
Tuesday 4 August 2015


It's amazing how much you can get done in a day, isn't it ?

Our family is known for how well we all sleep. Our daughter can get on a plane, fall asleep on take-off and wake up in Australia ! Our son is the same. My Dad would fall asleep whilst he was talking to us and I can sleep anywhere.
BUT, there is the occasional time when I just can't nod off. I woke up the other day at 5.00 a.m. and just couldn't go back to sleep…..

SO …..

I cleaned the oven …..

did some washing …..

a touch of ironing …..

mowed the lawn …..

made an asparagus, artichoke, tomato and pancetta pasta sauce …..

went and watered a friend's garden { she is on holiday ….. I didn't just turn up and start watering !! }

I cleaned my knobs and knocker !!!!

….. and also looked after grandson Henry ….. we made the Lego Space Shuttle !!

image 1: via oddee, image 2: via undressing parlour: image 3: via pinterest, image 4: via cush and j crew, image 5: via style caster, image 6: via republic of you, images 7 & 8: via ME.



  1. LOL You looked amazing for all that you did;) Adorable Grandson:)
    ~Debra xxx

  2. I like it when you clean the oven.
    My favorite photo.

    1. It's just a shame that I don't look like that when I clean my oven Rick !!!! XXXX

  3. keeping busy keeps us young....losing sleep makes us

    tired :D

  4. I thought Lady M was ready to be taken away recently when I found her cleaning the oven. In this house if the oven needs cleaning (does it ever?) we buy a new oven!

    I've now realised what my washing machine is lacking; I was sold a dud.

    1. My husband always asks who's coming round when I do anything like cleaning the oven Cro ……. it's certainly not something that I do on a regular basis !!! XXXX

  5. Very hot, dear Jackie..........isn´t it much more funnier to do all this work than to sleep?! Looks really great..........I need such hot pants before I do my laundry today ;-). And I smiled about your sweet grandson and twin grandsons like Lego technic most of all (and also Space Shuttle).........but I´m not so good in this :-(. Have a wonderful week,

    hugs Jade

    1. Hi Jade ….. yes, our grandson is obsessed with Lego . He used to love Thomas the tank engine but has gone off of trains and is obsessed with Lego now. Actually, I'm getting quite good at building things now !!
      Enjoy the lovely weather Jade. XXXX

  6. I always know I'm going to have a smile on my face when I get to the end of your post. love your enthusiasm for house cleaning.. Such a cute photo you captured of your grandson.

    1. Actually Barbara, I'm not that keen on house cleaning but I do love it when it's all done and looks nice.
      … our grandson is very photogenic !! XXXX

  7. Yes - it is amazing what you can do in a day - unfortunately we don't all look as beautiful doing our chores as your images show. We can but dream. I hope you didn't start mowing the lawn at 5 a.m. your neighbours wouldn't be well pleased. And that reminds me - I really must clean my over. Loving the pic of your grandson - what a cutie.

    1. It is isn't it Elaine …. if only I could be that industrious everyday !!!! I didn't start mowing until later in the day !!
      Henry is cute and takes a lovely photograph. XXXX

  8. Dear Jackie - Can you send me some of your energy!? Of course I had to laugh at "cleaned my knobs and knocker(s)" tee hee!
    Your grandson is absolutely adorable! xox

    1. Hi Carol,
      It is very rare that I am so industrious …. it was a one off !!
      ….. I do always clean my knobs and knockers once a week though !!
      Henry is gorgeous as is our grand daughter. XXXX

  9. I'm worn out after just reading about all that work! Can you come and do mine please? We haven't got any knobs, but we do have knocker. ;-)
    P.S Henry's really cute.xx

    1. Hi Deb,
      I'm afraid that I can barely do my own cleaning, let alone yours !!!! XXXX

  10. What a day...!!!.....seize it !!! Ria x

    1. I always seize every day if I can Ria….. I'd rather it didn't involve cleaning though !! XXXX

  11. Hello Jackie,
    I say you deserve a month's holiday following this day of endless chores.
    You remind me of my next door neighbour who loves working and gives each job her best and is always cheerful. Your grandson sounds like a charmer too
    Helen xx

  12. Dear Helen,
    I am not normally that industrious …. but, it just shows how much I can get done if I put my mind to it !!
    Henry is so cute and a pleasure to look after. XXXX

  13. Delightful . . . love your fun pics!

  14. Well - dear Jackie - what can I say...
    Washing and ironing - done!!!
    Cleaning the oven: searching for my old fishnet stockings!
    Mowing the lawn: there is no lawn left here at La Pouyette, due to the drought and heat since middle of June. Even most of the weeds have given up to grow!
    Cooking: Every day - as usual with natural seasonal products.
    Watering: Cannot keep up with!!!! running around with heavy water cans, with the water hose....hopeless!
    Cleaning knobs and knockers??? In August? You're joking!
    Looking after family children: that would be the most beautiful and pleasant thing to do....
    Unfortunately they are all spread-out over the world.

    Lovely post!

    1. Thanks for brilliant comment Karin …….. I do normally do all of those things but not usually all in one day !!!!
      Have a lovely weekend. XXXX

  15. Love all you got done in a day Jackie-------I bet you slept better after all that! Hey, you can just show up and start watering my garden any time you like (as long as Henry comes too)! What a fun post my dear, you share the best images in the world!!!!!!
    much love for me (and to little Henry too)

  16. I'm exhausted just reading everything you did - although that could also be because I'm a lifetime insomniac! I'm so jealous of people that an just fall asleep easily especially ones that can sleep on a plane - that is a goal of mine! Love to you and the family. Henry is so adorable and growing up so quickly!

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