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Tuesday, 7 February 2012


For our Invitation Only post this month, we have to choose a restaurant and ten famous/well known people ( living or dead but no relatives or Jesus !! )  to be our guests at our fantasy dinner party, which can be held at home or anywhere we desire, with me and my significant other. Apologies to my overseas readers who might not know a couple of my guests ! I have done this before and, my choices change daily but, these are the people that popped into my head today.

We will be eating at Les Trois Garcons. Housed in a converted Victorian pub, dating from 1880, in Shoreditch in the east end of London, it's like stepping into a weird and wonderful fairytale. 

The clutter inside this wonderful restaurant is an ever changing cavalcade since the trois garcons, who own the place, are always putting items up for sale. Stuffed animals dressed in tiaras, handbags and Murano glass ceiling lamps are just some of the treasures in this Aladdin's cave.

Well heeled diners have been flocking to try the French food for over a decade.

We will all be sitting here, at the Chef's table.

My first guest is Russell Brand. A controversial choice for some of you but, Russell Brand really makes me laugh. He is eccentric, alternative and rather endearing and, probably a somewhat dangerous choice but, let's live dangerously !
Christopher Guest is an American screenwriter, composer, musician, director, actor and comedian. I love a lot of the work that he has done but, in particular, This is Spinal Tap and Best in Show. They were brilliant and still are. I actually watched This is Spinal Tap for the zillionth time, last night.

My next guest is Barbara Huliniki. She was the founder of the iconic clothes store Biba . I would be in Biba at least twice a week in my late teens and early twenties and I would love a chat with her.

I am classing Peter Cook and Dudley Moore as one guest as you can't have one without the other. I have laughed 'till I cried watching them, especially when they did Derek and Clive ..... breathtakingly obscene but exceptionally funny !!

I love Helena Bonham Carter's off the wall sense of style and how she sticks two fingers up to walking the red carpet ! .......... also, she might bring Tim Burton and Johnny Depp with her as they all seem to do EVERYTHING together !!!!
The British artist, David Hockney, was an important contributor to the Pop Art movement in the '60's and still is today.  His current exhibition at The Royal Academy, ' A Bigger Picture', is wonderful.
Barry Humphries was a patient where I used to work and lived in the flat above the surgery. He is a lovely man, so funny and very clever.  A great asset to any dinner party.
Julia Davis is one of my favourite comedy writers and wrote and performed in two of my best loved dark comedies, 'Nighty Night and Human Remains.

I shall be sitting in between my last two guests ..... there will be no arguments ..... it's MY dinner party !!

Eoin Macken is an English actor who is currently in the BBC series Merlin. We love Merlin and, Eoin makes it just that little bit more enjoyable, playing Sir Gwaine.
..... and, last but definitely not least, Richard Armitage. Another English actor,  famous for quite a few parts that he has played but I loved him for playing Guy of Gisborne in the BBC series of Robin Hood. ( I feel a theme going on here !! ).
He will also be seen at the end of the year in The Hobbit.

Audrey Hepburn said:
I love people who make me laugh.
I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh.
It cures a multitude of ills.
It's probably the most important thing in a person.

I thoroughly agree Audrey !!

To see who everyone else has invited to dinner and where they are dining, go over to Marsha @ Splenderosa , who has links to all of the other By Invitation participants.

images 1 & 6: via lounge lover, images 2 & 3: via UK restaurant guide, image 4: via London markt, image 5: via travel memo, image 7: via google, image 8: via photos lucy who, image 9: via Sky Arts, image 10: via rubenerd, image 11: via pinterest, image 12: via truefusion, image 13: via  the age, image 14: via Tumblr, image 15: via eoin, image 16: via All things Armitage, image 17: via Zsa Zsa Bellagio



  1. A fabulous evening... I might crash! I'll take naughty Russell... He might have time for me now there is no Katy.... xv

  2. Oh I agree too, laughing the absolute best!

    Loved this post Jac's and all your guests would be amazing company...I might crash too!

  3. Such great choice , the restaurant! Aladdin's cave indeed! And I love the Audrey Hepburn quote.

  4. Great post Jackie....what a fabulous selection of dinner party guests!! I think Russell Brand would be such a great guest, a bit naughty no doubt but imagine the stories!!! Lots of interesting and beautiful people, the perfect combination :) XX

  5. Hello Jacqueline

    I love your guest list and please can I come too.

    They are all so very interesting.

    My best


  6. Wow...the restaurant looks just perfect for your dinner party...the company would be wonderful...inspired choice... Peter Cook and Dudley Moore continuous laughter...I wish I could be there :)

  7. Oh my, I need to visit Les Trois Garcons, and I'd like to be on the other side of Richard Armitage, if you don't mind. Loved him in the Robinhood series, too, as well as Spooks/MI-5. I've also always had a bit of a crush on Helena BC. How could I not?! Fabulous post, Jackie!!! xoxo Gigi

  8. wow...what a line up I want to come too, Love Julia D, she's a hero...I've eaten there a long time ago, my date was a very good friend who stole the 'thumb' hook from the back of the loo door and gave it to me as a hangs my sons belts up on the back of his closset door!!

  9. Helena Bonham Carter is one my favorites! I love her interviews and she is actually quite funny herself, I love her sort of raunchy British humor that she gets away with.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Live dangerously. Yes lets. Love Helena Bonham Carter and she has fabulous hair. The clutter in that restaurant is worth exploring. xoxo, olive

  12. That restaurant looks wonderful and your guests sound so entertaining, as well as pretty easy on the eyes! I totally agree with Audrey on laughter being the most important quality - its the one that made me fall in love with Alex - he made me laugh and still is 12 years later! xxoo

  13. I shall be there disguised as Helena after my henchmen bundle her into a black limo on the way to the restaurant. What with all the flirtatiousness at Jacqueline's end of the table, no one will notice.

