
Monday 9 August 2021

A WET WEEKEND ............

It was a very wet weekend here in Hertfordshire .....

I've also had a face like a wet weekend ..... this broken elbow lark is getting pretty frustrating. Half of the things that I want to do I can't and the other half take a zillion times longer ! The most excitement that I get is going to either the fracture clinic or to see the physiotherapist !  I am quite a patient person and also a glass half full , flowing over kind of a gal but the healing of a broken elbow is a long process !!! I still have numbness in my hand but , it is all improving so I can't complain and as I always say, there are always so many others far worse off than me. It could have been far worse. 

Not being able to drive is a bit annoying as well !!! The doctor said the elbow doesn't usually straighten completely but, I can live with that. I told him how grateful I was to him for his skill in putting me back together considering I did a silly thing .... he told me he was pleased he could help me and that it was just his job. He was quite impressed with my knowledge of anatomy !!!  .... do you know that the nerve heals 1mm per day so that's why it takes so long for the numbness to go, and, considering I injured the median nerve at the elbow, it's got a long way to go !  I'm just so annoyed with myself for ruining a perfectly good arm but, that's why we have the word accident isn't it ? !!! 

OK ..... thats enough self pity for one day ..... has anyone out there broken their elbow ? I'm sorry to only talk about broken bones but that's about all thats going on in my life at the moment ! ..... oh, and the conservatory is leaking but, that's another story. 

UPDATE : Just read a story about a man, age 57,  who was celebrating his  wedding anniversary, who went to the toilet, fell down the stairs and is now paralysed from the waist down .... puts a broken elbow into perspective ..... I've given myself a good talking to and a slap round the face !!! 





  1. Yes, I broke my elbow, as I have already told you. I was also told it wouldn't straighten completely but we worked on it at home like a hinge opening and closing every evening and i got my arm straight again. My injuries were not so severe as yours, just a break. Keep at it.

    Very wet here too, sometimes like monsoons, xxx

    1. Thanks Rachel ….. have been doing the opening and closing like a hinge. It is still quite painful around the elbow so still healing so movement is limited but, as the doctor said, it’s early days yet and is improving so that’s good. I was just getting a bit impatient today !!!!! The doc said he was now happy for the physio to work on it properly. Thanks so much for all of your help and advice. XXXX

    2. I started driving again at about seven weeks but my arm was nowhere near straight at that point. We carried on with our "home" physio each evening for a long time, several weeks or even months, until I was satisfied I could straighten my arm. I do remember being in despair when the doctor said my arm would never be straight, he wasn't particularly friendly, so I was determined to prove him wrong! Glad you are making progress, as I am sure you are. xxx

    3. It’s been nearly 10 weeks since I broke it and I wouldn’t drive yet as it’s still painful. I can do the turning of the wheel motion and, being my right arm is annoying but, when it comes to driving it’s the left arm that does most of the work. I don’t think driving is too far away ! XXXX

  2. It must be very frustrating when it seems to be dragging on for so long. Wet and miserable weather probably doesn't improve the mood much!
    Hope you get on well with the physiotherapy and you start to see an improvement.
    Take it easy though xxx

    1. Thanks JayCee ….. I’m just a frustrated patient at the moment ! It is improving and I was told from the very beginning that it would take some time ! At least I had The Olympics to watch which I loved. XXXX

  3. I broke my fifth metatarsal and it took all Summer in to early Fall to heal. I could not drive as well. It is hard to go from doing everything you want to being restricted due to an injury. Healing at 1 mm per day is an interesting fact. The doc says you are making progress and this is good. Calculating your recovery date and planning something very special is a must.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Susan. I think you hit the nail on the head …. One can be going along living ones life and then … BANG ….. your independence is taken from you for a while. XXXX

  4. Plenty of old ladies used to break their elbows on me at jumble sales in the 70s.

    1. Haha !!! I used to love jumble sales as a child .... my friend and I bought a beautiful family bible for 1d ! I am now an old woman but wouldn't break my elbow on you ..... I save that for the bees ! XXXX

