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Tuesday, 24 November 2009


The other day, just hanging around on my sofa, I was wondering what would make the perfect bedroom ?
There is so much choice out there nowadays, it's enough to give a girl a right royal headache..........

.......... what sort of room would be good enough to take your beloved bunny to have a wonderful nights sleep and dream the night away ?

.......... is comfort top of the list or is the decoration more important ? .......... a good mattress or 10 ?..... or is an en- suite top of your list ? Here are a few that I like .........

Some cool blue ticking sheets and
pillows and a lovely shabby chic mirror ......... make sure that the mirror is put up properly. Could give you quite a fright if it falls on you in the middle of the night !!

I do love an iron bed and the end of the bed is a great a great place to hang your lingerie .....

I love this unusual headboard and you must supply a comfy place for your family pets !! .....

..... how about this for a children's bedroom. Couldn't they have fun, up there in the eaves of the house ?

How gorgeous is this bedroom ? A little bit girly without too many frills.

I really like these sparsely decorated rooms with a couple of over-stated pieces of furniture........

.......... but then again, I love all of these quilts and cushions, pillows and curtains......oh, the choices we have makes choosing so difficult.

I like this look as well. Distressed, just the way I like it, but made sharp by the addition of the black and white throw.

Well, put me in here with a supply of food and drink and I could stay there for days, reading all of those magazines.

If storage is at a premium, hang your undies on the wall !!

I think that clutter can look pretty good. don't you ?

.......... and don't think that the garage is the only place to store your bike..... stick it in the bedroom !!!!

Well, I'm off to dream of the perfect bedroom and float off to sleep on the river of dreams.
What would be your perfect bedroom ? I'm in a quandary.


  1. I need to go to bed.... Feeling so tired! Wish my bedroom was looking as glamourous as some of these beautiful rooms. xx

  2. Yes, I see your dilemma...beautiful rooms. Ax

  3. Yes am off to bed now. All those are lovely esp the little white log cabin one, but they may not have my pre-requisites - not much furniture, very clean lines and MOST importantly, complete and utter darkness so I don't wake at the crack of dawn. How can people sleep in those completely light bedrooms? The other problem I have is a husband who is completely disinterested in in fact would actively object to a bedroom which was too girly. Maybe we need two? Now there's a thought....... xoxo

  4. If there is only one furniture I'd be allowed to keep, it would be my king size bed, one slightly firm mattress, lots of creamy linen, large fluffy pillows, and a window to let the cool sea breeze flow over me as I sleep. I don't need to wish for it, I've got it and thankful for it. Utter comfort. The photos above are enticing. Photo 6 takes the cake for me.

  5. These bedrooms are charming Jackie. I love a big bed ~ a downy comforter or duvet ~ lots and lots of pillows ~ 100% Egyptian cotton sheets ~ a lamp for reading ~ and a big stack of books or magazines to read....oh and a cocktail of some sort!

  6. I agree...too many choices! Vintage undies on the wall? How creative! I think I'd like to float on the last bed without a care in the world.
    xoxo ~ Franny

  7. I am with you on the iron bed. Has to have a good mattress and feather pillows and duvet.
    I am not bothered about en-suites but nice soothing colours, candles and??????oh yes all cotton or linen bedding.
    Love all the rooms that you have shown us anyway.

  8. Oh Jackie - you´r the best...........what a wonderful post!!!!! I LOVE YOUR STORY and all the lovely pictures!!!!! Thank you so much - you make me smile and my day so much brighter!!!!!!!

    Have a very nice day (and night;)), Hugs Jade

  9. What a lovely selection and a great commentary. I'm particularly taken with the painted kitchen stool as bedside table. Most bedside tables are either too squat and oaky or too faux French, whereas that's a perfect perch for a few books and some overpriced face cream.

    Now, you mentioned photos of a few rooms you were painting? I read on Jane's blog about your EIGHT fireplaces and would love to see your own house...

  10. Dear Jackie,
    sooooo wonderful pics! I like to go to bed
    on Monday in number 9, Tuesday in number 12, Wednesday in number 13.....
    Many warm Hugs

  11. Adore that rustic sort of bed with the kitty! I love all-white bedrooms too, though I've never had one myself. I can't imagine ever wanting to leave a peaceful, white bedroom.

