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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

........ and finally........ SIENA .....

O.K. We have finally reached the end of my holiday photographs. Don't worry when you hear the door being locked. This is just for your security !! May I suggest that you make yourselves comfortable. There will be someone coming round with drinks, nibbles and other refreshments to make this photographic extravaganza even more enjoyable !! Feel free to scroll down quickly if you are in a hurry. There are quite a few !!
This was the magnificent view that greeted us as we drove into the beautiful city of Siena. Siena is built on three hills and is surrounded by well-preserved walls and filled with fine examples of Gothic architecture. It has one of the world's most unique piazzas..... The Piazza del Campo (shaped like a shell) which is home to the famous horse race..... the Palio of Siena, which takes place twice a year.

.......... and this was the magnificent view from our bedroom window .......

We had booked into a wonderful bed and breakfast which was a converted monastery.

This is the courtyard where we had our breakfast every morning.

The Cathedral of Siena is truly magnificent. It was constructed between 1215 and 1263. The exterior and interior are constructed of black and white marble .......... black and white being the symbolic colours of Siena. At one point, I thought that I was in the film 'Beetlejuice' !!

The dome in the Cathedral.

Siena is divided into 17 contrades or districts. They all have their own churches and, the one above was the district where our hotel was.

Everyday, whilst we were in Siena, they would march through the streets, drumming and singing. They were about to have a street party and we think that they may have won the Palio, as they had parties every night !!!! We hung around here for a while, hoping for an invite but to no avail !! One obviously had to belong to the contrade to get an invite !!

Walking through the magical streets of Siena was like being on a film set.

Next to the Cathedral is the unfinished 16th century east wall which the public are allowed to climb.......... so, up we went !!

Only by climbing UP could I get such a wonderful photograph of the Piazza del Campo.

This is a brilliant view of Siena but, it didn't matter where I stood, I couldn't get a shot without that ****** tree being in the way !! It's at times like these that I wished I had a chain saw with me !!

Well, there we are.......... summer holidays are over for another year. The doors are now unlocked and you are all free to leave !!
Thanks so much for all of your wonderful and complimentary comments on my holiday posts.
Have a lovely week.



  1. That was just beautiful Jac's, I loved each and every shot and your amusing commentary...wish I was there! Amazing history and such gorgeous buildings....really there was no need to lock us in *wink
    xoxo Deej

  2. Jackie, this is so beautiful. Thank you!!!!
    I read your wonderful comment daily. To keep me going. Thank you.

  3. Jackie Hi!! I missed you !!
    These photos are just beautiful, you know what.. I'm always blabbering aboout France, the Uk etc without rememering Italy is just as nice !
    I bet you had the most amazing holidays haven't you ?
    a big hugxxx

  4. I think the drinks trolley may have just whizzed by without stopping Jackie!
    My these are gorgeous photos. Thanks for the reminder as to how beautiful Italy is over these posts. I'm sure it is my spiritual home!!
    Hope you've settled in well to life back home. It must be difficult after such a fabulous holiday.
    Amanda xx

  5. Dear Jacqueline, How perfectly your photographs have captured the warmth of the Italian sun and the magnificence of the architecture of Siena. You clearly had the most wonderful of holidays. I have made notes of your recommendations and shall follow in your footsteps when I next venture to this part of Italy!

  6. Thank you for sharing your holiday with all of us. You have a wonderful eye for setting up your photos. Very nice!

  7. Oh My goodness! My toes are tingling with excitement. I can't believe that I will be seeing this wonderful country soon, it all seems like a dream...thank you for sharing your wonderful journey with us -

  8. Unbelievably beautiful! Your photos are spectacular and have captured the exquisite beauty of this region. I am so wishing that I could return to Italy and that I could visit Sienna first hand! Thank you so much for taking us along on your fabulous trip! :)

  9. Wow, that was astunning tour, thanks! Your photos are all gorgeous, and at first I was feeling a little green with envy, but now I am just determined to go to Italy myself! The views are breathtaking... (chainsaws are good to have on hand for those annoying tree situations!)

  10. Jackie, these pics are amazing - what a fantastic holiday, I wish we could do that with ease from Oz - such a long way - oh well, maybe one day! thanx for the pics tho!

  11. What amazing and beautiful pictures. You have actually brought us there. Thank you for sharing!
    Grethe ´)

  12. I love Siena, it´s pretty much like Palma, our town.
    Nice blog,

  13. Jackie...I'm so going to miss your adventures...until next summer right?? those pictures were amazing - and yes I was transported once again - to dine at that monastery- or stroll the cobblestone streets...too bad you weren't invited to that magnificent party!!

