count me in. Though without a bonfire here, I still shall remember! Happy Guy Fawkes!

  3. Hello Jacqueline,

    This is a period of British history I was not familiar with. My Grandfather was born in Croyden (UK) in the 19th century. I imagine he enjoyed some of these celebratory activies.



  4. I'm willing to celebrate anything if they are serving yummy food like that!

  5. Oh so fun and festive!! Coleslaw and soup??? Interesting combo, but it all sounds yummy and fun!
    Thanks for sharing the history.
    xxx kim

  6. Hi Jackie,
    I found this fascinating! I don't know anything about British history, but love to learn all I can about your beautiful country, since all of my great-greats came from England.
    This was one bad man!

  7. We used to have Guy Fawkes night in Australia back in my childhood. It was so much fun building a bonfire and all the friends coming over with Sparklers and Catherine Wheels and Rockets. Can't remember when they stopped, '70's I think. Such a shame. Hope you ahve fun celebrating.

  8. it looks like more fun than out 4th of july!!

  9. Wow, that was very interesting, Jackie...! I didn't know this bit of your history - thank you for sharing...! Have a great day/evening!

  10. Very interesting. My aunt and I have been extensively studying our family history...which includes dozens of generations of British great grandparents from the 17th century and back...I just double checked the tree and am happy to inform you that I did not find a single Fawkes. I do, however, believe that I have ancestors from Hertfordshire.

    : )

    Julie M.

  11. Wow...I just learned something tonight I never knew. Very very interesting...especially how you remember with fireworks, bonfires and yummy food. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your Nov. 5th

  12. Love history, and especially love when it is celebrated with such pomp and circumstance!

    Cheers to NOV. 5th!

  13. How interesting. And the fare you celebrate with looks SO yummy!

  14. Oh yes...we never was also part of our school syllabus in South Africa, being a British Colony earlier....

  15. As Jennifer said, Guy Fawkes Day used to be celebrated in Australia but was sadly banned because too many people, mostly kids, managed to blow bits of themselves off setting the fireworks! It's such a shame because I do love a good bonfire! Leigh

  16. It's a lovely honest celebration, and best of all, I don't think Hallmark sell cards for it. Enjoy your fireworks and baked potatoes, Jacqueline. Sneak a few marshmallows on the fire too.

  17. WEll Jacqueline, my Aussie comrades have said it for me!!

    We used to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day in June, the same long weekend that we celebrate the Queen's Birthday. And for all the reasons said above, us unruly Aussie riff-raff are no longer allowed to have our beloved 'Cracker Night'! [the informal name].

    Boy I loved cracker night! My parents didn't. My brother thought it was a good idea to build a bonfire.. in the living room!! haha The same brother also burst his eardrum with a Thunder firecracker. So I guess the banning does make sense [haha at least in my family!!!]

    Well Jacqueline great informative post and love the history. All the images are fab... really love the 1st one!

    xx Julie

  18. Hi Jackie!
    Thanks for the history lesson and those great photos! I am sooo making baked potatoes tonight!It looks like a fabulous celebration and makes me wonder if my great grandfather Sidney celebrated in this way when he was a boy before coming to the U.S.
    Guy Fawkes...didn't know!
    Take care, Laura

  19. Dear Jacqueline,

    I was familiar with the rhyme (even in Germany) but didnt know the history behind it. Thank you so much for this interesting lesson :-)
    Happy fifth November !

  20. What a delightful blog you have here - love, love love it !
    Fascinating and beautifully expressed post - can't wait to pop by again when I have free moment ^_^

  21. Oh Jacqueline,
    Your posts are always so interesting. Captivating images and amazing words, thanks for sharing!

  22. Oh my - I was just about to send you an email & wish you a Happy Guy Fawkes evening. Ha! I love his post. You've included so many fabulous photos & history. Incredible job Jackie dear. I must still send you an email & catch up. I miss keeping in touch. Be good this evening my friend xx

  23. "First, you must discover whose face lies behind this mask, but you must never know my face." --V

  24. I've always envied you folks this holiday! It looks like so much fun. I hope some year I'm in England on November 5th! Hope your celebration is a blast, Jackie (sorry for the bad pun)! xoxo

  25. Very interesting story I realy din´t know untill now.
    Thank you!
    many hugs
    Magdalena/Color Sepia

  26. I remember you telling me about Guy Fawkes. I love hearing more of the background to the holiday but yuck being quartered sounds gastly but I guess that was the custom. Wanted to teach everyone a lesson I suppose. Those religious nuts...oopps did I say that???
    Hey at least you got a great FETE out of the whole thing....looks like a fun time!

  27. I have heard about Guy Fawkes, but never really knew the story - thanks so much, very interesting. XO

  28. My boyfriend is British and although he's never really seriously celebrated Halloween has always (as a child at least) gone all out for Guy Fawkes Day. I'm a tad all seems so glamorous to celebrate the near execution of treason!

  29. What a lovely celebration. Would love to be there. And honestly, I didn´t know the story, so thank you for sharing.

    Your images are wonderful, as always.

    Glad you liked my previous post, the shop. It´s just wonderful, and if I could, I would live there...with you...=)

    Have a lovely evening.

  30. I never EVER heard that! see? do you see why blogs are so great?

    there is no way I'd read that story anywhere but here my UK knowledgable friend......

    that simply reafirms that you cannot do an evil to achieve a good....

  31. I learn something new every day! Thank you so much for enlightening me on this English tradition.

  32. Great post! Happy Nov 5th! Toffee apples, yummy! Have a sweet day!

  33. Isn't it amazing that it is still celebrated to this day. Great post darling Jac's.
    xoxo DJ

  34. I can remember celebrating Guy Fawkes day when I was little & living in New Zealand...I had forgotten all about it...I can remember all the fireworks, being aloud sparklers & the big bonfires...cannot remember the toffee apples what a shame!

  35. Dear June,
    thank you so much for sharing a part of British history....its very interesting for me.......and i love the fireworks!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Hugs Jade

  36. thank you for this brief history lesson for those of us who do not live in your country! beautiful, beautiful photos!

  37. Another great tradition taken from us by the Political Correct Police! I loved Cracker Night & yes Julie was correct, the Emergency Depts. of most Hospitals did a roaring trade those nights. MOTH still gleefully recalls the days when fireworks where readily available. He spent countless hours as a youngster prising the ends from the big Bangers, tipping out the gunpowder & 'recyling' it into much more 'elaborate' & illegal cracker creations. And then proceeding to terrorise the suburb of Blackburn in Melbourne! As he's still alive & kicking @ 61, that's testament enough that the PC Police have deprived 2 generations of male Aussie kids this essential right of passage!
    Millie ^_^

  38. I'm much more intelligent now because Idid'nt know anything about this in Uk.
    Have a nice week end

  39. I nominated you for an award today!!

  40. This is so interesting, I wasn't aware of this. The food looks divine.

  41. Hi Jaquie - this may be a controversial viewpoint but I always thought Guy Fawkes was hard done by. Not because he didn't plan what he planned, but because there were many co-conspirotors including members of government and nobility who got away with it without being punished. Amazing story. xoxo
