
Tuesday 27 June 2017

CUT and DRIED ..........

On the mantlepiece are the first sweet peas cut from the garden ... there were only three but I'm hoping for more in the coming weeks ...

At the other end of the fireplace are some dried hydrangeas from last year ... they need replacing so I am waiting for the hydrangeas to flower !!

Just thought I'd show you !!


All images via Me



  1. I loved growing sweet peas as a child - mum and I always set up a trellis in the garden and we trained them to climb - oh the fragrance. Hope you get loads of perfumed blooms this summer.

    As for hydrangeas - oh Jackie mine were killed off (the new buds as they set) in the three day heavy freeze we experienced here in March, therefore only a total of three blooms this year on all my bushes - usually I have hundreds! None to dry later but I have to say the ones from last year are still looking pretty good. I will look forward to perhaps a bumper crop next year - I love them so!

    Lovely photos - the vintage letters with elegant French handwriting, sigh!
    Mary x

    1. They smell wonderful Mary even though there are only three !! So sorry to hear about your hydrangeas ..... I seem to have even more flowers this year .... I think it's because I gave them a good prune. I'll show you when they are out. XXXX

  2. A couple of years ago a French newspaper covered a story about Hydrangeas. It seems that smoking the dried petals has the same effect as smoking cannabis, and as you can imagine, almost every flower across the whole of France disappeared over night. Whether the story was right or not; I have no idea.

    1. Well, I've never heard of that Cro .... perhaps I should give it a whirl !!! XXXC

  3. I'm intrigued by the French envelope. What's that all about?

    Lovely sweet peas....

    1. Hi Nick .... well, I have lots of old letters .... I love them... isn't it a shame that letter writing has had it's day ..... so much more romantic than an email !!! XXXX

  4. Sweet peas are my favorite...beautiful color.....have a Nice day love ria x

    1. They are one of my favourites too Ria and they smell wonderful.... nice day to you too. XXXX

  5. I never grew sweet peas and didn't know what I was missing.

    1. I love them Donna but they don't grow very well in our garden .... I try every year but I think that I might get a few more this year. XXXX

  6. So pretty, Jackie! Next year, I must try growing sweet peas!

    1. Oh Carol, you must give sweet peas a go ..... they not only look pretty but smell wonderful. XXXX

  7. So pretty! I love dried flowers, have them everywhere. I have three Annabelle hydrangeas...they start out white (my fave dried), then go to a limish green, then finally brown. I'm always thinking of the next year...they need to be replaced as they get quite dusty! I love roses dried too! When I'm lucky enough to get some, I immediately hang them upside down to dry...I'm weird!
    I have a nice beam in my dining room where they all hang to dry until needed.
    I love your old letters too! Thank you for sharing. :)

    1. If you are weird Sherry, then so am I ..... I dry lots of flowers !! .... and you are right... hydrangeas do get very dusty ...... mine definitely need replacing now. XXXX

  8. Liked the Sweet Pea and dried Hydrangea pictures.
    My huge Annabelle Hydrangeas are ready to go "full beauty!"
    Right now they are a beautiful shade of lime green . . .
    One white now . . . soon they will all be white . . .
    Beautiful time of the year, isn't it!

    1. We have quite a few hydrangeas ... one of my favourites. Annabelle sounds perfect and just the colours I like. I'll have to look out for it over here. XXXZx

  9. YIKES!
    I have the water on my HYDRANGEA I Better go turn it off!!!!!!!!!
    HAVE A LOVELY DAY...........I have a new POST UP you may enjoy!!!!

    1. Haha !!!
      I'll be over to read your blog asap. I'm afraid that I've been a bit bad with my commenting lately Elizabeth. XXXX

  10. They are so lovely, Jackie! I'm green with envy at your gardening. My gardens have been non existant the last few years, but hoping to remedy that this year! Love to you and Mr H!

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