Talk about take over the garden ..... this fox really made himself at home in our garden today .....
..... the photographs aren't very good because I was indoors and he was a long way off and I had to zoom right in .....
..... we have always had foxes in our garden ..... sometimes they make long burrows and lots of holes ..... and they seem to love to play on our lawn. We don't mind, apart from brown patches of lawn that appear after they have marked their territory !!!
This one stayed a while and played with a magpie, then got bored and ambled off ! Can you tell that my day is very quiet and not filled with much excitement ???!!!!!
Oh, and, I'm having trouble commenting sometimes ...... I wrote an epic comment on Cro's blog ..... a wonderful rendition of visits to our family doctor in the 1950's/1960's. I must have written it 8 times, only for it to get lost in the ether and yet, it would publish a short, two sentence comment ? Don't think I've had that before .... and yet, I have had no trouble on other blogs ?
Has anyone else had any problems ?
all photographs taken by moi !