
Sunday 24 September 2017

NIK and SICK !!! .....

Look what I've done !!!

A precis of events :

Arrived at friend's house to stay overnight, went to a pub for dinner { one small glass of wine }, on to venue to see Nik Kershaw { brilliant }, took small glass of wine into auditorium, put it on the floor and kicked it over !!, back to friend's house, stayed up until 4.30 a.m. chatting { no wine, just coffee }, went to bed, woke at 7.30 a.m. needing the toilet, sat on toilet knowing I was going to be sick {have not been sick for years} ..... next thing I know, I'm laying in sick on the floor, knickers and leggings round my ankles !!! Had passed out, smashed my head on the adjoining wall which woke friend, friend had to break into the bathroom, she called ambulance !!! After all checks, the paramedics said I had had food poisoning ... result: black and blue face, painful neck and shoulders !!!

Thinking I'm looking a lot like Frankenstein's monster ..... you've got to laugh !!!




  1. That's terrible, Jack@. Take care!

    1. Thanks Tom ..... I am being Lady Muck, laying on sofa and watching crap TV !!!

  2. You can't beat taking your own sandwiches! But OMG you poor thing. As Tom said, take care Jackie xxx

    1. Thanks Rachel ..... I am looking pretty awful but not the end of the world. Think I'll stay in for a while !!! XXXX

  3. I can't laugh .. that looks too painful and you were found with your knickers down :(
    I hope you are so much better now !!

    1. Thanks Candice ..... I think the knickers round my ankles was the worst part !!! Good thing is that my friend is a nurse .... she's seen it all before !!! XXXX

  4. Quite a shiner Jackie. My husband did the same thing once and broke his nose in the process. Glad you got checked out. Healing thoughts sent your way.

    1. Thanks Donna ...... I shall be my old self before long. Not nice but it could have been worse. Same thing happened to a friend in front of a lot of office workers ...... embarrassing !!! XXXX

  5. Oh Jackie!! you poor thing........what a horrible experience. Take care x

    1. Thanks Libby.... not the best experience of my life !!!!
      Am putting my feet up. XXXX

  6. Oh you poor thing! Food poisoning is the worst, although at least you don't have to take the blame for over indulgence or not being able to hold you liquor. Hope you mend quickly. Take care!

    1. Oh Shawn .... it was horrid !!! .... and, why is it when you are at someone else's house ?!!!! Still, the friend I was staying with I have known for over fifty years and, she is a nurse so it wasn't too embarrassing !! XXXX

  7. Oh Jackie, I am so sorry and, besides the horrible food poisoning which in itself must be terribly frightening, that must also be very painful! On a "happier" note; you don't have to wear make up.
    Greetings Maria x

  8. Haha Maria !! Very true ..... no make up since I did it !
    I'm just wondering if I've got enough concealer to cover it up next week ...... I don't want to frighten the neighbours ! XXXX

  9. Oh poor, poor Jackie - I send you all my good wishes for healing soon, and that you forget the shock and the pain soon! Britta XXXX

    1. Thanks Britta ..... I'm sure all will be well ... I'll just have to hide away for a while !! XXXX

  10. no laughter here either. That looks painful. You poor dear! Thy say yellow under makeup covers up red tones ..but that's a lot of red!
    Take it easy <3

  11. Haha Z ... it certainly is a lot of red although it's starting to go yellow/green now plus red and purple !!!! I think green covers red and I've got a pot of that .... maybe I'll show my covering attempts in a couple of days !! XXXX

  12. Jackie, so very sorry for what happened - lucky your friend's a nurse, hopefully a carpenter too when it comes to repairing the door! What on earth did you eat at the pub?

    Hope you heal quickly - and that there are some decent TV programs coming up.
    Hugs - be well - Mary

    1. Thanks Mary ...... I ate a salad and so did my friend but we had a couple of different things. The paramedics said that you can eat the same thing and it can just affect one person ! ME !!!!!! The bathroom door is OK ! XXXX

  13. Oh my days! Poor you, talk about a double whammy! Get well soon xxx

    1. I know !!!! Not the nicest thing to have happened !
      Hopefully, my face will be back to normal soon ! XXXX

  14. I'm glad that you are (mostly) o.k. What a shock! But having been found with your knickers around your ankles .... even 'our' John in Wales can't top that story! Hope you mend soon!

