OK ..... apologies for being MIA .....
Our daughter, her boyfriend and their baby are staying with us along with their cat while the move from their London flat to a house. They are here for three months.
So far, the cat has weed on our sisal carpet ....... we have floorboards throughout our home apart from the dining room and the study where we have sisal ...... sisal cannot be cleaned !!! You can't wet it .... I have rung carpet cleaners .... they won't touch it with a barge pole !!!! I have to have new carpet .... the only saving grace is that we've had them for about 15 years so, its probably time for new. Maybe John has some cleaning ideas ?
Why couldn't the cat have weed on the floorboards ?
..... and, my daughter has burnt my ironing board cover ! She has offered to buy me a new one !
Along with that, when they are at their new house at the weekend, I have to inject the cat twice daily as he is diabetic !!!!
I don't mind really ..... its lovely to have them here but it makes for a good { ish } blog post !!!
images 1,3,4 & 5: via google, image 2: via me