Look what I've done !!!
A precis of events :
Arrived at friend's house to stay overnight, went to a pub for dinner { one small glass of wine }, on to venue to see Nik Kershaw { brilliant }, took small glass of wine into auditorium, put it on the floor and kicked it over !!, back to friend's house, stayed up until 4.30 a.m. chatting { no wine, just coffee }, went to bed, woke at 7.30 a.m. needing the toilet, sat on toilet knowing I was going to be sick {have not been sick for years} ..... next thing I know, I'm laying in sick on the floor, knickers and leggings round my ankles !!! Had passed out, smashed my head on the adjoining wall which woke friend, friend had to break into the bathroom, she called ambulance !!! After all checks, the paramedics said I had had food poisoning ... result: black and blue face, painful neck and shoulders !!!
Thinking I'm looking a lot like Frankenstein's monster ..... you've got to laugh !!!