  12. Great bedroom pics, My perfect bedroom has to have a big comfy bed with lots of pretties everywhere! All in soft peaceful colours, Have a sweet day!

  13. Hi Jaqueline,

    I had to laugh about the pictures you found. They are not only gorgeous, but some are funny as well. I could have chosen the rooms myself. We have the same taste! Just love them all, but my favourites are the one with the grey walls and all the books and the one with the white iron bedstead and the undies on the wall. Thanks for your comment about Bath, makes me look forward to our holiday even more!

    Have a lovely evening!

    groetjes van Madelief

  14. All of the above please! :) What I love in a bedroom is pillows galore, cozy comforters, an iron bed with a few end tables with reading lamps,a stack of books & magazines, candles, a cocktail and coffee station (just kidding on that one, but it might be nice..) Gorgeous pictures, Jackie! Have a great day/evening! xxoo

  15. Jacqueline,
    I adore every bedroom here! My favorite by far is the canopy in the lily pond... I would live to be a little bug in your nest~

  16. Ahh.. the last one is just adorable..

  17. Hi Jackie, Do you know what a delight you are?! I wasn't in as big a quandary as I am now after viewing these gorgeous rooms. Dnag , there's some beautiful rooms mine looks pitiful. lol
    Can I borrow those shoes you had on in the first picture?

  18. Hi Jackie - how do you do it?? Always gorgeous, always entertaining...a down pillow is absolutely top of my list and if I had it with me, I'd be happy to lay my head in any of these beautiful rooms...sleep well, Susie x

  19. Lovely as always! You know, I was just looking at vintage blue ticking mattresses the other day and I just wanted to build a huge window seat for them and pile it up with pillows. No space in this house though....

    Smiles~ Michelle

  20. Hi...
    Thanks for youré comments.
    Lovely, lovely, lovely. I wish it´s was my bed and my bedroom.
    Hugs from the north of Sweden.

  21. Aperfect bedroom...hmmm. I think that is quite individual, depends who you ask...

    A perfect bedroom for me , should have a comfortable and beautiful bed. Lots and lots of harmony and pillows... How nice! Actually, I´m going there in a minute...

    Jackie, I hope the sun will shine on you , tomorrow.

    Have a good night , in one of your perfect bedrooms.


  22. Lovely! I'd take any of these bedrooms. Hope you're having a good week, Jackie! xox

  23. LOve them all! No way i would have nightmares in one of those!!!!!
    Take care, Jackie.

  24. Bonjour Jacqueline! Such charming bedrooms - the last one is a good choice right now - just float away and leave your cares behind! I love a bed piled high with cushy comforters and pillows in luxurious fabrics - to me that is the perfect place to dream! Your posts always make me smile!

  25. Good evening my friend ~ I'm feeling sleepy all over but in a good way. I have always loved an iron bed, but my Costco undies would not look so fab draped at it's end such as those lovely pieces of lingerie. If I were to pick a favorite bedroom it would be one that is in a boat house overlooking the sea; but hey, that river rafting bed looks might fine too. I wish you a restful nights sleep & I loved this hugs to you

  26. I love the bed floating in the water! I have a Lady of Shallot bedroom and I am still in the process of decorating it but I love it! I have enjoyed reading your blog tonight and looking at some of your favorite blogs, too! thanks!

  27. Snap! That first image, is exactly how I looked this morning, as I was contemplating my shopping list...not. I think I need to inject a little of this whimsical, princess & and the pea-ness into my daily life. Out with the tonka trucks, racing cars and children's story books that I'm always finding under the covers! Time to reclaim the boudoir! Meredith xo.

  28. I think a whimsical, canopied bed makes one's bedroom all that more cozy + romantic.

    I must say, I positively adore this fabulous {new-to-me} blog!


  29. Oh my dear...your bedrooms are all so amazing....every single one of them. I adore your posts they make me so happy...I am off to bed with visions of sweetness in my head! xoxoxo

  30. Well hey, you are looking kinda fetching in the first one.

    Mmmm I think a mix of calm and luxury will do me for a bedroom.

