I am in no way a miserable, moany person ..... I am the happy, upbeat kind ..... glass brimming over but there has been another series of unfortunate events, some of which are just annoying .....
..... my Amazon account was hacked into !!!
I was first aware of it when I had an email to say that my book would be arriving from Amazon.de { said email was in German ! } A day later a massive paperback ' Quantum Physics ' arrived at the cost of £85 !!! Even if I had not been suspicious of the email, quantum physics would be the last book that I would order ..... I even have trouble spelling it ! Next, Amazon.US emailed me to let me know that the camera I had ordered at the price of £400 would be arriving soon ! The bottom line was that I must have spent at least four days on the phone, sorting it out ..... none of it being my fault.
My next moan is about my tumble dryer ..... I bought a new one in February ...... I am pretty good with white goods ..... they last me a long time and I think I must have had the last one about 20 years. That one had been a Zanussi so I thought that I would get the same. I nearly always buy white goods, mattresses etc. from John Lewis but a friend had bought from ao.com so I thought I'd give them a whirl.
Having our daughter, her boyfriend and baby living with us, the tumble dryer was being used a whole lot more. Our daughter noticed a lot of condensation but I thought it was because it was being used so much more. Our plumber/electrician was round, fixing a couple of plugs and I asked him to have a look ..... " Oh my God " he said .....
..... the plastic around the hose had completely melted ! The plumber put a new hose { made of very thick plastic } probably wiping out my guarantee, but, we needed it. Anyway, the whole point was that I was on the phone for another three or four days. I wanted to let Zanussi know as I didn't want anyone else to have the same thing happen to them or worse { Grenfell was uppermost in my mind }
Well, can you get through to Zanussi ? Every time I rang, I was told that my phone call was very important to them and that someone would be with me shortly. After half an hour a recorded American voice told me that there wasn't anyone to answer the phone in that department ! That went on for a couple of days and, during those two days, I contacted ao who promised they would get onto Zanussi and failed three times ! There was a lot more aggravation but I've already bored you enough but it was another few days of my time wasted through no fault of my own.
..... and then, you know that our daughter bought their cat with them ? Well, he had been happily using our cat flap for about a month and then, he didn't come back. That was three weeks ago now so I think that we have to accept that he is gone. We like to think that perhaps he has adopted another family but, considering he has diabetes I think the worst must have happened. Our daughter and boyfriend are so upset .... they put posters in the local shops and searched for him but no luck. They had many phone calls from people saying they would look out for him, some saying they thought they had seen him. It always amazes me how many people want to help.
..... and, finally, I am getting on a bit now and, luckily, apart from parents and relatives that were very old, I haven't lost any friends or family or heard of any illnesses but, in the last couple of months there have been illnesses from heart attacks to cancer ...... inevitable, I know but, I am feeling my 68 years.
While I was writing this post, I was watching a programme ' The Victorians " with Jeremy Paxman. There were a lot of illustrations by Gustave Doré showing poverty, the workhouse and living conditions in Victorian London ..... puts my moaning into perspective { apart from sick friends and relatives } ..... hanging on the phone isn't really the end of the world is it ?
image 1: via plumes-feathers, image 2: via google, image 3: via me, image 4 & 5: via pinterest, nik kershaw video via youtube