    (can I have a doggie bag of snacks please?)lol

    Anne Marie

  14. Holy Mackerel!
    You should work for the Siena tourism board.
    These photographs are incredible!

  15. I LOVED your photos of Sienna, Jackie!!! Every one of them was a stunner, and that view from your bedroom window--sigh. This post makes me want to pack my bags right this very minute! Thanks for letting me experience all this beauty vicariously through your wonderful eye. xoxo

  16. Really wonderful photos. I haven't been in Sienna since my honeymoon some 28 years ago. Thankfully the city looks the same.

  17. O my o my, you must have LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED you vacation Jacky!!!! STUNNING pictures, like from a magazine!!! Beautiful memories to enter autumn I think ;)!!!

    Sweet greetings

  18. Hi Jackie.....i really like your pictures!!.........the looks amazing !!...warm hugs from me.......Ria...

  19. Your photos are amazing - I lived and studied in Siena for 4 months while in college - and you have made my heart skip a beat with every lovely image! Thank you for a memorable smile.


  20. Jackie, I've seen a lot of pretty pix of Siena before (some of my own included, I must say!), but you sure got some excellent shots here! That first Cathedral interior shot is probably the best I've seen -- and not just because it's my favorite cathedral interior ever. And was it luck or planning that had you in town for the Palio festivities? That photo of the set tables is the best in this whole post; magic! The fun and merriment that surely unfolded shortly after you took that shot is truly palpable!
    Good job, Jackie -- great eye. :-)

  21. Thank you so much for all the gorgeous shots of the buildings!

  22. Just breathtaking, I bookmarked this page so when I have time I can come back and appreciate each photo more.

  23. I've been breathless with anticipation for your Siena pictures, Jackie,and they've not disappointed. How special to be there in the lead up to the palio - we were there just after, such a magical place. Definitely should be on everyone's bucket list.

  24. Siena is clearly beautiful. Thanks for sharing these. ♥O

  25. NO NO NO don't tell me you're done. Your pictures are incredible and makes me want to close for a year and just travel. It's been so many years since I was in Italy but it's just like your pictures depict and brings back great memories.
    Seeing it at night it does look like a movie set....though at the moment I can think of a movie filmed there?
    I'm surprised with your social skills you couldn't make your way into that

    Hope you can squeeze out a couple more.

  26. My dearest Jackie,
    ohhh, thank you so much for your wonderful holiday photos.... Italy and specially tuscany we love and where there a few times and it was always great... I'm happy that you had a great holiday... Holidays are still gorgeous and you can remember these beautiful holiday...
    Warm hugs, Bine

  27. Dearest Jackie,
    I see you were on the most beautiful places in italy!
    A dream vacation you spent there!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing!!!!!!!!!
    A great day, my friend.

    P.S.: I would like to bake for you if you would live in my neighborhood! ;-)

  28. WOW, WOW, WOW - Fabulous photos, Jackie!! I am taking notes of places you have visited for my Italian adventure next year (and will be asking for some recommendations, just to warn you...haha.) Thanks for sharing your holiday with us! Have a wonderful evening! xxoo :)

  29. Dear Jacquie!

    Cara mia. I was sitting in an Italian Cafe (in Surrey!) yesterday reading my novel about a man reaching Siena, visiting monasteries and saying how this was the most beautiful of cities. Today I found you wrote about it and showed me! We are twins, lol, somehow :) Peace, Love, X.

  30. Dear Jackie,
    Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!!! What a wonderful beautiful trip I just took with you! Everywhere is so magical. I love LOVE all the shutters and I think I must find a spot in my home to place some old blue shutters now!
    Love you and miss you lots!

  31. Hi Jackie! this pictures are amazing! makes me remember my Italy is truly full of beauties! Now that you have finished with your holiday posts, you can always show us some UK beauties, which I love too!!!

  32. FANTASTIC photos Jackie, really beautiful....I have to visit Siena, it's stunning!!


  33. Amazing again! The photos of the tables lining the little alleyways are wonderful & perfectly captures the spirit of these life-loving people.
    Think how these cathedrals & churches were built 100's of years ago with none of the tools of today, and they're all still standing & perfectly beautiful. xx's Marsha

  34. Now I'm just cross and regretful. That day when you rang (I assume) to ask whether I'd like to join you on this wonderful trip, I must have been out, and you couldn't leave a message because my answering-machine was full (I assume) and I missed the opportunity to tag along and even appear in some of these lovely pictures and all I have to say is drat. Double drat.

  35. Thank you, thank you for this divine tour of Siena. Your photos again are brilliant - you've so perfectly captured not only the place but the wonderful atmosphere. Leigh

  36., love, love them all. You couldn't have done any better Jackie,
    they are perfect! Until next year.....

