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Friday, 7 October 2022

.......... and SO IT BEGINS ..........

We are now a week in to our building work. Our old conservatory was, in my opinion, rather nice and complimented our late Victorian house but, as most of you know, after over 30years, it had fallen into disrepair and was rotten and leaking { mostly due to the con man who built it !!! }
Still, we managed thirty years from it but, it is now time for it to go.

Here's the outside of the old conservatory .....

..... and here's the inside, empty of all furniture etc. .....


..... and here's what it looks like now šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± !!!

We have had progress since the last photograph was taken and have foundations, some wall built and floor joists in. It's not been dusty at all but, that could all change when they knock down the wall on the left to open it all to the kitchen.

progress ..... with some of the wall built and floor joists.

It has to get ugly before it gets pretty !!!!!


all photos by me



  1. Replies
    1. Exciting yes ..... hopefully it will look as I hope it's going to look ! XXXX

  2. It will all be worth the upheaval.
    Looking forward to seeing more photos of your progress. XXX

    1. You'll be bored with it by the time it's finished JayCee šŸ¤£ ...... it's going to take a while as the lead time for the new kitchen is February. But, the conservatory is due to be put up on the 24th October which will be far more interesting than a few bricks !!!! I shall keep you up to date as it progresses. XXXX

  3. I've been thinking of you and your project. It looks likes the demolition is nearly complete and that is great progress. Will they enclose the structure and then open the wall to your kitchen? Regarding the inevitable dust...I found Swifter outstanding for removing dust from walls, floors and even windows. Construction dust drives me mad. Swifter to the rescue!

    1. It's so nice to think that people that I have never met are thinking of me Susan !!! That's why I like blogging ..... it's like when we used to have pen friends. They will build a false wall then knock down the existing wall. I had to look up Swifter and I found it on Amazon so, thanks for the tip. XXXX

    2. If you buy Swifter, make sure to buy the "sweeper wet" mopping cloths. They do the best job to trap and lock dust. There is a dry version and they are not as good.

    3. Brilliant ..... many thanks Susan. XXXX

  4. Iā€™m so looking forward to the end result ā€¦u are one classy broad

    1. I am looking forward to the end result as well John but, it won't all be finished until February. But, on October 24th, the new conservatory will be erected so that will be more interesting to look at than what I've shown today .... it takes a week to put up.!!! Thanks for the compliment John but, if you saw me now { eating cheeselets with filthy feet, you wouldn't say that !!!!! XXXX

  5. I applaud your bravery- that is a huge project. I'm sure it will be lovely in your lifetime and beyond. What a bonus for the holidays!

    1. We have never done anything on this scale before Z and, we are wondering why we are spending so much at this time but, it had to be done otherwise it would have fallen down ! I know that, to have something nice you need to go through the pain first !!!! XXXX

  6. The brickwork matches nicely. At a simple glance I would say that your builders know what they're doing! Can't wait to see the finished result.

    1. The builders seem really good and have done many of these conservatories. The Conservatory company recommended them. They are using the old stock bricks from the old conservatory so it should all blend in nicely. I am looking forward to the end result as well Cro but we have a bit of a way to go yet ! As I said to John, the conservatory will start to go up on Monday 24th October which is only a couple of weeks away. XXXX

  7. Replies
    1. Hope so Tom ..... I always want any new building to fit into the original and not stick out like a sore thumb. Inside will be a bit more modern but, I don't mind that..... and, it should be a hell of a lot warmer ! The old one was freezing ! XXXX

  8. Replies
    1. It is exciting Rachel ..... we've never done anything like this before ! XXXX

  9. This is really exciting Jackie - for you and us!!!!
    Can't wait to see it all come together - then the new kitchen later - know it will be awesome due to your good taste/creative eye!
    Happy weekend dear.

    1. Oh gosh Mary ..... I hope it lives up to expectations šŸ¤£. It could be a while until you see it in all it's glory but, as I have said above, the new conservatory will be arriving on the 24th October and that should take around a week to put up ..... that should be far more interesting than the floor joists and little bit of wall I've shown you !!! { I hope šŸ¤ž ] That big opening they have boarded up are the doors to our lounge which have glass in them. Because they have boarded them up, it's really dark .... it feels like its night time all day ..... just like the casinos in Las Vegas !!! XXXX

  10. "It has to get ugly before it gets pretty" is a useful and comforting thought. In some moments of concern, I may quote you :)
    Art and Architecture, mainly

    1. It makes me feel better if I say that Hels !!! Tomorrow they are coming into the kitchen to rip the doors out ..... that could get very ugly ! XXXX

  11. Wowwww i canā€™t wait till itā€™s finishedā€¦and I think that you do the sameā€¦love happy week Ria and Leaf good luck!ā€¦šŸ€šŸ’—šŸ¾šŸ€

    1. They have now knocked half of the kitchen out Ria šŸ˜± !!! They have to move the boiler ! I'll keep you posted with photographs. Sending love to you and Leaf. XXXX
