
Friday 29 June 2018

THE BELLS ..... THE BELLS ..........

St Mary's church is just behind our house ..... the 15th century Parish church is in the centre of the conservation area and is surrounded by listed buildings but is the only grade 1 building in the area. The church is mentioned in the Domesday Book in 1086. The present church was built between 1418 and 1448 and was probably rebuilt after it had fallen into neglect after the Black Death. It is a fine example of Gothic architecture and the beautiful, almost Dickensian location and the church's wonderful acoustics helped to make the choir { of which our son was a choir boy from the age of seven and who went on to a career in music } congregation, booming organ and brass ensemble the most atmospheric building for many an event. 

I took this video last evening ..... the peeling of the bells is a regular occurrence .... from bell practise to weddings ..... and it is lovely to hear when sitting in our garden.



Wednesday 20 June 2018


Rosa ' Kiftsgate ' is an extremely vigorous rambling rose, bearing masses of small, single cream-white flowers with a strong musk fragrance, followed by red, oval shaped hips .....

It is ideal for growing through large trees  so we planted one about four years ago to ramble through the tree that we planted in 1987 just after the Great Storm when we were all asked, if we could, to plant a tree to replace the hundreds { thousands ? } that fell during that storm.
 I wouldn't recommend the Kiftsgate for a small garden ....

 ..... along with the Great White Shark and the Bengal Tiger, Rosa fillips ' Kiftsgate ' should be avoided by all sensible human beings !!!
Every 4 inches or so, it is embellished with the biggest and sharpest thorns you have ever encountered and you risk life and limb if you should need to prune it !!! We are lucky enough to be able to let it run away into the tree ..... it is vicious.

..... but, it smells divine , looks so pretty when bought into the house, and it's open, single flowers are attracted to bees . 

It looks like a cascading waterfall amongst the trees and is equally as beautiful when you bring some inside. 

It is so easy to take cuttings ..... most will take if you just stick cuttings into the ground ..... 
BUT .....
only give them away to people that you don't like !!!


Tuesday 12 June 2018


We used to have a very large ivy with a massive trunk that had grown so large over our back door 
we chopped it down and I ordered a canopy from Garden Requisites

I am so pleased with it .... it looks as if it's been there forever!


Sunday 10 June 2018

RUBBING DOWN and a RESCUE ..........

We were rubbing down the paintwork on the downstairs windows this morning ready for a fresh coat of ..... 

..... I know ..... I am probably guilty of succumbing to the power of advertising but I do like the chalkiness of their paint .....

I digress..... 
I looked across the road and saw, waddling down the grassy bank on the other side of the road, a mummy duck and her baby ducklings trying to cross the road. A lady in a 4 x 4 had stopped to let them cross and I shooed them onto the pavement. They then went under next doors car !!! Another lady with her daughter { both adore all animals great and small ! } stopped in her Fiat and was most concerned ..... I said it was no use calling the RSPCA as I had had dealings with them before with a Magpie that had fallen down our chimney that was dive bombing me, but, they never seem to want to help.... said Fiat lady agreed. 
I looked under the car but they had disappeared so I guessed they had gone down the alley ..... back to rubbing down.
Five minutes later there was a long traffic jam as the ducks had waddled back into the road !!! Everyone was really patient as the little family walked the three hundred yards back to the river { first having to navigate a really busy road ! }

Good deed done, back to rubbing down !!  

Photographs via Google as I didn't have time to get my phone !

images via google 