    1. Haha Iris !!! I didn't think I could ever top John !! I think the knickers round the ankles was the worst part !!! God knows what I looked like when my friend found me !!!! I'm sure I shall be fine .... I just look pretty awful !! XXXX

  15. Replies
    1. Not the best thing to happen Elizabeth !!!!! XXXX

  16. The female version of Mr Stevenson x

    1. Haha John ..... perhaps it should be my new photograph !!! XXXX

  17. They say better to laugh than cry! But you poor baby! Hope you heal quickly

    1. I think it's on the mend James ...... it's going a beautiful greenish yellow colour now !!! XXXX

  18. Good god; poor you. There's very little worse than food poisoning. I truly sympathise. Have you considered a brown paper bag with two eye holes? Cro xx

    1. A very good idea Cro .... I just opened the door to the postman and gave him a fright !!! XXXX

  19. Oh your poor face! I have loved nice kershaw since the 80's, so under rated I feel. Hope you feel better soon. Sally

    1. Thank you Justine .... hopefully there is no perms ant damage.
      Nik Kershaw is so underrated ..... I've loved his music since the 80's too and have all of his albums. If you ever get the chance to see him, do ..... he was absolutely brilliant live. XXXX

  20. Oh your poor face! I have loved nice kershaw since the 80's, so under rated I feel. Hope you feel better soon. Sally

  21. Owwww your poor face...hope you Will revover soon....poor Ria x ❤️

    1. Thanks Ria ...... it's looking a bit better today !!! XXXX

  22. Oh no, Jackie! Heal well and hopefully quickly! xoxo

    1. Thee reddish purple is changing to greenish/yellow which doesn't look quite so frightening !!! I'm sure that I'll be out and about very soon. XXXX

  23. OH MY . . .
    Poor dear . . .
    Everyone most have been worried sick.
    Food posiining . . . I hear dreadful and very painful!
    Bet you are a "pretty Frankenstein!"
    Be well, feel better, do not return to that pub!

    1. Thanks Lynne ..... I'm not sure what food caused it but I don't feel like going to that pub for a while !!!! Went out today and had to explain to everyone what I'd done !!! XXXX

  24. OMG, J !!!
    This is horrible. I trust by the time you're reading this you are so much better. For us girls, there's nothing worse than bruises on our face is there?
    I remember food poisoning long ago, it's dreadful and there is nothing you can do but get it out of your body. So the body takes control and it's awful. All the best, and no I'm not laughing. Love love love

  25. It was pretty horrible Marsha but the purple is now fading and the mustardy yellow has taken over !!!!! I still look a bit of a sight but not quite so frightening !
    Love back. XXXX

  26. Oh MY GOSH Jackie!!!!! Bruised but not broken thank goodness. I hope you will make a full recovery and not have any lingering problems dear friend! I have missed you, and coming back to that opening photo was a real fright for me :)))
    I hope you look much better by now and that your tummy is not doing flip flops all over the place still!
    sending love to you....

    1. Hi June,
      Purple face has nearly gone ..... just a few traces of blue and yellow left !!! Sending love back. XXXX

  27. Oh how dreadful your poor face - I bet that's somethings g you never expected after your evening out - if you didn't laugh you would cry - hope it's clearing up and isn't too painful

    1. It wasn’t nice Elaine .... and it’s still a bit blue/green/yellow !!! .... wasn’t really painful though which seems strange ! XXXX

  28. Ohlala, c'est impressionnant, j'espère que vous ne souffrez pas. Bon rétablissement !

  29. What a horrifying event; when I saw the photo I thought it was some colorful face paint. Hope you are all healed soon.

    1. Thank you Terra ..... traces of a bruise are nearly gone now ... just a little bit left to remind me !!! XXXX

  30. OMG Jackie - I am just seeing this now! You poor thing! Hope you are healing up xoxo Loved Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't it be Good.

    1. Wasn’t nice but Nik Kershaw was brilliant...... I won’t let the sun go down on me !!!! XXXX

  31. Oh my goodness, Jackie! I hope you are healing well! That happened to my mom a few years ago and she had quite the shiner just like you! Cheers to healthier days fir you and much calmer visits with friends. Lots of love sent your way!! xxoo

    1. Healing nicely Cathi and thanks for lovely comment .... and, your poor Mum .... I can say that I know exactly how she felt !!!!! Sending love back your way. XXXX

  32. Hello Jackie,
    I hope you are healed and recovered fully. How quickly these accidents happen. I can imagine it must have been painful. Food poising is the worst.
    Hugs and prayers.
    Helen xx

  33. Jackie...Jackie....I’m SO sorry to miss adding my thoughts on the date you posted this!!
    Crikey love, that must have been a helluva crack you gave yourself as you passed out!
    Well I certainly hope you felt a whole lot better soon.
    Very sorry to have been absent for so l...o...n...gggg! I been struggling up and then down the whole of last year, classic M.E. Symptoms, improvement then crash and burn agh! Oh well, keep on keeping Alan Bennett says.
    Much love, and a very Happy New Year Jackie!
