
Wednesday 26 June 2024

STUFF !!! ...........

BT shut me out of my emails a few weeks ago ....... I have been with BT for 50 years and have always had broadband and email with them. I rang them { and, surprisingly enough was first in the queue }. A very nice lady apologised and sorted it out. Then, it happened the next day, then the next and then the next ! Finally that was sorted. While I was onto her I said that I felt it was time to get rid of the landline. Then, looking at my bill, I was paying £25 a month for TNT Sports which we never use as all of the Sport is on our Sky Glass. She got rid of that. She then said that they have amalgamated with EE and would I like to have my mobile with them  .....I informed her that I was already with EE ..... she then proceeded to get my EE mobile bill down. Then I was told that BT will eventually only deal with businesses so I should go with EE for my Broadband and have their new ' all singing, all dancing ' new fibre broadband. OK, I said..........

A lovey Outreach man came and set it all up with my old BT broadband router and then, they sent me the above ! I connected it all up but they hadn't sent me a booster to put at the back of the house so, after yet another phone call, they sent me one. Throughout all of this process I must have been on the phone for over fifteen hours ! Nobody gave me an account number { as I am now with EE } or how I would pay so more hours on the phone. I received the booster and thought I just plugged it in like I did with the BT one ....... no, it all has to be paired. I like to think, for an old person, I'm not too bad with technology but, nobody tells you anything ! That was sorted but it kept dropping out { which NEVER happened with BT ! } More phone calls later it is all working { fingers crossed }. They also said it would be super fast ..... I have never had any problems with speed and this doesn't seem any faster ! Here's hoping I don't have to go through that again and waste nearly a whole day of my life on the phone ! 

On a lighter note, our son took our granddaughter to see Taylor Swift on the last night at Wembley. I don't know many Taylor Swift songs but, seeing some of the clips, the show looked amazing ...... I would have liked to have gone ..... I won't tell you how much our son paid for the tickets !!!!!!

One more thing ..... as some of you know, our son works in the music business ..... I think he was musical in the womb ! He likes all sorts of music from Classical to heavy metal. They all came to us on Fathers Day but he left around 5.00 pm as he was going to a gig in Islington with friends. Do you know who he went to see ? A Heavy Metal Band called ..... wait for it  .....

' Dying Fetus ' 





  1. Sadly, the days of BT being British is long gone and along with it the service standards we had become used to. It is the same here with Manx Telecom which is now owned by some complicated infrastructure management company. Service has plummeted as a result. I hope all your technical issues are now resolved and you are back in the land of Blog xxx

    1. What a performance .... I thought it was meant to make life easier 🤣 !!! Thanks for commenting JayCee ...... it was a bit of a boring post 🤣. XXXX

    2. Certainly not boring Jackie. It is interesting to read about others' experiences, whatever they may be! So pleased that it is all working again xxx

  2. It sounded quite positive at the start and they got your bill down. I did the same a few months ago and also got rid of TNT Sport (formerly BT Sport) and reduced the bill. I got a booster to send the wifi around the house too which I amazed myself in being able to set up! I didn't take the step to get rid of the landline but wish I had. I hardly ever use it. BT and EE merged ealier this year. They are owned by their shareholders and I am one and most people with any sort of pension will be one too along with institutional shareholders and I always get on well with dealing with them. They had a blip a few years back when the help numbers all went to Mumbai but now they go to Newcastle or Wales I think. I hope your new set up has stabilised.

    1. Sounds as if you have been through much of the same procedure Rachel. They did say they had been having a few problems and apologised ..... it all seems ok now [ touch wood!!! } As I said to JayCee, thanks for commenting ..... its a bit of a boring post 🤣. XXXX

    2. I felt the need to defend BT after JayCee kind of finished them off. They have always been good to me.

  3. We have been with BT for around 50 years and, had broadband with them from the start ...... never had one problem with them so I was a bit miffed when it kept dropping out to start with and wished I'd never changed to EE but, all's well now.BT are obviously encouraging people to have EE Broadband as, eventually, they said they will only be supplying businesses. XXXX

    1. In my road a company came and put down fibre optics and a man went from door to door trying to get people to sign up. He was aggressive and I didn't like him. He called three times. My neighbours signed up and had a big day when they all got hitched up to it. I declined along with my builder a mile up the road. Now two years later they are all miserable and I still get the best deal from BT, my neighbours promised speeds are not happening and when they ask to increase they are told to pay more. When I enquired about joining, the basic speed even then was going to cost more than BT. So I just stayed where I was. My 85 year neighbour has a file on all the correspondence and calls he has made. He regrets ever leaving BT. Sorry to make such a long comment! xx

    2. I have been with BT all of my adult life, first just with the telephone and then with all the new technology. I think I'm still with BT but with EE attached !!! ...... I love a long comment Rachel so no need to apologise. XXXX

  4. I have BT in the UK, but have never really looked at what I'm paying for. What I do know it that it's very expensive. Maybe I should have words with them.

  5. After numerous phone calls, it seems you are sorted. We all rely on our computers and when things go astray it is not pleasant. Taylor Swift (TS) is a big hit in the US too. The cost of the tickets here are astronomical, I've heard some Americans are flying to England to holiday and see TS. Your granddaughter is a lucky girl to see TS live.

    1. Sorry Susan ..... I'm late in answering your comment !
      It's the amount of wasted time we have to spend on the phone to sort things out that annoys me ..... and it's their fault !!!!
      Our Granddaughter loved the TS show ..... I was a little envious as, what I've seen online, it looks amazing ! I have also heard that people are coming here from the US as it's cheaper { although, our son paid enough !!! } XXXX
