What do you think of this blogging lark ?
It's a bit of an odd thing, isn't it ?
Famous people often say that it's strange to be recognised ….. they meet people who think that they ' know ' them because of all the information they have read about them …… blogging is a bit like that. We think that we ' know ' bloggers but we don't sometimes, do we ? Sometimes we connect with people and sometimes we don't. There have been bloggers that I thought I got on with and I have given my all with them but, in the end, I have given up as it's like flogging a dead horse !! That is just part of blogging I guess ….. just like real life really. I suppose the bottom line is that we can't always get on with everyone.
….. and then there are those that stop following you …… I've never stopped following anyone. Perhaps I'm not playing the blogging game properly ?!!!
….. and, do we really know some bloggers ? Do all bloggers show their real persona ? It's not quite the same as meeting them in real life, is it ? Sometimes there is a miscommunication or misunderstanding ….. maybe you didn't even know it ?
It's funny how we decide whether we like a blogger or not, isn't it ? Mostly there is some connection or you just like the way they write or they make you laugh. Maybe you like them but they don't feel that you are their type.
I think that it's important to make some sort of connection or blogging relationship with other bloggers, don't you ? …… and for it to be genuine too.
Blogging is about sharing. It should be a give and take relationship and not one sided.
Mostly it's a case of birds of a feather flock together but not always. It's good to be friends with all ages too.
I've been blogging for 6 years now and it has changed over the years. Many of the friends that I made have disappeared from the blogging world and have either given up altogether of prefer to connect through Facebook.
I have met a few bloggers and it was lovely to get together and, we got on well. We were all different ages too …. me being the oldest unfortunately !
We do invest in these friendships and I do believe that they are real, although a little different to our real life friendships.
….. are we friends ? ….. would you invite me round for dinner ?
I shall continue to blog and write about silly things as I really do enjoy the friendships made. It is a little disappointing to lose some of the friends made along the way but that's just the way it is.
Do I know you ? ….. do you know me ? Whatever the case, we can continue getting to know each other.
images via todaymade, shareaholic, kludgymom, boldomatic, the best friends club, google and me

Hit the nail square on the head. I have gone through the exact same thing only for awhile longer. Many of the friends I made blogging have now turned primarily to FB and Instagram and mostly to push their wares. While I support their cottage industries, I don't wish to view products all the time so we have fallen by the wayside. I have made a couple blog to email friends that turned into phone call friends and quite often only to have them leave blogging and me after all anyway. One blogging friend and I have been phoning non stop for 6 years and I listened daily for hours the past 2 years while she went thru a horrible time but now that she is almost past it and is dating after 25 years I fear I have been given a nice heave ho so to speak. It hurts. sigh...I have lost 3 "up close" friends over the past 10 years and that still stings a bit but I remind myself that I have also gotten closer to 3 others in the past five. I suppose it is a stream of fast then slow water trickles..we need to adjust to it I guess, but I find it sad. I am still close to my bestie from HS and nothing but death will ever part us..
ReplyDeleteI hang on for dear life until I am forced to let go..so count on me - I am always here and yes I would have you for dinner in fact I'll turn down the guest bed whenever you come my way <3
I think that blogging friendships are much like real life Z …….. over my 64 years, I have met many people most of whom are nice but I would say that only a very few woud be called friends…. and, most people I know would say the same. I do miss some of the old bloggers that I met at the beginning { Carole being one } butpeole move on and probably don't have the time sometimes.
DeleteThanks for saying that you'd have me to dinner and even better that I could stay the night ….. it will mean that I can drink lots of wine !!!!! XXXX
I'd definitely have you round for dinner Jackie, anytime!!! When we met, you were exactly as I had imagined you to be = brilliant, funny, normal, interesting, very cool.....I could go on!!!!
ReplyDeleteBlogging friendships are interesting, I've met a few people face to face, I'm always a bit cautious/nervous about it but it's never not worked out....well, only once. I've communicated/chatted with many people via FB/Instagram etc & again, that's always been a positive thing.
Blogging comes & goes & changes, as do my feelings towards it. But I think you get out what you put in. I think people's lives change too though, sometimes there's just no time to blog, sometimes it comes naturally & sometimes it doesn't. I've never felt disappointed by anyone - and I can't imagine anyone would ever be disappointed by YOU!!!
Keep on blogging - where did that 6 years go??!! Xxxx
Well, I know for sure that I'd have you to dinner Simone !!!!
