
Tuesday 26 May 2015

I've been a BAD, BAD Blogger !!!! ……….

O.K….. there's no getting away from it ….. I've been a very, very bad blogger lately !!!!!

I have been going round in circles as far as blogging is concerned and getting nowhere !!

 I could tell you that I've been writing that novel that's in me somewhere …..

or decorating …..

Gardening ? ….. perhaps a little ….. but not any of the above really …..

There's been more idle gossipping …..

Eating …..

Drinking …..

Reading …..

Going out and about seeing friends and family and, of course …..

Grandchildren ….. ahwwwww !!

We did buy an old rusty bench and put some distressed shutters on the wall so, that's a plus !! As soon as May is over and there is no more fear of frost, I shall fill those stone urns with Euphorbia ' Diamond Frost ' which is coming on nicely in the greenhouse so, you can see that I haven't been totally idle !!

I hope that mine will look like the above !

I think that I'm back to my old blogging self now so please forgive my lack of posts and comments and I hope that you are all still out there !

Can you just say ' Hi ' so that I know you are there ?!!!!!!


image 1: via crush cul de sac, image 2: via bipbob, images 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10: via kero i am, image 7: via picture perfect for you, image 9: via margadirube, images 11 & 12 via ME, image 13: via baltimoresun, image 14: via ladylicious, image 15: via the gifts of life



  1. HI! Time spent reading is never wasted.


    1. Thanks for saying ' hi ' Janie !! I do like a bit of a read !! XXXX

  2. Hi Lovely
    Those images are beautiful! We have missed you. Xx

    1. Thanks Flora ……. I am going to try and do better !!!! XXXX

  3. That's a very clever picture of the wine bottle, it pours and the wine moves in the glass. Of course I miss you when you don't blog yourself but you are always somewhere visiting in blog land in fact it seems I cannot get away from you ..!

    1. Thanks for missing me Rachel ……. and, I wish that my wine bottles kept pouring like that !!!! XXXX

  4. So happy, that you´re back again, dearest Jackie! I know, life is so much more than blogging ;)! I looooove this post and I hope, you had a wonderful time! Enjoy these days of summer and don´t forget us..........

    with love and hugs, Jade

    1. How could I ever forget you and your beautiful home and photographs Jade ? You give me so much inspiration. XXXX

  5. Ooooh, I love 'Diamond Frost'!!!
    You do have to put life first Jackie. And as someone said in a comment on my post on a similar topic, it's not how often you post, it's what you post. Quality is better than quantity.

    1. Isn't ' Diamond Frost ' wonderful Jessica ? So simple but so effective. Mine are a bit slow at the moment but should be OK to plant out in a couple of weeks. Not sure if my posts have quality but there sure isn't much quantity !!!!! haha XXXX

  6. Hello from Spain: I love your photos. I just discovered your blog and I love the variety of subjects that you publish. I'm a mother and now I created a blog dedicated to young people and new technologies. I invite you to visit: If you want we kept in touch. I already did a follower of your blog

    1. Hi Marta and welcome to ' Home '. I shall be over to visit you soon. XXXX

  7. Hello - you bad bad blogger you!
    Living your life and not actually blogging about it - surely this is the right way round. Sounds like you have been having fun - but it is always good to see a blog post from you - however naughty you have been. Just don't leave it so long next time ok! And I have to say I love the Diamond Frost too - makes my containers look positively gaudy. Bye for now.

    1. I love Euphorbia ' Diamond Frost ' …… it's so airy fairy !!
      Thanks for saying ' hi ' Elaine….. I don't feel such a bad blogger now !! XXXX

  8. Hello dear Jackie -- so happy to see you here.
    Oh my goodness! That Diamond Frost looks so lovely - we have it at the nursery where I work and I never thought about it much given that it is an annual here. But now I must have some. XOX

    1. Hi Carol,
      Well, ' Diamond Frost is classed as an annual here too. I'm not one for annuals in the garden but I make an excetion for ' Diamond Frost ' !! Get some and we can compare notes !! XXXX

  9. Hi there! Life often takes over, blogging has to be a want to not a have to. Sounds like you have been absorbing every minute of your little blogging break! :-)

    1. I have been living life but have missed blogging and my blogging friends ….. I really must try harder !!!!! XXXX

  10. That all sounds good to me. I'll try and have a good one too.

    1. Hi Donna,
      Thanks so much for dropping by and saying ' hi '. I think that I'm now back in the swing of things again !! XXXX

  11. I am here and you are there and you are doing the perfect blogista things, living the dream. Those who fritter away time posting will envy you and mutter. The bench is A1.

