When darkness descends .....
... when the trick or treating is over and all good children are fast asleep in their beds ..... it's time for ghouls, ghosts, vampire bats, skeletons and plain old humans to revel insome frightful fun .....
Press PLAY ... go on, I DARE you !!! .....
Dress up .....
Dance .....
acquaint yourselves with the invited ..... .....
try to avoid the uninvited,
Eat .....
Drink .....
Suck on a neck or two ..... and generally have some Halloween ' fun ' !!!
But, don't forget to look behind you !!!!
Go take a look at others take on the By Invitation subject this month over at Daily Plate of Crazy
image 1: via lovethispic, image 2: via zsa zsa bellagio, image 3: via intravenous sugar, images 4, 5, 7 & 8: via pinterest, image 6: via google, image 9: via we heart it, image 10: via catastrophe