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Tuesday, 12 January 2016


I know that it's old now but I love Chandelier by Sia ..... I like the dancer too ..... Maddie Ziegler ..... she is in nearly all of Sia's videos. This particular video has had over one billion, seventy six million hits !!! ..... and, it never got to number one !!  I am sure that many of you won't like it but we all like different music don't we ?

Anyway, have a listen whilst having a look at some chandeliers that I have photographed, with one of me with a chandelier in Amsterdam ...... I look as if someone has shoved a broomstick up my backside !!!!!!! 

 Chandelier on our landing .....

Chandelier in my favourite Crouch End shop ' Of Special Interest ' .....

Here's one that I saw in a restaurant in Rome .....

Fisherman's Hall, London .....

Amalfi, Italy .....

Found this chandelier in a tiny church high up in the Cinque Terre.

Chandelier in a house in Amsterdam .....

Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome ....... sparkling chandeliers as far as the eye can see ..... a beautiful sight. They hang from every arch, ceiling and every corner.

Me with a chandelier in an interiors shop in Amsterdam { I told you it looks like someone has stuck a broom up my backside !!!! haha ..... obviously, it's a designer broom !! }

All that's left to do is swing from one !!!! 

Have a sparkling week everyone.

video via YouTube, images 1 - 9: via ME, image 9: via La Bonne Vie



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh dear me, I deleted my comment to fix a typo but did not copy it!

    Well, as I was saying.... LOVELY chandeliers! All of them. I particularly love the charming little one in the restaurant in Rome and your one on the landing. How magnificent! Now, I don't think we will get one here in our lil' townhome -- it wouldn't work at all, sorry to say. Mind you, we can certainly enjoy these from afar though, right?

    Funny you mention Sia. Another slick production above. Only recently did I discover her, having heard that song she sang, Titanium, which I love. What powerful vocals! I found her as the X-factor winner in Australia in 2014 sang this song and I was so enthralled with the choreography and production of it all, let alone the girl's vocals, that I had to go and find the original version.

    BTw, swinging from a chandelier sounds like a lot of fun...if I could only get over my fear of heights! I'm all for watching Alex do that though. :) And while you may look rather alarmed, if you will, it's a good photo nevertheless. Thank you for posting. Fun post.

    Yes, this girl is like a younger version of Sia herself. I find that very compelling as are the lyrics on the video/song you posted here. Thank you.

    1. I discovered Sia on Andy Murray's { the tennis player } Twitter !!!!! He couldn't believe it hadn't got to No, 1 so I listened to it and loved it.I like most of Sia's songs but I'm not keen on the way she hides her face with wigs but very good publicity and it has certainly got her noticed. I do like unusual music I guess !!!
      We live in a late Victorian house so the chandelier sort of looks right. We used to live in a cottage built in the early 1600's so chandeliers wouldn't have looked right there !!
      .... and, my days from swinging from a chandelier are over ..... I'm far too old now !!!!! XXXX

    2. Well, but how fun that would be IF you did still do that! Talk about novel! :D

      Speaking of that, I hope you don;t mind that I just linked to your blog, referencing the (now defunct?) about me page conversation. That was a good post though. Inspired me to add to the conversation.

      Have a lovely day today, Mr. and Mrs. Home!

  3. I just love chandeliers. These photos are beautiful. It looks like you're wearing a little chandelier around your neck .

    1. Hi Connie ...... you can't beat a bit of sparkle can you ?!! XXXX

  4. I LOVE this piece. And, I love your pics of the chandeliers you liked.
    sending love....

  5. Hello Jacqueline
    A dazzling brilliant post and fitting with your subject matter.
    Thanks for the introduction to Sia and her dancer Maddie Ziegler. Such talent.
    The chandeliers are spectacular and I will add the Santa Maria church in Rome to my list for future visits.
    Helen xx

    1. Oh Helen .... the Santa Maia church was AMAZING ..... thousands of sparkling chandeliers .... I've never seen so many in one place !!!! XXXX

  6. And no mention of 'Only Fools n Horses'. I liked the dancing very much, but found the song a bit run of the mill.

    Back in the mid-60's I knew a wonderful man in Soho who sold chandeliers; his shop was packed with them. He also bought paintings by unknown painters. I wish I could remember his name.

  7. Haha Cro ...... I forgot about Delboy !!! One of my favourites .... ' Brace yourself Rodney ' !!!!!!
    I think that, having a son in the music industry, I try to listen to newer music and find some that I like and I rather like Sia.
    We drove through Kensington around Christmas and, not being the driver, I noticed quite a few antique shops around the back streets filled with chandeliers ...... it reminded me of the '60's/70's. XXXX

  8. The song is great (and I didn't know it - a bit like Lana Del Ray, the dark voice, but more vivid). And your photo is great too! I love chandliers (now I learned to pronounce it right) - we have two: an old one, and a new one, (hard to polish the crystal chandelier, though, very high, many single parts).