  5. It's all so tiresome this waiting, waiting for the body to resume normal transmission. You really did a number on your elbow, however, so that puts you in a special class :)

    I've never broken an elbow but, to date, it's my feet that are my special subject. Indeed, I went to the doctor only yesterday with a suspected break but it looks like not, happily. The other foot was a Fashion Accident - kitten heels and wide-legged trousers and stairs - and didn't require surgery but took forever for me to get out of the moon boot. For the last week or so, we went on our beach holiday and Mr. P did the chivalrous thing of carrying me across the sand to get in and out of the water. My un-booted shrivelled limb, another fetching look, also took an age to build up, too ... But, it fades from memory and I had to chase down photos yesterday before I went to the doctor because I couldn't remember which foot it was!

    You, too, will be back to normal. But don't get up any chairs or ladders investigating that conservatory leak!!! xx

    1. I really went to town on the elbow break … lots of hardware in there !!! Sorry to hear about your foot trouble….. here’s hoping normal life can be resumed as soon as possible for both of us !!!! Apologies again for not commenting on your blog …. Numb fingers make it difficult but, the feeling is coming back …… hopefully only a few millimetres to go !!! I’m not a good blogging friend at the moment so thanks for sticking by me Pip. XXXX

    2. No need to say a word, dear Jackie, you put in a champion effort with getting this post together!!! The old hoof is fine, just bruised - Mr. P & I had a double-date with the doctor, he with a similarly inconsequential thing to wonder about, and as we were sent on our way, I asked the doctor if we all, perhaps, have just too much time on our hands these days, hahah!! xx

  6. A neighbour of mine broke her leg/ankle/foot (not sure), after surgery they found that they'd put her foot on slightly sideways (don't laugh). She had to let it heal before they could operate again, and the following procedures were far worse than the original one. The poor woman is still suffering about two years later!

    1. Oh my goodness, your poor neighbour … what a lot to go through. Puts my broken elbow in the shade ! XXXX

  7. Patience is not my strong suit either. I'm 3 1/2 years in with no diagnosis to the first issue and now added another disease to the grouping.
    Time- it's an evil villain sometimes

    1. Oh Z …. That’s not good. The time thing is worse as we age as well !!!! I hope they get to the bottom of your issues very soon. XXXX

  8. Cheering you on Jackie . . .
    Keep that therapy going . . . bit by bit.
    Poor elbow, sad for you, cheering you on. Sounds like a great doctor.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself! I tripped on the doggie leash and another time on some gardening covers and took flying falls onto our driveway a few years back. Landed on my right shoulder, next day I tripped on a walk going into my doc office . . . shortening the story to let you know I had a torn right shoulder rotator cuff. Had surgery and improved/improving. Now my left shoulder is worse than the right. I am still smiling and doing the exercises to improve my mobility.

    Getting hacked on my Facebook has probably caused me more angst . . . lost everything. Damn!

    Are you smiling . . .
    Hugs my friend! (I won’t squeeze the elbow!)

    1. I’m smiling Lynne ….. just needed a bit of a moan !!!! Sorry to hear your Facebook was hacked …. That’s horrible. You did well with your shoulder …. I’m doing the exercises …… it’s really painful but I’m persevering !
      Hugs back 💕 XXXX

  9. Oh poor poor poor you...I wish I could help you...stay from me Ria 🍀🍀🍀

    1. Thank you Ria …. It’s improving all the time but very slow !! 💕 XXXX

  10. Poor Jackie, that sounds very trying...
    And you are really brave (the choice would be to wallow each given day in self-pity or get angry at that wasp or whoever you wanted to save (one karma-point for that..).
    A friend of mine had a broken elbow - took some time but is fine now, and another broke her wrist, not funny either. She did it while gathering pears or whatsoever in her vast garden (cooking every year zillions of jams and compote and so on - owning her garden alone...)
    I wish you a good and faster recovery! XXX

    1. Thank you so much Britta … it’s good to hear that your friends elbow is fine now …. One of my neighbours just knocked and she told me she broke her elbow and that it’s fine now…. Gives me hope !!!!!! XXXX

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