DeleteAs I said above, blogging friendships are similar to real life ones ……. there are some people that you get on with and some you don't and that's fine. …. I just find it all interesting really.
…..and yes …. where on earth did those 6 years go ?!!! XXXX
When I was running my previous blog, I had two cycling, English, tourists turn-up when I was working at Haddock's. They asked me if I was Cro Magnon, to which I replied 'yes', then continued by saying they'd have known Haddock's anywhere. They were a very pleasant couple, I've no idea who they were, but it was all slightly disturbing. To think that people can locate you precisely just by reading your blog is a little odd.
ReplyDeleteI love your page Jacqueline. Always very feminine, always interesting, and always informative. What could be better.
Oh, I didn't know that you had a blog before this one Cro….. it is a bit weird that people know where you are isn't it ?
DeleteThanks for saying such lovely things too …… now I need you to just say that you would have me over for dinner and all will be right with the world !!!!!
Yes, yes, yes. I agree with all that you say. I like that you can bond with some people and feel that they are friends. It is a strange world to be involved in - some people just draw you in with what they write about and you know instantly that you would be friends if you met them - with others you just know it wouldn't be reciprocal.
ReplyDeleteA lot of blogs I follow have disappeared, a lot don't respond to comments or even come over to your blog which I think is kind of rude, as though they don't think your blog is worth the bother. I tend to get a bit peevish about this - I will comment three times or so and if they don't respond then I tick them off the list. After all it should be a two-way thing otherwise it's like commenting into thin air.
I like to read all sorts of blogs but have to feel some sort of connection otherwise it just doesn't hold my interest. I have my favourites who I miss when they take blogging breaks or if they stop blogging altogether I feel as though I have lost a friend. When you get older the opportunities to make new friends gets harder in real life so I cherish my blogging friends.
Obviously we only know as much about a person as they are willing to tell us about but you can form an opinion about someone from what they write and whether they are your sort of person.
Keep up the good work Jacqueline - I think you may have opened a can of worms with this post. Sorry about rabbiting on a bit but I have often thought about this as a subject and it has given me a chance to air my views. Take care and keep on blogging on.
I am rather sad that many of my 'blogging friend's ' have disappeared but, it's the same in real life and, we can always make new friend's can't we ?
DeleteAlso, I think you are right about commenting three times and then, if it's not reciprocated, to move on. Obviously I'm not paronoid that it has to be exactly equal ….. people go on holiday or don't have time sometimes but I do like a comment now and again but, if not, then it's time to say bye bye !!
…. and, I LOVE that you have rabbited on Elaine !!
Cyber space can be a strange world, full of wonder and discovery, joy and sometimes sorrow too. I think some people carefully craft their online presence to present themselves better than they really are, or to promote their work. Normal courtesy can go out the window about sharing images or crediting posts. I had one famous lady lift a whole post and use it on her own blog without contacting me - or naming me in her post, but at least she did include links to me. I've read your blog for years and admired your lovely images and words. I have not often commented. Online friendships can be as fulfilling as real life, but true, there are times when you feel a connection and the other person does not. I guess we have to learn that, as in real life, things come and go. Life is too short to worry about it - and there are so many books to read, blogs to catch up on and beautiful visions to amuse us. Thank you for all that you share, I really enjoy reading your posts. And I rarely unfollow people either, you are not alone!
ReplyDeleteHi LeeAnn and many thanks for reading my blog over the years and for commenting today.
DeleteI really do enjoy my blogging friend's and feel that they are like the old fashioned pen friend. It is so lovely to connect with people from around the world and to share our different lives. I'm not a needy person so don't need to have the most followers or the most comments ….. it was really just an observation. XXXX
….. and, as for unfollowing people, well, life's way too short for that !!!! XXXX
I so agree with what everyone has said. For my own blog, I too try to keep it positive with what interests me, but I too wonder what is really going on behind the scenes of the bloggers. I wrote about that very thing not too long ago. Being alone on the farm, it gives me an outlet to communicate; sort of like having pen pals, but so much more nowadays. Love that I can read what is going on around the world. I do think it is sad when long time blogs just disappear and after following some for quite a time, I find others I more as my interests change. I do think you make friendships on blogs and consider quite a few as friends.
ReplyDeleteI think it's a wonderful way to communicate with so many people from all over the world. I think that it's just now and again that you just feel a little let down but that is also true of real life friendships and life in general. I have often said that it's like how we had penfriend's years ago. My sister had a penfriend when she was 12 who lived in Atlanta and, nearly 60 years later, she still writes to her and meets her a couple of times a year.
