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Monday 19 August 2024

SEX EDUCATION IN THE 60's ..........

When I started Senior School, the girls in the first year were given a book to take home and read. The other day I was trying to remember what it was called. I thought it was something like ' The Facts of Life ' but thought I'd google it. I couldn't find the one we were given but the following popped up ! 

Scroll past the first picture as it's hard to read. 

It's clearer in the next two photographs.





  1. Replies
    1. They really believed that we should do that !!! XXXX

  2. Replies
    1. I think it was a bit earlier than the 60's but not a lot !!! XXXX

  3. My goodness, I wonder if anyone actually followed the advice?

    1. I am pretty sure that many women did .... I even think there are still a few women who that do, after a fashion ! XXXX

  4. This sounds like it was from the US and does not sound British to me. I remember the Facts of Life pamphlet given to our parents when I was 12. It was not passed to me because my mother believed sex education was the job for parents. I saw a copy at school and it contained diagrams like a biology book. We had some advice about men later at 16 about always knowing where the door was when alone with a man.xx

    1. You could be right Rachel but there was an element of that here. I think the one the school gave us was a thin hardback book { I even remember it being pale blue ! } and we were told to give it to our parents first ! I remember the diagrams ! I'm pretty sure that we were never spoken about it again in our school...... we just got on with it ! XXXX

  5. I am speechless! A man's world. Thank goodness we don't follow that advice.

    1. I know Carol ! .... and, I bet, even today it goes on but not to such a degree { hopefully } !

  6. Now that is some interesting history: Sex education in the 50's-60's! How things have changed! Girls, we've come a long way...

  7. Hysterical! Being a bit younger, we got no book but had a snazzy film to watch instead, featuring cartoonish diagrams of bits and bobs and then footage of the animal world with an earnest voiceover. I think we probably had parental permission to see it because some time later, my mother asked, all faux nonchalence, if I knew about "periods and all that stuff" and horrified, I said yes, and she said "oh, good" and the subject was dropped to mutual relief, hahah.

    That was pre-puberty and during the film the boys rolled around laughing while the girls made ewww noises. Then as a teen we had Health classes and it was really more like biology classes and there was no "advice" about the how-to-do-it to be seen! xx

    1. I guess ours was hush hush ..... I think we all read our book on our own in our rooms ! ! Not a word was spoken about anything at school and I think my mum and I had a very similar exchange !! I think nowadays, parents go into the finer details when their children are about 3 🤣 !!! I don't think that's right either ! XXXX
