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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

A MOTLEY COLLECTION !!! ..........

There's not much happening in my neck of the woods at the moment .....

For the past six weeks, I've been going to the chiropractor as I've got a trapped nerve in my neck ..... getting old is not fun !!!

Apart from manipulating, cracking my bones and generally attacking me from all sides, he uses the above instrument of torture .... it's like having someone attack your neck with a hammer and chisel !!! ..... and, I pay for the privilege !!!

The leaves are finally fluttering off of the trees ..... look at the state of the front of our house ..... and that's just the beginning. I am no Hyacinth Bouquet { for overseas readers, she was a snobby character in a sitcom who was obsessed with everything being ' just so ' !! } but we do end up with tons and tons of leaves in the garden, but then I guess everyone does !

We had a frost this morning BUT .....

....look at my St Swithun rose ..... it starts flowering in early May when it is covered in hundreds of beautiful, fragrant, old English blooms but goes on and on ..... I took this photograph this morning and there are still many buds to open.

My thoughts are now turning to Christmas .....

I always by at least one new Christmas ornament every year ...... the above is this years.

I just saw the above on Pinterest ..... fig, apricot and pistachio Christmas cake ..... I've left it too late for this Christmas ... it needs to be made at least 3 months ahead !! Maybe next year !!!

Have you started to think about Christmas yet ?


image 1: via facebook, image 2: via waistcoats kinesiology, image 3: via winchell chiropractice, images 4,5,6 & 7: via me, image 8: via crush cul de sac, image 9: via the flower studio shop, image 10: via sainsbury, image 11: via home, image 12: via present and correct



  1. The cake looks fabulous! Hope your neck gets better soon ♥

    1. Doesn't it look delicious ... I shall make it next year !! XXXX

  2. That second photo looks a bit dodgy in today's climate. I think its the face buried by the hairy arms which gives it the dodgy look.

  3. That's how dodgy it looks when I go !! .... it all feels pretty dodgy !!XXXX

  4. So beautiful. I'm just beginning to think of Christmas. This year it will be simplified. All will get stockings filled as I think that is their favorite and while the grands will get gifts the big kids are getting money. It has gotten to be too much shopping. Love your paper angel.

    1. Agree..Simplified is a good idea for this season ;)


    2. Thanks Donna .... I love the paper angel and it only cost about $3 !! I bought three !! XXXX

    3. Simple is always classy isn't it Dana ? XXXX

  5. Oh Jackie, hope so much the work on your neck problem works out, and quickly! Tell them to treat you gently.

    Your entrance looks very attractive, even with leaves. Love the door and name of your house (they usually don't name houses over here as we do in the UK), also the potted topiaries are awesome. Leaves are falling fast and furious over here now - and this year the acorns are ankle deep and unsafe to walk on - Nature's 'roller skates' we call them.
    Christmas for us this year will not be here at home so my decorating will be minimal - best part of that is not having to crawl through the attic and drag out all those boxes, but I will miss seeing all my ornaments. Love your angel.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. I do love the name of our house ..... and, we have two laurel bushes out the front . Our last home was a 17th century cottage named ' Hermitage ' XXXX

  6. Sorry to hear you have a trapped nerve, very painful. Hope the treatment works! No I haven't started thinking about Christmas, but the shops definitely have - mid December is early enough for me :)

    1. Hi Elaine ..... it's actually only painful when I tip my head back so I don't do that !!!!!! I have to buy quite a few presents so have to start thinking about it ..... i also make my Christmas cards so if I left everything until December I would be panicking !!!!!! XXXX

  7. Yes ! is Christmas in our shop .....not at from je enjoy november.....jinglebell rock Ria x ❤️

    1. I am sure that your shop looks amazing Ria . XXXX

  8. I don't start to think of Christmas until about Dec 20th.

    I love the shape of that cake. I shall show it to Lady Magnon to see if she could replicate.

    1. It's a Sainsbury recipe Cro ...... you can get the recipe if you Google it on Sainsbury magazine website. XXXX

    2. She's just said it would take much longer to cook, and that she hasn't the right sized tin. I shall point her towards the Sainsbury's website.

  9. Hi Alexandra,
    My neck doesn't hurt unless I tip my head back and turn it to the right so I don't !!!!! I do like going to the chiropractor.... it seems it's good for your general well being. Hope you sort your problems out when you get home. XXXX

  10. HOPE YOUR NECK is on the mend!I had a similar issue with LA BACK!
    We are all in a STATE of SCHOCK over a new president has been named.
    Thank you for the distraction!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth and I hope your back is better !!
      Can't imagine what life is going to be like under Mr. Trump but there's no changing it !! XXXX

  11. Loved seeing your "motley collection"post. What a gorgeous angel decoration for your tree. Not even thought about Christmas yet, too busy packing to move house at the beginning of December. Everything doing into storage as we haven't found a house yet . We will be renting for awhile, hoping there is a pretty cottage somewhere waiting for us to buy. Take care of yourself and hope that gruesome treatment will cure your trapped nerve, I know only too well about the pain from trapped nerves.Always a joy to see your lovely posts. Like Mary, I love the entrance to your house, so English.

    1. Thank you Barbara ....... I didn't realise that you were moving .... are you staying in France ? .... I hope all goes smoothly for you and, it's a good idea to rent as you can take your time and choose carefully. My neck isn't really painful ... only when I put my head back so I make sure that I don't do that !!!! XXXX

  12. You certainly prefer the crackling noise of dry leaves under your feet to the crackling noise of your bones under the chiropractor's hands? :)
    The rose is so beautiful and the entrance to your home is a dream!
    Jackie, thank you for what you said in a comment about me. You are a lovely, kind and a very generous person... also very beautiful!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Maybe "crackling" is not even a verb, but Jackie, you know what I mean :)

    2. I certainly do Maria and ' crackling ' is fine .... a very good analogy .... your English is amazing ..... my Italian comes down to Ciao, grazie mille and prego !!!
      Thank you so much for your kind words { most of which are far too kind !! } XXXX

    3. Crackling is also the crisp skin of pork and, sometimes, men can refer to a beautiful woman as a bit of crackling !!!! I thought you might like to know Maria, as you are always interested in the use of English words !! XXXX

    4. Oh and, crackling is a noun and crackle is a verb ..... end of lesson !!!!! XXXX

    5. Thank you Jackie. Those Italian words are perfect, enough to get you a smile and a warm welcome. Xx

    6. I know there can be lots of different meaning to words and one must be careful how to use them and I wasn't too sure of that word so thank you Jackie! I hope it isn't an offensive word when refered to a woman and, of course, that wasn't my intention. :) xxx

    7. No Maria .... it's not offensive when used that way .... it just means she is very attractive .... mind you, there might be some women who wouldn't like it but it wouldn't worry me !!! I'd quite like someone to say that I was a bit of crackling at my age !!!! haha. XXXX

  13. I can't believe it's already Christmas. A big crane put the Christmas Tree up outside the city hall on 2nd November. Christmas lasts for 2 months and 1 week which is evidence enough that the we're all mad as hatters.

  14. Love your new fragile angel ornament . . .
    I hope she is watching over you as your neck gets tweaked, stretched, adjusted . . .
    Oh my, sounds painful . . .
    I do hope relief arrives soon.
    I am sending care and love.

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