    I really loved the little loft one, I would have loved that as a kid.

  31. I adore every single bedroom and the last picture is just a dream... Love your post I could sleep in every single room. I wish you a great day

  32. There is something almost naughty about hanging one's intimates on the wall. To me it says that person is open to you, is not shy, is ready for anything.
    Yes, bedrooms are extensions of our daily souls.

    I love to burrow and once had the perfect nook where my king size bed fit perfectly into. At night, I felt secrete away from the demanding world!

    Glad I stumbled upon this blog!

  33. Sleeping never looked so good! I think I'll play Goldilocks on this one and enjoy just a little snooze in each of these gorgeous rooms! Sweet dreams. Leigh

  34. I love that shot with the bunny. My little dude has one just like that!

  35. I'd love to sleep in a bedroom like these!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  36. Ummmm, sublime. I'm mad about "The Princess and the Pea". I think I could live with almost all of your choices. Love the idea of tucking into a fluffy, pristine bed, cup of or glass of whatever on the side with piles of magazines. It's one of the pleasures on my "what is luxury" list.

    It's no surprise your beautiful, beautiful blog is brimming with awards. You bring not only exquisite taste and point-of-view to us, but also joy.


  37. Wow..I love each and every one of these images!!!!

  38. Loving the iron beds, esp in the white loft room, gorgeous!

  39. What lovely pictures! Ohhh, i wish i were Sleeping Beauty =) Thank you dear... because you voted for me♥


  40. Love all these pictures, so inspiring . I love iron beds and I use them a lot in my decoration of my show room

  41. I do love that white bedroom with the ivy topiary, the stack of magazines and the slanted wooden ceiling. I can imagine snuggling down in there with snow softly falling outside the window.

    Actually, I think I have the perfect bedroom for me. Wouldn't change a thing. Except maybe more hours to sleep!!

  42. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes!
    Sorry I haven't been by til now! but so glad I didn;t miss this post but it's got me wanting to go back to my nice cozy bed. Is there anything more self indulgent then over sleeping? My favorite thing to do....maybe why I love Winter so much?:))
    You know your making me a little crazy with all these beautiful images....I want them all. I've always like the house in the 5th pic. It's a women in Texas I think called Jennifer ? something. She has great style ....just like you!
    Oops got caught on the computer....gotta run!!!!

  43. pffff every room has something I like! comfort is a good thing.. I think I should go to my bed now ... read some magazines and clear my head... on the other hand Jonathan Ross is on TV and with his strange pronouncement he is fun too.. haha I stay up a bit more to check out the new Muse song... have a great weekend!

  44. this post was grrrrrrrrrrrreat ! love all especially the bedroom with the vintage corsets on the wall...your the best !

  45. I have so many favorites in this post! I definitely love romantic bedrooms, but at the same time I don't like clutter, so several of these pics fit my bill. I love the look of a room under the eaves, but since I'm sleeping in one here at the cottage, I know that in reality, I often hit my head when getting up!!! I think that has more to do with me being a klutz than it does with anything else!

    Thanks for the gorgeous, inspiring photos, Jackie! xoxo Gigi

  46. Hey Jacqueline
    You're just downright taunting this sleep deprived person!! haha
    Well at the moment .. they all look good.. especially if I could camp out for a week with blockout curtains.

    Thanks for always visiting even when I am tied up with work. Got to say.. there was absolutely nothing professional about last week . Quivering wreck was on the agenda xxx Julie

  47. Hi Jackie, thank you for your kind words, you make me happy. I'll go to bed now so I'll take the white bedroom in chabby style would suit me perfectly. Hugs to you / Ingela.

  48. I would kill for some sleep right now and you would not see me for days...


  49. the bedroom that i could see myself in is the one with the bike.
    not that i am a biker,
    but the windows, coffee, emptiness.....
    remind me of my 1st apartment in manhattan.

    .....nice memories

  50. These photos are so yummy!! I want to take a nap now :)

  51. Thank you for these photos!
    Beautiful, beautiful...

  52. Absolutely wonderful! Now I'm homesick for my room...and stuck at the office. :-) Thanks for this blissful escape!
