
Tuesday 14 November 2017


Our By Invitation subject this month is ' Connections ". The subject stumped me a bit for a while .....

But then I thought of the connections we make with people  that we come across throughout our life. Blindingly obvious, I know, but something we all do in various ways. What makes us connect to some and not others ? Obviously to have things in common, but, for me, a sense of humour is paramount. When I was 11, I started Senior School and met Lesley. We were in the same class .....

Here we are, aged about 15, on holiday in Cornwall ..... I remember one evening, we went out and met some guys, got in their car { yes, got in their car !!! } only to be turfed out in the middle of nowhere !!! Where was Ross Poldark when we needed him ?!!

We are about 16 here ..... we were always going in the photo booth ..... no mobile phones to do selfies then !!! Before mobile phones and the art of texting, Lesley and I had been known to talk on the phone for six hours !!!!! Yes, six hours ..... we could have flown to New York in that time !!! Texting has really saved us a lot of money on our phone bills !!

..... and, here we are last weekend, 55 years later, on a weekend trip to London at the Charles Dickens Museum ...... you could dress up like Victorians so Lesley wore the bonnet and I look pretty silly in a chimney sweeps cap and Victorian glasses. I look more like Bob Dylan or John Lennon than a Victorian chimney sweep !!!

..... mind you, not a lot has changed ..... me around 1966 !!!

Our connection has lasted for 55 years ..... we have laughed our way through those 55 years and, hopefully, we will share much more laughter together for many more years to come. 

What makes you connect with people ? Do you have a long term connection with anyone ? Have you made a connection with many bloggers ?

Pop over to Daily Plate of Crazy to see what others have written about ' Connections "

all images via me



  1. The only difference I can see is that you have ditched the white lipstick.

    1. The white lipstick was very fashionable in the 60's !!! I'll take your comment as a compliment ! XXXX

  2. A friend for 55 years. Wow. That is amazing and so cool. Bravo. I love this take on connections!


    1. I actually have another friend that I've known for 61 years but I don't see her so often.
      Love yours too !! XXXX

  3. Love ❤️Love❤️Love❤️.....

  4. I am seeing three school friends on Saturday, one I have known for 60 years and the others for 55 years. One never has to explain anything, we always know what we are talking about even if nobody else does!

    1. I do have another friend that I see who I have known for 62 years !!! haha .... beat ya !!!!
      I think one of the best things about old friends is the history you have with them .... XXXX

  5. That Ross Poldark is no Jamie Fraser! Just sayin'.

    1. Ha! I'm with you. Jamie Fraser. Mmmmmmm.

    2. Oh no ..... give me Ross Poldark anytime !!! XXXX

  6. There is nothing quite like your best friend. That special person that knows you so well, and you can pick right up as though no time has passed at all. I have loved seeing all of our interpretations of the topic this month and look forward to December!

    1. You are so right ..... I think that the main thing is that we have so much history with our old friends, don't we ? XXXX

    I have a LOT of CONNECTIONS through INSTAGRAM and THE OLD BLOGGY!!!!!
    You could say it's my HOBBY!!!!!!

    1. It's lovely connecting with people, isn't it Elizabeth and you are so good at it !!! XXXX

  8. Humour is so important. Personally I am probably guilty of finding humour in very inappropriate subjects, but what the hell. I wake with a smile, and retire with a smile, and if anyone interrupts the in-between bit with bad vibes I become quite dangerous.

    1. Humour is SO important and, I think it's good to find humour in everything. I wake with a smile, retire with a smile and try to smile a lot during the day ..... that makes me sound a bit weird !!! XXXX

  9. What a lovely post, your friendship with Lesley is just like my friendship with Ann who I also met at the age of 11. We started secondary school together and we are still the best of friends now both at the age of 67. You both still look wonderful, isn't it great to have a friend who you can laugh with. Even now when we meet we spend a lot of the time laughing. I used to wear a lipstick in the 60's called Strawberry Meringue by Max Factor and it was almost white, my dad said I looked like a ghoul with the almost white lips, ultra pale face and masses of black eye make-up and daisy the cow type false eye-lashes. What a hoot, I also used to iron my already dead straight hair - lay my hair out on the ironing board, cover it with brown paper and iron it, the precursor of today's hair straighteners. Thank you for your post, Sue H x

    1. Your friendship with Ann mirrors my friendship with Lesley { and, we are both 67 next February !! } I obviously had a lipstick like your Strawberry meringue Sue as I have very pale lips in those photographs !!! Mine was Yardley I think ! My Dad thought I looked as if I had heart trouble !! XXXX

  10. I love you SO much !!!
    There is only ONE YOU !!!
    And there is nothing like girlfriends. NOTHING !!

    1. ..... and there is only one you Marsha !!! Love you back. XXXX

  11. Old friends are the best. I remember those photo booths. In the early seventies... it seemed a trip downtown shopping with a girlfriend always involved taking our photo in the booth at Zeller's.
    Love your post. Happy to discover your blog through BIO:)

    1. They are aren't they Susan ? Lesley and I were ALWAYS in the photo booth ...... we still have quite a few of the photos. Many thanks for your comment and lovely to ' meet ' you ! XXXX

  12. I agree with Susan. Old friends are the best "they see who you are and know where you've been". This was a lovely post!

    1. Thanks Susan ..... old friends really are the best. XXXX

  13. Delightful piece on CONNECTIONS . . .
    Anything better than a 55 year old friendship . . .
    Love the pictures . . .
    I think LAUGHTER has been a connecting key in my life . . .
    As I type that word, those golden gem friends ,of mine pop up in my mind
    and what I see is our heads tossed back, hair a flying, laughing our fool heads off.
    Infectious . . .

  14. Your blog is very nice,Thanks for sharing good blog.

    แตกใน xxx