  14. And me ???

  15. Pete n Dud and HBC would absolutely be on my list too.

    Love the look of that restaurant. Wonder if I could get hubs to take me there for my birthday? xx

  16. Hi Jackie,

    Your choice of guests made me LOL! I can imagine you sitting between Eoin and Richard. A good choice :-)

    Great restaurant! It's the sort of place I enjoy going to as well!

    Lieve groet,

    Madelief x

  17. I was so going to include Russell Brand but feared everyone else would think me coo-coo. Therefore, I applaud you for inviting him. Please seat me next to him now that he's single again. Brilliant list. But, I adore the location. Quite like our hostess I must say! Sending love, Jacquie...

  18. I am so with you about laughter and its importance in my every day life.....I bet your table will be so lively with chatter and boisterous laughter..I can hear it now. Have a wonderful time at this fabulous soiree.........and the location well need I say more, AMAZING!

  19. Just as I would have expected from you Jac - a bunch of wild, unconventional, eclectic characters. And fancy Vicki A. sneaking off with Russell, who would have thought! MOTH sat next to Barry H on a plane a few years ago & reckons it was the best flight of his life!
    Millie xx

  20. I know I'm not as cool as all these peeps but can I come and sit next to that hottie Eoin when I crash your dinner party?


  21. What a fun idea! I should try this. And I hope to find your blog again. And happy birthday!!! (Even if I'm a little bit late...)

  22. Love it, love it, love it -- you are such a fab London Mod girl. I imagine your party would go on well into the next day.

    You know too, Jackie, that any party I would have you are ALWAYS invited.

    Happy unbirthday as Alice would say.


  23. What a wonderful and - with all the young faces - refreshing group! Especially after my 'bunch' of dinos (apart from Richard and Merkel)!
    Although I'm not familiar with some of the character, I enjoyed so much reading your 'fantasy-dinner' post.
    And the location - just wright!
    And I totally agree with Audrey Hepburn and you, and laughing is also the best medicine nearly for everything..:-) :-)
    Well done, Jackie!

    Sorry for late visit and comment, but just about recovered from my 'hangover' - ha-ha

    I also like to thank you for your recent comment. Love music from classic to jazz, rock and blues, operas, good old country and folk music, and with some exceptions good pop. But must admit that heavy metal is not really 'my cup of tea', I rather prefer a 'sensible' rapper.
    Could certainly not survive without music. It seems that you live in a happy musical family!

  24. Hi Jackie!

    This is the best - I love it :) Happy belated birthday! I hope that you are well!! I wanted to invite you to come enter my Giveaway for Valentines. {Diptyque Candle & Wings}


  25. you certainly have some beefy guests attending ...whew ! ... i approve !!
    can i come?
    ~laura xx

  26. Hello Jackie:
    Les Trois Garcons......yes, yes, an absolutely perfect choice. Just the right combination of drama, camp and deliciousness. And the guests, surely the beautiful people of our times laced with the mischievous sense of fun which is, in our view at least, your trademark. What a night to remember this would be...!!

    And, perhaps if everyone was terribly naughty and misbehaved dreadfully, there would be an invitation to the weekend house of 'Les Trois Garcons' in you on Eurostar?!!!

  27. Jackie I am so there! And don't worry, I won't try to take your place between the two dreamys, and I will do nothing to embarrass you, but you will have to clue me when I am laughing too loudly. And probably show me which piece of silver to use and when :)
    I would rather sit with someone who makes me laugh than any other talent they may have too.
    sending love...

  28. I love the Restaurant and THE COMPANY!!
    Great post!

  29. Thanks so much for visiting me!!!!
    Yes, Tenerife has come a long way.... You should come back to see the change!!!! No we have millions of 5 star hotels in that area. I´m not from Tenerife but I have been here for half of my life! (I´m 40) and I love the quality of life we have in the island. If you ever decide to come back, get in touch and I´ll show you around!

  30. Bravo pour ce billet ludique ...
    De tous vos personnages je n'en connais que quelques uns, il me donne envie de découvrir les autres ...
    Quant au restaurant français, si un jour je passe par Shoreditch ...
    Belle journée.

    La photo d'A.H. est merveilleuse

  31. Hi Jackie tank you very much for passing and leaving your lovely comment! I'm totally agree with you you have a young , lovely and glad soul!!!I can perceive that from all your lovely posts!!!!
    Big hugs

  32. Oh Jackie
    Thanks for lovely comment. This sounds like a group that laughs. My kind of party. Sorry to say the only one that rings my 75 year old bell is David Hockney. I still am coming. These people sound Fun. I'll bring Mr. George Carlin.


  33. Oh, Jackie, you must include me! My dinner party resume says that I mingle well, am able to talk with anyone, rarely drink too much, and would not out shine you as the belle of the evening. Such fun this post was... only wish I had not been late in reading it. If you really did plan a party, I would be on the next flight to London. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. The bitter cold has us here in the States in its grips. I plan to stay in and eat warming foods.

  34. Hi always, I love your style! Richard Armitage hits the top of my list. I have been known to watch 'North and South' several times just to glance my eyes upon him. :) Good guy or bad guy, no matter, I just enjoy his company. I like your list...David Hockney...yes please...and yes to all the rest!

    Best wishes Jackie for a wonderful week.

    Jeanne xx

  35. Oh Jackie, this is brilliant! I love your choice of guests. x

  36. Thanks for using my photograph of the Trois Garçons!

    The original and some other can be found via