  12. Thank you Mise for giving the thumbs up for my bench …. you are the first !! I love it although, we might have to do something about the rust !!!!! XXXX

  13. Jackie !!!...welcome back..i miss you your!

  14. Wonderful to have you back!
    What a charming bench, I can just imagine you sitting there on a summer evening...

    1. Thank you ……. and, I do love our new bench and I will be sitting on it often. XXXX

    YOU are excused.............your POSTS are EXQUISITE!It is good for the soul to walk away from ALL this from time to time...............I need to take a little break too!But no tomorrow I post a little pasta sauce recipe.............just because.Hope you will saunder over...........XX

    1. Thank you so much for your comment ……. I'm coming straight over ….. I can't have too many pasta recipes !!!!!!! XXXX

  16. We're all still here and excited to see your new post - gorgeous as always! Love your new bench and shutters…so inviting!

    1. Thanks so much …. it's so lovely to hear from you. XXXX

  17. HI !!!!!!!!
    Happy post . . . those urn like pots are going to be GORGEOUS girl . . .
    Love your shutter/rusty bench look . . .

    1. Thanks Lynne ……. hope that my urns turn out well but I'm not holding my breath !! XXXX

  18. Your three-seater bench is fabulous.... why can I never find such things. Some lovely photos here; I think that could be me lurking behind the girl with pigtails. Welcome back. Cro x

    1. I'm so pleased that you like our bench Cro …… I think that most people think I'm mad !!!!! XXXX

  19. Playing with grandchildren is the best. They grow so quickly.

    1. It is lovely, isn't it Josephine ? We are into Lego in a big way at the moment !!!!! XXXX

  20. So lovely....always, when you post absolute pleasure. xxx

    1. Oh Jeanne …. how lovely to hear from you { one of my first blogging buddies !! } Hope that you are still enjoying your travels and that your family is well { I still have all of your postcards !! } Will be over to your blog soon. Much love. XXXX

  21. Hey you ~ no judgement here! I have not posted in over a month. There are some posts in my heart and I hope to hit publish this week. Much love to you my friend ~ those grandbabies are adorable xoxo

    1. Hi Lori …… I think that, after 6 years of blogging, we deserved a little break !!!!! I shall await your next post !! Much love back. XXXX

  22. Oh-my dear Jackie...we ARE definitely still out here waiting for your always beautiful posts!!! I love reading that you have been busy living life and of course adoring those darling little grands of yours!
    You are SO lucky that there is a huge land mass and then a huge ocean between us or that bench would come up missing in the night...probably the urns too! By the you have a mean dog in the garden ? in case I make it over that ocean? That is an amazing piece my dear friend...AMAZING!
    sending much love your way...

    1. Dear June,
      You can rest assured that there isn't a mean dog in our garden !!!!!! ….. our bench would look even better in your garden !!!!! ……. I think that you might have trouble with the urns though ……. they are so heavy and it took a couple of strong ,YOUNG men to carry them into our garden !!!!!!
      Lots of love to you June. XXXX

  23. Sometimes it's good to take a break (from anything), find ourselves again, and start anew.
    Just like you did. So, HI, Jackie! I love you.

    1. I'm back in the swing of it again Marsha and I'm looking forward to September when we start By Invitation again. Sending love from the UK. XXXX

  24. I have also been majorly MIA from the blog world for several months, but I think I'm good to start posting a few things.....I've posted some very happy and exciting news on my blog today, in fact!!! Glad to see you back Jackie!! We are coming to your neck of the woods in 2 weeks and are also going on a road trip thru the English countryside with our friends too - so excited!! Much love to you and Mr. Home!! xxoo

  25. It was SO lovely to hear your exciting news Cathi …….. you must all be on cloud nine.
    Wishing you and Alex a wonderful time here in the UK. Lots of love to you both. XXXX

  26. I understand, Renee and I are so busy, She is ripping out the cottage and doing a deck and Patio, me new dog at last, the training is taking it's toll on me with company every other week,
    Happy you are back, cute GrandChildren.

    1. Hi Yvonne,
      How lovely to have a new dog …… hope that you will share some photos soon.
      Renée sounds very busy. I miss her …… she was one of my first blogging buddies !!!

  27. I've missed you...glad you're back! Your time away sounds wonderful...we all need a little break now and again.
    Happy Weekend Bad Blogger :) xx

    1. Thanks so much Catherine and for sticking with me !!!!! XXXX

  28. Hello Jacqueline, It has not been the same without you. So lovely to see your post of today. Life sounds great. The shutters and bench are awesome. Is there a way to preserve the rust and still be able to sit wearing a white frilly skirt?

    Helen xx

    1. Haha Helen …….. the rust doesn't actually come off but, we are about to give it a coat of matt varnish just to make doubley sure !!!! …. so, feel free to pop round in any white clothing …. you shall be most welcome and quite safe !!!!! XXXX

  29. Greetings from New York :)
    Have missed your posts; so glad you're back!!

    1. What a nice thing to say …… I LOVE New York. XXXX

  30. Hi from Berlin,wonderful photos and your style is great !Kat

  31. Hi from Berlin,wonderful photos and your style is great !Kat

    1. Thanks Katja and thanks for dropping by …… it's lovely to meet new people. XXXX