DeleteThanks for being so supportive of my blog Donna and I hope that we remain blogging friends for many years. XXXX
I thought that I was probably the oldest blogger on the block at least in the UK. From what you have written about your teenage era maybe we are of a similar decade which produced very good vintage wine!!!
ReplyDeleteNo Josephine ……. I'm up there as one of the oldest !!!!!
DeleteBut what a great era we came from !! XXXX
Hello Jacqueline,
ReplyDeleteA wonderful subject and one I have been contemplating lately. I miss some who have stopped blogging and others whom I loved but find too commercial now and lacking the personal side previously shown. I agree, we all like a shout out and hello from those we follow.
I love your blog and I would be absolutely thrilled to meet you. You have a wicked sense of humour which never ceases to amuse. I am so happy you are staying with blogging.
Helen xx
Hi Helen,
DeleteI really miss many of the bloggers that I connected with at the beginning of my blogging journey ….. most have just stopped blogging and many are on Facebook. Facebook just isn't the same as blogging for me.
….. and, I am certainly not keen on the blogs that have so much advertising and posts about products etc.
The feeling is mutual about meeting ….. you never know it might happen !! XXXX
Hello Jacqueline.When I started my blog just over 3 yrs ago I did it for myself, never thinking any one would ever read it, never mind become what I call my blogging friend. When I think about the true friends in my life, they are few and far between, I know lots of people but would never call them a friend.Yes I would help them if they needed it. It's strange when I write a post it has to be about something that pleases me, not just because I haven't posted anything on my blog recently.I must admit I have stopped following some blogs, especially the ones who have now changed their style because they are being paid for advertising companies products. I love it when I see a comment from a new follower, who has found my blog because our interests are similar, and yes I do get a bit miffed when I always leave a comment on a certain blog that I like to think is a friend, & they never comment on my posts but then in reality what is a friend. It's rare to strike up a friendship with someone i don't really know . Now I'm going to contradict myself, by saying you would be on my list of someone i would love to meet, and I know I wouldn't be disappointed. Your humour shines through in everyone of your posts. I think I've written this many times , 'when I see your blog post pop up in my box I know I'm going to enjoy reading it'. Keep on blogging & I can see I'm not alone to write that.
ReplyDeleteEverything that you have said Barbara, is so true. I never expected a single soul to read my blog, friends are precious and are few, I really don't like blogs that are plastered with advertising and isn't it lovely to meet kindred spirits?
DeleteThank you so much for your kind words and continued support and I hope that we continue our blogging friendship for many years. XXXX
my blog has withered on the vine...when I first began, it was pretty much all I was doing...Like a new love affair I spent hours, writing, taking pictures, visiting others, commenting...Now, with two online stores, I spend most of my time on them and the blog feel to the wayside....I still read a few blogs...yours in one of them...I love it ....long may you run....
ReplyDeleteOh Cynthia ….. I am always amazed to get a comment from you. I know how hard you work and it must be difficult to find the time to comment so I really appreciate your support.
DeleteI hope that we continue our friendship for many years. XXXX
You are one of my favorite blogfriend Jackie....for many years...and when you are in Holland please come over for diner....or lunch ..or a good glas of wine...That Will be great.....i have met also many bloggers the most in our shop...it is so Nice to meet them...please feel welcome when you are in Holland once....love from me Ria x
ReplyDeleteRia ….. we have been blogging friends from the beginning and I know that you will nearly always comment on my posts, so suppotive that you are.
Delete… and, I so appreciate your kind words. You are forever a friend. XXXX
Hi Yve and many thanks for taking the time to comment. I think that we make very few ' real ' friends in our lifetime ….. ask most people and they will say that they can count their real friend's on one hand.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really interested in Facebook ….. it seems to me a little like the famous round robin letter …… everything is wonderful and it's all a bit showy offy !!
I don't really worry about any of it …… it was just an observation and a time where a couple of bloggers have sort of let me down. XXXX
You're more than welcome to come to dinner Jackie, although if I'm cooking I can't promise that it won't be burnt, but there will be plenty of wine and lots of giggles! Xx
ReplyDeleteI'll be round next Saturday Deb !!!!!! haha XXXX
DeleteHello Jackie! I'm so glad I found you and if ever you over on this side of the pond, I hope we can meet up!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Elaine - I like a give-and-take/conversation with bloggers. And with other social media - I have had a journal on LiveJournal for over 10 years and so many people left that to go to FB and never came back.And then there were also chat rooms (where I met my husband) which is no longer active. Now there is all sorts of places to communicate it is mind-boggling. It is sad not to be in touch with people with whom I have spent so much time with.
