
Wednesday 7 September 2016


I don't think that we all have to look like top model's but, if you like a bit of fashion, as I do, we can still look good as we age...... if you're not into it then that's good too !!

Doesn't he look brilliant ?

His other half looks pretty good too .... and, their beige is good beige !

Linda V Wright ..... looking good !

Carmen Dell'Orefice .... 85 !!!!!

I not sure at what age we give up on ourselves but I do hope that it's never !!!!!


images 1, 2 & 3: via my modern met, image 4: via linda v wright, image 5: via glam gals, image 6: via bloglovin, image 7: via what if winter is not a place outside



  1. Some cool guys and chicks there Jacqueline. I wish I could count myself amongst them.

    1. I think that you look very good Cro .... it's the black that does it !!! XXXX

  2. It doesn't have to mean dressing like a teenager either.

    1. Are you saying that he is trying to look like a teenager Tom ? XXXX

    2. I'm not sure what he is trying to look like, but I think I would avoid eye contact with him! His missus looks a lot better.

    3. I love his style ..... I think that maybe he should lose the turn ups on his jeans but he looks bloody good for his age. XXXX

    4. As the universal arbiter of taste that I am, I would say that he should lose the bloody lot and buy himself a discreet Armani suit. The man has NO taste whatsoever and looks like a pratt.

      It takes more money than he is willing to spend to look like a well-dressed tramp.

    5. I do see your point Tom and, being understated is much more stylish but, I admire his individuality and his own style. I don't think that I'd like my husband to walk around like that but it wouldn't do for us to all look the same would it ? I like a bit of diversity and, he is one of the eccentrics.XXXX

  3. I love it when a person has a personal style of his/her own; feels good in it, and even more, feels comfortable in his/her own skin. Hope I made sense, Jackie? :)
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I do too Maria .... I love a bit of individuality.
      ..... And, you always make sense to me Maria. XXXX

  4. They all look wonderful. I'm having my morning cup of coffee in my housedress and you'd scream if you saw me now with my hair standing up all over my head.

    1. The older I get, the worse I look in the morning Donna !!!!!! XXXX

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Carol,
      They all have amazing style, don't they ?
      Sorry if I've missed a few of your posts ..... Been a bit busy lately but am back on track now. XXXX

  6. I met Carmen about 30 years ago .. in NYC . She knew my husband and we ran into her on the street. She is as gorgeous today as she was then.

    1. Oh Candice, how interesting .... Was she as lovely in real life ? ..... Mind you, she was a lot younger 30 years ago .... She has a very beautiful face. XXXX

  7. Like Maria says, I love it, personal style. Difficult to put into words. I chatted to two men in the station café this morning who had plenty of style, in dress and tattoos and lots of people I could see who preferred to ignore them. (They were actually off to a meeting in Germany and en route to Stansted). I can't explain it very well, but I just love style and the interesting people and admire all forms of it. xx

    1. I do too Rachel .... Even if it's not my style, I admire individuality.
      People seem to feel threatened by people with tattoos and piercings. I'm not a great lover of tattoos but, in my experience they are nearly always really nice people. XXXX

  8. What a great-looking couple. Just goes to show you can look good at any age. As Maria and Rachel say, you just have to find your personal style and cultivate it. Unfortunately some people dress the way they think they "ought" to dress rather than the way that suits them and feels comfortable. Interesting how Linda V Wright goes entirely for black, but it's totally right for her.

    1. I'm afraid that I wear black pretty much all of the time Nick with a bit of white and grey thrown in ! Everything always looks so much better in black to me.
      Sorry if I've missed some of your posts .... Been out and about a lot lately but am back on track now. XXXX

  9. Never give up Ria x ❤️

  10. Hello Jackie,
    They are all so stylish and individual. I love to see style over fashion any day. I can imagine you turn lots of heads with your unique and trendy style.
    Helen xx

    1. I don't know about that Helen !!!!
      By the way, I saw some of your lovely paintings on Zsa Zsa Bellagio's blog ....... so colourful and alive. XXXX

  11. They are so beautiful et they have always a smile !