    1. Ha ! Britta ...... if you look closely at the photograph of my chandelier, you can see the dust !!!!! ..... it's covered in it !! It's not an easy job, cleaning chandeliers is it ? XXXX

  9. Hello Jackie! Chandeliers make me smile - and I have to admit I want a small chandelier in the bathroom :) Would make bubble baths even better.
    Good to see you - and I don't think it looks like you have anything up your backside! xox

    1. Haha ..... but I do have a rather startled look on my face !!!!!
      I think that a small chandelier in the bathroom sounds perfect Carol ....... bathrooms should be indulgent { although, ours isn't !! } XXXX

  10. Great quirky post, cheered up my day! Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane .... glad to have been of service !!!! XXXX

  11. Hi Alexandra ...... what a small world Blogland is !!! It was lovely to hear from Michael and, I knew exactly who it was as soon as I saw the picture of you both. I think that it's more my fault ..... I seem to leave my old blogging friend's till last and then forget to comment. I always think that they won't mind, which isn't fair. I have been reading your blog ...... I loved reading about your travels to the UK. ... and, I was over-the-moon to see what a wonderful life and marriage you've made. I'm SO happy for you both. I shall make sure that I comment more often.... and, it looks like Michael drinks as much tea as you do .... so compatible !!!! XXXX

  12. You where in Amsterdams!!!!.....o my That is 30 minuten from where i live.........the next time we drink a glas of wine or a cup cappuccino together......;-))) your chandelier from me Ria ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I was in Amsterdam Ria about a year ago now !! I loved it. I'll let you know next time I go !! .... love from me !! XXXX

  13. When we bought our home in Argentina, we went to the area in town where the streets are lined with antique stores. We bought chandeliers for every single room.
    The building was a 100 year old French style building and could accommodate massive chandeliers. We only bought smaller less gaudy ones but it was so lovely.. having chandeliers in every room .. I miss those rooms. I brought back a couple of chandeliers but the house we bought in the US doesn't have ceilings high enough.
    So I will take my chandeliers with me and move to a high ceilinged home lol

    1. WOW Candice ...... your home in Argentina must have been beautiful ..... you can re-create the chandelier look when you move. XXXX

  14. Those were all beautiful. I even like modern ones. I think the only Sia song I've heard is Breathe Me.

    1. I like the modern ones too Donna. I really like Sia's music ..... and, she's very good live too. XXXX

  15. Gorgeous chandeliers . . . what a treat to see them . . .
    And I loved seeing you . . . not a stick in sight silly girl . . .

    1. Haha ...... I just think that I look rather shocked Lynne !!!! XXXX

  16. Well, this SPOKE To me!I seem to collect CHANDELIERS.............I have THREE in the living room and MY HOUSE is SMALL!One big one in the KITCHEN. and one little one off to the side one in the BAR AREA on the landing and......ONE FABULOUS ONE Over the KITCHEN TABLE...............and a few in the bathrooms............NONE In my bedroom only sconces.....................NEED TO FIX THAT SOON!!!How many is that?I need to count!
    Pop over to me I had my AURA READ!I think you will appreciate!

    1. Hi Elizabeth ..... WOW .... you do like chandeliers !!!! You must have magpie tendencies !!!!! I'm coming over now !! XXXX

  17. ...and that's ok. I love that song and video too though I relate more to her elastic heart song these days. You know that Maddie is her daughter? I know I was surprised too.
    Hope all is well,

    1. CAROLE !!!!!! I can't believe it's you !!!! How brilliant to hear from you .... I keep meaning to email you .... I'll get right onto it !! I've missed you in blogland ..... it's not been the same without you. Does this mean that you're back ? Hope so.
      Well, no, I didn't know she was her daughter .... no wonder she's in all of her videos !!!
      Sending lot's of love to you from over here in the UK. It's so good to hear from you. XXXX

  18. Very interesting and informative post. Lovely photos of chandeliers. I saw some lovely chandeliers in Se Cathedral in Goa, India. This church was built by the Portuguese.

    I enjoyed the video.

    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Joseph ...... chandeliers are universal !! .... and always beautiful. XXXX

  19. Your blog is beautiful, funny with a lot of wonderful pics.
    Happy that i found you.
    Nice greetings from austria your new follower

    1. Thaks Kuni ...... I'm not sure that you've followed me as I can't see you in my followers !! XXXX

  20. Lovely, lovely post.Thanks for sharing Jackie. :-)

    1. Thanks Deb ...... I love a sparkly chandelier !! XXXX

  21. I love chandeliers but I'm always a little nervous around them. They look so heavy and I wonder if they're secured properly to the ceiling. Mind you, I've never read of anyone being tragically slaughtered by a falling chandelier.

    1. I think that they are quite safe Nick ....... unless you get someone who is useless at DIY to put it up for you !!!!!!! It would be interesting to know how many people have sustained an injury from a chandelier !!!!!!! XXXX

  22. I love to see that child dancing with gay abandon. And I love your chandeliers too - they always put me in mind of that Only Fools and Horses episode.

    1. I love her dancing too Elaine ...... it's not contrived at all.... well, probably a bit !! I think that I read that she was told to do whatever dance she wanted.
      .... and yes, I should have mentioned that episode of ' Only Fool's and Horses ' { one of my favourite TV moments } ...... ' Brace yourself Rodney ' !!!! XXXX

  23. Beautiful chandeliers Jackie. I once read a National Trust book about how they put historic houses, including chandeliers 'to bed for the Winter'.
    Sia is amazing, just been taught how to stream music by my hubby lol!! Maddie is amazing, saw her on Ellen Degeneres. Happy weekend xxx

    1. Yes .... I saw her on Helen Degeneres and they were both on Dancing with the Stars !!
      I like all of Sia's videos.
      Happy Weekend to you too. XXXX

  24. Haha .... the perfect name for you Alexandra ...... you really are the Queen of the teapot !! XXXX

  25. I sometimes go so far as to suggest she is my Queen LaTeaFar, by far. :)

    Here, waiting for another sparkling post but, boo, none as yet.

    1. I can be a very lazy blogger sometimes Michael !!!! .... I'm on the case !! XXXX

    2. Well, you've finally excelled...exceedingly! I did so enjoy you last few posts.

  26. I think those 2 at the end have been into our stash of bubbly! Love the sparkle Jackie xo

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