    Jeanne :)

  37. Stunning photos! A lovely architecture adds up to a city's beauty. What a way to capture them! Kellie xx

  38. Hey Jacqueline
    These shots of Siena just make me pine for Italia all the more... The cathedral shot is stunning.... and I love the perspective in the shot will all the tables lined ready for dinner... Beautiful photos to makes us all miss travel.

    Sienna certainly looks like a wonderful place to visit... why oh why is it so far away for me... boo hoo... Well Hope you are settled back in now... I know after 2 month in europe it took me years to settle back in.. perhaps I never did... xxx Julie

  39. So many gorgeous pics! Loving the blue shutters, Have a sweet day!

  40. My dear Jackie,
    thank you sooooo much, for all those lovely impressions......your pictures are great.......and i enjoy them with all my heart!!!!!!! I looooooove Siena and have been there sit at the Piazza del Campo......enjoy the sun and some Espresso (and Pizza too ;))......what could be better, its like paradise!!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend,

    Hugs Jade

  41. As always, the photography is just spectacular! You have to have legs of rock after all that climbing up! I am so blessed to have friends that are lucky enough to vacation. I can live vicariously through them!

  42. Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, you have me longing for a return trip to Italy, especially Siena. That cathedral blows me away. Sigh. Keep the door's ok...I could look at these all day :)

  43. Your photos are magnificent. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. You brought back wonderful memories for me. But, I have not been to Sienna so it was wonderful to see it through your eyes.

  44. Thanks for this beautiful trip!, you make me dream!
    Troppo bello!!!
    greetings from Spain

  45. Hi Jackie,

    I have never been there, but I definetely want to go. You found an amazing B&B!! To have breakfast in the courtyard garden must be very romantic. Thank you for taking us along. I enjoyed the tour very much!

    Wish you a happy weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  46. Hi Jackie, your photographs are simply fabulous. Not often I feel compelled to go somewhere on the strength of photographs - but you've captured the City so beautifully that I feel like booking my ticket right now! xx

  47. Jackie it is a good thing that you are such an amazing photographer or I would have eaten all the popcorn in your house. But I could even eat one bite, because my mouth was hanging open the entire time I was viewing these. Boy am I glad you invited me to your house for this!!!
    What a trip of a lifetime!
    hugs to lucky girl!

  48. aaaa my friend what I enjoyed all your beautiful photos. it has been so inspiring and fun. You lived so well and what a wonderful place to eat breakfast every day. it was probably among the longest set tables I have seen, incredibly cool. Many warm hugs to you / Ingela

  49. These photos are spectacular...thanks for sharing your trip with all of us!!

  50. Fabulous..fabulous..fabulous. I cannot believe how breathtaking the Cathedral is & I can't believe how high you climbed to snap that photo. Each & every shot (even with said @#*# tree) was terrific. Thank you Jackie for sharing your holiday with us all. Siena was truly the cherry on top. Gorgeous! I am surprised you could tear yourself away to return home?

    Wishing you both a lovely Sunday xo xo Deb

  51. Jackie,
    I had to come an look at your fabulous photo's. I feel like I am there again. Gosh it's beautiful..
    I saw it before and didn't have time for a comment. Enjoy

  52. Dear Jacqueline, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful trip with us, I have so enjoy looking through your eyes all the beauty you have seen... and your photography as been a great support to your holidays, wonderful!!!
    maria cecilia

  53. Wow...your images are amazing....thank you so much for I sooooo want to go.

    You are such a dear for leaving such a sweet comment about my daughter...yes I so miss her already.

    Hugs and love

  54. I love your blog!

    I'm a follower now.. ^__^


  55. What a truly beautiful trip you had Jackie ~ I am a little green as I sit here and look at your pics. I trust that you will have a chain saw on your next trip so you can get those trees out of your shot! Hope you are having a wonderful week-end. xo

  56. Really nice pictures from your holiday, thanks for sharing them with us.
    You have a great eye for taking pictures.
    Have a nice sunday evening.
    hugs Gerda

  57. Jackie - what gorgeous photographs!!! I am so incredibly envious - I hadn't even known how much I wanted to see that area until I saw your photos! Thanks so much for sharing them~
    Have a marvelous week,

  58. I really can't remember too well but we stayed there. There was a Monastery that was converted into a hotel, I think?? Hope you have a magnificent time. yvonne

  59. Why does it have to always end? Love all the images especially the ones with the green shutters. Your photo's have been wonderful to look at and have done nothing to cure my 'wanderlust bug'. Axx

  60. Marvelous photos Jackie, each one looks like a postcard. SO glad you had a wonderful holiday!