And I'm not all me on my blog - I tend to leave out the depressing stuff - not that I am trying to deceive anyone, but I just don't want to be a downer.
I'm not all me on my blog either Carol ……. I didn't start my blog for that and I'm sure people don't want to hear of my boring day to day life !! But, I read blogs that do and love to read them so what does that say ?!! I guess it says that there is room for everybody !!
DeleteHere's hoping that lots of us are still blogging in years and years to come, XXXX
So true, dear Jackie.........blogging has changed the last years (and I miss a lot of blogfriends of the begining) and I think we don´t really know each other when we never have met..........but we can read so much between the lines - and so I would love to spend the dinner with you (altough maybe you could not understand my poor English and I only drink water :-). To be here is always so much fun - you´r such a wonderful person like no one else..........and that´s why I´m still bloging (and I don´t like FB). Have a great weekend,
ReplyDeletewith love and hugs, Jade
Oh Jade …. you are lovely and, one of the first blogs that I looked at so many years ago.
DeleteDinner with you would be amazing …. your English is wonderful and water is just fine.
{ I don't like FB either !! }
Lots of love to you Jade. XXXX
I consider you both long time blogging friends. Though I have always quite blogging in the past three years due to a relentless blog bully. I know it has made me more cautious because I thought she was my friend. I hope you both can forgive me for not visiting you as often. I do not like FB either. But I do like Instagram. I will keep on with blogging because truly it is what I love most.
DeleteOops. I meant that I have almost quit blogging these past two years.
Deleteit sure is an odd place at times but often very entertaining, being allowed a glimpse at the lives of those I would never have otherwise 'met' ....... espeially between the lines..... plus I have so far met a new friend in NY, got a fabulous hair dresser I wouldn't be without and a job kniting arm warmers for Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights!!
ReplyDeleteIt is odd but, enjoyable ….. sounds as if you've done pretty well out of it !!! I think that I might need that hairdresser ! XXXX
DeleteWell said, J! I have felt the way you have for a very long time. Many things have changed in the blogging world over the years but much has stayed the same. I enjoy the friendships that have developed...I could never have imagined this sort of thing 6 years ago. And to meet bloggers in person, it's been wonderful 99% of the time.
ReplyDeleteI feel sad that I have lost some of my favorite bloggers---some have chosen Facebook or Instagram as a better way to connect. That's all great-I dabble just a bit with those. My real love is to write and share pictures.
Thank you for a lovely visit and such kind words. My life has had it's ups and downs lately but I'm trying to roll with it.
Hugs to you!
Jane x
Seems as if we all feel the same Jane ….. I suppose that it's just a shame that some of our blogging friends that we made at the beginning have given up …… inevitable I guess !
ReplyDeleteHope that you are having lots of lovely up's at the moment Jane. Enjoy your son's wedding/ XXXX
Dear Jackie, wonderful post! I wrote to Rachel that I met two bloggers in "real life" - Tom Stephenson in Bath, and Sue in NY . Both were so very much as I had expected - so there was no disappointment, only joy. Some are timid to come foreward, sometimes bloggers we like leave the net (often private reasons, elderly parents, much work). So I miss dearly Pondside and Saphire (from Japan). With quite a lot of bloggers I email. And I am always surprised how various are the reactions and comments of our followers - all have a style of their own. And in stressed times they are a real jewel to help see the bright side of life.
ReplyDeleteWhat lovely words and thoughts about blogging Britta …. thank you.
DeleteI really like blogging and have met so many lovely people like yourself.I just get a little sad when it doesn't work out but that's like ' real life ' I guess !
Here's hoping that we all continue for many more years to come. XXXX
Oh, I do think that we get to know them. The ones with whom we feel a natural affinity via blogging are usually true to themselves in real life. Good grief, wouldn't it be awful to have a different personality on a blog? I mean, what hard work it would be. There are days I really don't feel like sharing anything so I just stay quiet, and then there are days when I don't want to read anyone's blog, & if I do I don't want to comment. We are like those sponges, we absorb what we can relate to, and to what we admire. There are some, like YOU, who always have something to say, a message of some kind, even if done with whimsy, and I love that. Happy blogging, my dear Jacqueline! Don't change anything !!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Marsha,
DeleteWhat kind words ….. blogging is fun, inspirational and informative and I really enjoy it. I just don't like it when blogging friendships don't work out but, it is inevitable I'm afraid. I think that I'm true to myself on my blog although, I don't share too much …. I'm sure that other bloggers don't want to hear about my boring daily routine !!
