
Sunday 10 June 2018

RUBBING DOWN and a RESCUE ..........

We were rubbing down the paintwork on the downstairs windows this morning ready for a fresh coat of ..... 

..... I know ..... I am probably guilty of succumbing to the power of advertising but I do like the chalkiness of their paint .....

I digress..... 
I looked across the road and saw, waddling down the grassy bank on the other side of the road, a mummy duck and her baby ducklings trying to cross the road. A lady in a 4 x 4 had stopped to let them cross and I shooed them onto the pavement. They then went under next doors car !!! Another lady with her daughter { both adore all animals great and small ! } stopped in her Fiat and was most concerned ..... I said it was no use calling the RSPCA as I had had dealings with them before with a Magpie that had fallen down our chimney that was dive bombing me, but, they never seem to want to help.... said Fiat lady agreed. 
I looked under the car but they had disappeared so I guessed they had gone down the alley ..... back to rubbing down.
Five minutes later there was a long traffic jam as the ducks had waddled back into the road !!! Everyone was really patient as the little family walked the three hundred yards back to the river { first having to navigate a really busy road ! }

Good deed done, back to rubbing down !!  

Photographs via Google as I didn't have time to get my phone !

images via google 



  1. Maybe they were playing Duck Duck Goose?

  2. Trust you to like a paint called 'Bone'.

    1. I know .... I just can’t help myself , even with my choice of paint 🤣 XXXX

  3. Something like that happened to me not too long ago. I came upon the scene, mama moving babies from one location to another, involving a street and cars. There was one casualty and I admit I stood there like a lunatic, putting my body where the ducks were crossing, daring some lame brain behind the wheel of a car to come near those ducklings .. then I found out the next day that an alligator was spotted in the lake ... where the docks go !! Nature ... its too much for me ! :)

    1. I was running in the road Candice .... having to watch that I didn’t get run over !!!
      I guess we have to think that the laws of nature take over sometimes but I couldn’t let cars run over ducklings .... we have to try to help but sometimes we just can’t stop nature ..... sad but true ! XXXX

  4. Oh, I'm sure I would have brought them home! Such a great story. About the ducklings, not the painting. I've never painted a wall in my life!
    But your color is beautiful. xx's

    1. Haha Marsha !!! We have always done lots of diy in our houses and in the garden. We have to get someone in when it comes to anything electrical and plumbing though and anything complicated .... the older we get, the more we get someone else in to do it !!! XXXX

  5. We once held-up traffic on the motorway down to Toulouse for the same reason. We caused a huge traffic jam; but at least the family were safe!

    1. It is so worrying seeing them waddling in the road .... I don’t know how they ended up in our road ..... they must have taken a wrong turn .... they obviously didn’t have their SatNav with them !!! XXXX

  6. I was thinking what Marsha said - doing your own painting!! I have a "man"!!! Anyway I hope that next time you see the family of ducklings they will be big and strong. Sue in Suffolk photographed some ducklings like the google photo above and then she photographed them a few weeks later and they were BIG so quickly. Hope you can do the same xxxxxxx

    1. We have ‘ a man ‘ for lots of things but we do some of it ourselves but not as much as we used to do. We have loads of ducks, Canada Geese and swans that swim along the river so I don’t think I would recognise the family that wandered down our road .... we do walk along the river a lot so I will look out for them. XXXX

  7. Owwww so little ducks....happy summer Ria x 💜

  8. Hello Jacqueline,
    Painting with Farrow & Ball paints is a luxury and, like you, I prefer to paint with this product myself rather than give all the joy to the painter or handyman. I worked for a while as a colour consultant for F&B's showroom in Toronto. I am still a good customer.
    I can imagine your rescue operation took some time away from your job at hand
    Have a glorious week Helen xx

    1. That’s really interesting that you worked for Farrow and Ball Helen ..... I would have loved to have consulted with you .... I know you would have helped me and I would have had every confidence in you. I am not ashamed to say that I love their paints !!!
      Happy weekend to you. XXXX

  9. Sounds like the McClouskey book,
    Make Way For Ducklings . . .
    Trusting momma, isn’t she!

    1. She was a bit frightened I think Lynne
      ... a mum is a mum be you human or duck !!! XXXX

  10. Correction . . . McCloskey . . . Robert . . .

  11. I used to help a lot with DIY. Not anymore. Now I only ensure that there be food on the table for the hard workers.
    I know it's not your photo but mamma duck and her ducklings are so gorgeous!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Making sure there is food is the most important job Maria !!!
      They were gorgeous and exactly the same duck ! XXXX

  12. SO SWEET...............SHE MADE IT CRAZY MAMAM!!!!

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