
Thursday 16 June 2016

A SHORT HIATUS ..........

Sorry for the brief hiatus .....

Our son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren are here, as they are having lots of building work done at their house ..... and we have been having fun with these little rascals !!!




  1. As an expert on grandchildren let me tell you , those are a couple of cuties!! How do you keep from gobbling them up with hugs and kisses. Enjoy, enjoy!

  2. Awwww...what ADORABLE grandchildren you have, Jackie. Utterly precious. You MUST be a very proud grandma. :)

  3. I shall have five little rascals (all boys) here for the summer; I can't wait!

    1. Lovely for you and Lady M Cro .... I bet you are chomping at the bit !!!! XXXX

  4. Oh how wonderful Jackie!!!! They are precious! xo

  5. So cute - 'a chip off the block'; the little boy looks like you.
    Greetings Maria x

  6. The best kind of hiatus !!! Have fun ! C

    1. It is Candice .... and, we are having lots of fun. XXXX

  7. They do look rather rascally. I hope they're not giving you too many grey hairs!

    1. They are both really good Nick ....... I have to do lots of singing and make magic potions !!!! XXXX

  8. I have missed your posts, but those are the cutest reasons.

  9. Thanks Donna .... sorry that I haven't been to see you for a while but I've been a little tied up !!! Will be back to normal in a couple of weeks. XXXX

  10. Well then YOU are FORGIVEN!!!!!!!!!!XX

  11. Yes Jackie, you have been too tied up to even come and talk to me, much! The little girl (I think it is a girl) looks like she is sort of saying "here we go again" in respect of the camera. Anyway, enjoy your playing and entertaining and having a lovely time with them. They have nice eyes. I think I will watch some football tonight!!xxxxxxx

  12. Adorable , enjoy every minute, they grow up so fast. My first grandchild is now 19 and I loved every minute of caring for him so our daughter could go back to work. A wonderful time to be treasured.

  13. Owwwww what a sweeties.....enjoy them happy weekend Ria x

  14. What a houseful - no more lounging about in your negligee, eating chocolates and reading romantic novels :) You have two little charmers there.

  15. Happy days Jackie . . .
    Wonderful little rascals . . .
    Look at those eyes . . .
    And melt!

  16. Aw, they are gorgeous! We've just become grandparents for the fist time. Henry our grandson is seven weeks old and just adorable. Enjoy! Jane x

  17. Definitely worth taking a hiatus for, I am all for spending as much time as possible with our children (and grandchildren, although I haven't got those yet!). Beautiful photos.

  18. Jacqueline you must be having a wonderful time. They are two darlings and look like they could have some tricks up their sleeve. Have the best time.

    Helen xx

  19. Dear Jackie, they are so cute, look so sweet and full of bright ideas - lovely! Makes me yearn for grandchildren even more (but I wait with my mouth shut :-) Britta xxx

  20. Wonderful photos! The cherubs look French to me, or anyway aristocratic. ??? It's the eyes and the haircuts and the stylish clothes. xxxx

  21. They look so sweet! Have a great time Jackie!

    Madelief x

  22. Oh my, Jackie - they are so adorable. I bet you are truly enjoying them. I will be seeing my granddaughter in a few weeks and I can't wait. I try to fly up to see her at least every 6 weeks. Lots of love to you and the family! xxoo

  23. Aw Jackie....they are just SO gorgeous!!

    x Jane

  24. You must have had a blast with your little grands Jackie! They are beautiful children!!! I have two about the same age, and let me tell you, I know why we have our children when we're young because I am exhausted when they go home. The older they get the more fun they are for me, because there's so many more things to do with them that I actually like to do. I can only play dress up or sword fighting for so long before I start thinking...'when is nap time?'. But seriously, they are fun at any stage.
    I can't believe how fast your little ones are growing. Seems like yesterday they were just babies!
    much love...