Here's to many more years of blogging friendship Marsha and I'm looking forward to getting back to By Invitation in September. Lots of love. XXXX
I enjoyed reading your blog. Make My House is a big source of interior and Home Design.
ReplyDeleteThank you. XXXX
DeleteInteresting post Jackie, its a funny thing blogging, but i think you do get a feel for what someone is like through their writing and pictures. Its that gut instinct.
ReplyDeleteKeep writing, keep being you and posting your beautiful quirky pictures! :-) Xx
You're right …. it is a gut instinct and has to be really, seeing that most of us have never met !! I think that we mostly get it right too. XXXX
DeleteWell I definitely would have you over for dinner - you would be quite the entertaining dinner guest and would get on great with Alex too! Life got pretty crazy for me these past few years and I feel like I've lost my blogging voice - I may not always comment but I love to read what you have to say! You and Simone were the ones that really made me want to travel to London that first time and Alex and I have been hooked ever since. The past 3 months I have spent every spare weekend flying up to see Olivia my gorgeous granddaughter as I want her to know me well. Thank goodness it's only a 45 minute flight! Thanks for the 6 years of your fabulous blogging and keeping us entertained. You're truly the best! Lots of love to you and your family dearest Jackie! xxoo
ReplyDeleteYou are one of my favorite blogfriend Jackie .I enjoyed reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are in Holland please come over.
Keep on blogging ..!! Keep Writing, i love it.
With love
Hetty XX
Thank you for this. It is good and encouraging to hear your heart. I have been blogging for 8 yrs now. I do not know why but I gave followed you for all these years and your posts still do not show up in my blog feed. I have tried to re add you many times. So then I forget to visit until you come by and comment! Thank you for your blogging friendship through all of these years. You gave been a much more faithful friend than me. I have really struggled with continuing my blog because of one blogger who keeps stalking and bullying me. I completely ignored her but she never relents. My husband had to block her from emailing me a year ago. I know that it has changed the way I blog. I am much more cautious now. I have not felt like I have many friends left because of her. But I will keep blogging because it is so dear to my heart. You have encouraged, refreshed and inspired me to keep calm and blog on. Thank you XOxo Oh and yes I would love to share some tea and scones with you!
ReplyDeleteYou're right at the top of my 'favourites' list Jackie!!
ReplyDeleteI've loved your blog for years now, and you always make me smile 'cos I think you might be a teeny-weeny bit off the wall like me. Just a guess. ;))))
Dinner next Saturday? At mine..... bring the Bolly darhlink! x
Jane xx
Guilty on all counts Jacs! The Hedge is on ice 'cos life has thrown me a curve ball & my heart just isn't in it at the moment. But I think of all my old bloggie chums so often & all the laughts we had. I know once I've got through this next year or so, I'll come back to it, albeit in a different way. I do chuck a few pics up on Instagram of the boys & Grace & Henry & my travels for work. A lot of my bloggie mates have found me there & reconnected, which is lovely. Still working full time at nearly 60 in this big, demanding job takes all my energy & then some, but one day that will end & I will finally have the time & energy to resume normal transmission'! Much love Mills xx
ReplyDeleteWell, not sure you will reply as it seems you haven't to the last 6 or so, so I do hope you get this...
ReplyDeleteI've only happened to find your blog today as you left a comment on a blog I follow (and leave comments on when able).
I liked at your latest post so wanted to read the "About" link which turns out pretty unique, must say! Very good thoughts re: blogging. I think many of us can relate. I've met 4 people who I sort of knew from their blogs, even if not knowing their real names (as people didn't share those back then--much more private). One of them I only knew through an art co-op and happened to meet for a northern colorado meet up of us local art co-oppers. Now, I am married to her! Although, admittedly, we were freinds for about 5 years after meeting before dating then marrying! And lo and behold, guess waht, Jackie? I was jsut reading your blog post here to my wife, Alexandra, and found out that she "knows" you from having read your blog starting years ago!! she is one of those people who would have dropped off as she said she changed blogs a few times and lost touch with people as such so hasn't kept up with your for the last few years. Maybe you remember her as "Paris"? Now that I just found you, she said she plans to follow you all over again! What serendipity!
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