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Saturday, 13 April 2024


They say that bad things come in threes .....

First I found a dead one of these little creatures floating in our water butt ..... we seem to have loads more squirrels in the past few years ...... have you seen more ?

Then I decided to plant this clematis that I had just bought when, getting it gently out of the pot, I broke the prolific, growing stem off !!! .....

..... and then, to cap it all, we now need a new boiler 😱. When we had the new kitchen done, I asked the builder if we should have a new boiler as that would be a good time to do it. " No " he said. A year on, the boiler has had it and it's all a bit of an upheaval in our lovely new kitchen. All will be well though as it's only wood and a bit of paint to make it all good again. There goes a few more thousand out of the pot !!!
I don't think I will be putting a bet on the Grand National !!!  




  1. Bad luck about the boiler. Experience has taught me that sometimes it is best to go by gut instinct about things and get on with them in spite of what others tell us. Sham about the clematis. Not so bothered about the squirrel, they are a bit like vermin around here and all the birdy feeder people are also feeding the squirrels. They don't seem to have predators so now we are overrun with them. xx

  2. I was more concerned about the water, depending on what it's used for.
    Too bad about the expensive boiler, though.

    1. Hi Boud and many thanks for commenting. I only use the water on flowering plants and, I don't think the squirrel had been in there very long and it seems it is safe to use the water for flowering plants..... fingers crossed 🤞. XXXX

  3. In France we have a good old-fashioned Immersion Heater that never fails. It heats at night, and costs very little. Why don't we have those any more in the UK?

    1. We do have an immersion heater that can be used to heat the water { although we don't use it ...... I actually forgot we had it !!! } XXXX

  4. Ouch. A new boiler will make a dent in your sweetie money fund.
    No squirrels here on IOM so we don't have that problem. It is just the seagulls, crows and magpies that take all the small bird food - and the small birds....

    1. Yes ...... more shelling out !!! Although I find the squirrels cute, you're lucky not to have them ...... they bury their nuts in the lawn and then dig them up and are now digging my plants up which is a first ...... little devils ! XXXX

  5. Things do seem to come in threes. As everyone else has said the squirrels are taking over so one loss isn't anything to worry about. The clematis will grow back but it's frustrating to lose a chunk of it. Worse is the boiler which will be expensive. I dread ours going as it's old and part of a fitted kitchen so I dread the mess it will cause when it needs replacing.

    1. Hi Carol ..... I don't like seeing any animal die but such is nature and I won't lose sleep over it ! I'm hoping the clematis will be OK . It has lots of roots so it might make a comeback. Our boiler was pretty old .... I just wish they had changed it when the kitchen was done but, it's not the end of the world, just lots more money to fork out !! XXXX

  6. Boilers go just at the worst time! Ours died when husband was in they had to keep him in for a few extra days... luckily we were having a new one fitted anyway with the government grant scheme...

    1. They certainly do gz ....... I just wish they had done it when the new kitchen went in but, these things are sent to try us !!!!! Not the worst three things in the world but something to chat about on my blog 🤣. XXXX

  7. Oh, Jackie, drats about your clematis, and you probably spent ages choosing the best one! But what a pain about your boiler! Hopefully the mess won't be too much in your lovely new kitchen. I expect that in your head you'd already budgeted for it for some time in the future but isn't the timing annoying? And squirrels? We don't have them here so I'm totally swayed by their cuteness and would probably be guilty of wanting to feed them :) xx

    1. I was really miffed about my clematis Pip ..... I did plant the broken bit along with the rest and, I just went out to have a look and it hasn't wilted so 🤞. I always have contingency measures in place for things like new boilers .... I was about to order a massive old garden pot but have shelved that for a while as its rather expensive 🤣. You are lucky not to have squirrels but , you have far more wildlife to worry about !!!! The squirrels are really cute and I love watching them in the garden but it is annoying when you find half of your plants dug up ! On the other side of our county where our son lives they have Glis Glis that look similar but cause far more damage and get in the house and eat wires etc. I'm hoping they will stay where they are and not venture near here !!!! XXXX

  8. The boiler failure then damaging the new kitchen would make me angry. You were right to suggest replacing the boiler when the kitchen construction was underway. That said, we often think the builders know best and follow their recommendation. Squirrels and wild turkeys are in great numbers on my property. One neighbor likes feeding turkeys which brings both populations to their property and I get the spill-over. I hope your clematis rebounds. I'd consider buying a back-up, just in case.

    1. Hi Susan ..... it's OK { I think } ..... shouldn't be too much disruption { famous last words !!! } Years ago, we used to feed the birds but we don't anymore as our garden seems to have so much for wildlife to eat and also, places to hide. Since we stopped putting out food, we still have an abundance of wildlife. I have just checked the clematis and it doesn't seem to have withered so 🤞 fingers crossed. I read that, if it still has lots of roots, which it has, it should throw up more shoots .... I will wait and see. XXXX

  9. O my……I hope it will stopped …….and you get only good things from now…poor you…and that with the plant….it is so me 🙈 ….thanks for your comment love love from me…and Leaf 🍀🐾💗🍀

    1. Dear Ria, and Leaf ..... it's not much to worry about especially compared to your troubles. Just lighthearted really and something to post on my blog 🤣. Always thinking of you and wishing you peace and happiness very soon. ♥ XXXX

  10. Threes? I'd be happy with threes- mine like the number 5 but hey it's only life...we keep going on as much as we can....

    1. Hi Z ..... I feel a bit bad talking about such silly things ..... they all happened in a space of a few hours so I thought it would be something for the blog !!! We all have things like this happen all the time don't we ? ..... all part of life's rich pattern ! XXXX

  11. There's always a feeling of loss when a woman breaks her clematis but usually this is long before the age of 73.

    1. 🤣😂🤣 ..... mine was broken years ago !!!! XXXX

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