
Saturday 1 November 2014


How was your Halloween evening ? I have always been a bit of a misery when it comes to Halloween and never wanted to buy into the Americanisation of it all … Guy Fawkes night is our tradition. But, over the past few years I have bit the bullet and joined in…. after all,  it does have Pagan roots and is thought to have been influenced by folk customs and beliefs of Celtic speaking countries.

Every year, we get more and more children knocking on the door and, so far, they are always polite, have gone to a great deal of trouble to dress up and are always very excited to receive some sweets and a bit of small change.
Who am I to spoil their fun ?!!!!

Guy Fawkes night next, then it's Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!

image 1: via catastrofe, image 2: via zsa zsa bellagio, image 3: via inspiration lane



  1. A little three year-old witch rang our bell yesterday here in Berlin - and the posh KaDeWe (luxus shop) threw a Halloween party. When our son was small, I was the only mother in Hildesheim who decorated (moderately) for Halloween, and the children loved it... Nowadays we don't, but have some treats in case that children come.

    1. I have succumbed to it now Britta and always have lots of sweets and change ready….. if you can't beat them, join them !!! XXXX

  2. danke für die bilder und inspirationen, liebe grüße und ein schönes wochenende von angie aus deutschland

    1. Hallo Angie, dachte nur, dass ich in den Geist der Dinge geben !! XXXX

  3. No children around here for miles, only a few adults and none within sight . Tonight though is HER birthday bash and I promise to behave - well perhaps, perhaps :)

    1. Wishing Mrs Heron a lovely birthday ……. here's hoping that you behave very badly !!!! XXXX

  4. It was very quiet here. I turned off the lights and hid in the back of the house.


  5. Good for you on getting into the spirit of Halloween! Like you used to be, I am a misery when it comes to it. I even found a postcard warning 'trick or treaters' off!! I didn't put it out though as The Janitor was so excited to go and get a tin of sweets and greet those that knocked at the door, in his gorilla mask and trilby! It was funny I must admit. Although we only got 2, so he was a little disappointed!! I guess I will have to make more of an effort as Evan gets older and I'm sure I will love it. Until then..... I will remain the wicked witch ;) xxxx

    1. Hi Amy …… I love that the Janitor got into the swing of things …. in the end, you have to join in !! I still have a bag of Haribos left but Henry can have them !! XXXX

  6. Hello Jackie

    We had three groups of children The last little girl forgot her mission of trick or treating on seeing our dog. She just wanted to play with her. The left over candies are awfully tempting. There were bone fires on the beach.

    Helen xx

    1. Hi Helen …. some of the children are so sweet aren't they ? I still have a bag of Haribo sweets left !!! Still, they won't go to waste. I have a grandson who loves sweets !!!! XXXX

  7. Finished packing up my showroom on halloween…said our goodbyes …

    1. Oh Francine … how sad ….. I hope that you have some new projects in the pipeline.XXXX

  8. Happy Halloween ...lovely sunday Ria...x!

  9. We haven't had any kids knocking on the door for years - the last time they came and said 'trick or treat' I said 'trick' and they didn't know what to do!

    1. You are so right Elaine …… I don't think that UK children quite understand the whole trick or treat thing yet !!!! ….. they just think it's sweets and money !! XXXX

  10. Hello Jackie! I loved Halloween as a child (and yes I'm an American) We never had candy around the house except on Easter, Halloween and Christmas, so it was a special treat. It was terrific seeing everyone in the neighborhood, and the 'old folks' who were so nice to us all. One time, some teens smashed our pumpkin and my Dad raced after them and knocked their heads together. There wasn't much mischief in our neighbor in general, other than the occasional toilet papering. Oh and guess were I heading to on the 5th!? Yep, a Guy Fawkes party!

    1. Hi Carol,
      I need to say that I wasn't getting at the Americans …. it's just that Halloween was never really celebrated here until fairly recently as we always celebrate Guy Fawkes night on November 5th and most of us didn't want to buy into the commercialisation of it all …. but, Halloween is getting biger and bigger here every year so, I'm entering into the ' spirit ' { haha } of it all now. Enjoy Guy Fawkes night. XXXX

    2. Jackie, I know you weren't getting at Americans - just sharing my happy memories with you!

    3. I know you didn't Carol ……. just didn't want to upset any of my lovely American readers !!!!! XXXX

  11. I have to admit that I've always adored Halloween. Still do. Last year I went as Miss Havisham to a costume party, and had an incredible time fashioning every detail of my costume. No party this year, but Todd and I went on a ghost tour of a local cemetery that was pretty wonderful! Full of history and tales of days gone by, with lots of actors dressed as the ghosts of people buried there. I think this might become a tradition for us!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog and entering my giveaway! Feel free to pass the word along--the more the merrier. I loved sending you your package of giveaway treats that time you won! xoxo Gigi

  12. Hi Gigi ….. as I said to Carol above, I don't want you to think that I was getting at the Americans. It is tradition for you to celebrate Halloween …… it's just that Halloween wasn't really celebrated much here in the UK ….. we have always celebrate Guy Fawkes night on 5th November but now, all of the shops are cashing in on Halloween and it's getting bigger and bigger here every year so, for the last 8 years or so, I've joined in too !! Your ghost tour sounded brilliant. XXXX

  13. I do LOVE your twists and touches . . .

  14. Hi Eve …… us Brits have always preferred Guy Fawkes night and I wanted it to stay that way but, Halloween is getting so popular here now isn't it ? …. anything that will make those Supermarkets money eh ?!!! The older I get, the more cynical I become I'm afraid !! XXXX

  15. I know what you mean, Jackie...I've definitely bought into it over recent years...I like the idea of putting a lit pumpkin outside to let all little halloweeners (is that a word?) know you're reading for a trick or treat ;) I must get my witches hat out for next year! xx

    1. I've battled against it for so long Catherine but, for the last 6 or so years, we have embraced it !!!! XXXX

  16. We had our local children around on the 1st, as some were away for the big day itself. I think we managed to frighten most of them; except for little Zara (who is 5) who hugged me and said "I know it's you, and I'm not frightened".... The little minx.

  17. What a cool post! Yikes. Neat-oh!

  18. Replies
    1. I love it too John …… it's quite creepy, isn't it ? XXXX

  19. That eye is so creepy! and I LOVE creepy this time of year :))) The little witch is a darling too. I love Halloween and I love all the little children who come by all dressed up for the night. This year was one of those rare evenings when they didn't need coats on so I could actually see their costumes.
    Now I have to go back and see the creepy eyeball one more time!
    sending love...

    1. The eye is creepy, isn't it June ? It gives me the heebie jeebies !!!! I am slowly beginning to like Halloween …… I think that most British people love Guy Fawkes night and felt that we didn't celebrate Halloween but, every year, it gets bigger and bigger. I always have sweets and money to give them but, next year I shall definitely have a couple of pumpkins in my porch !! The children that knocked at our house looked brilliant and had made so much effort with their costumes.
      ….. sending love back …. XXXX

  20. Hi Jackie,

    I know excactly how you feel. We don't have a Halloween tradition in The Netherlands either, but it gaining more ground :-) Wishing you a fun Guy Fawkes night. It's tonight, or am I wrong?!

    Love, Madelief x

    1. I think that most of Europe was ' Halloween free " but, a you say, it's getting more and more popular isn't it Madelief ?
      …… and, you're right. It's Guy Fawkes night tonight. As I write this, fireworks are going off all over the UK !! XXXX

  21. We really do up the houses round our way and everyone has a great time. We only start panicking when the sweets start to dwindle (especially me when the chocolate runs out - well I've got to have some perks!). Guy Fawkes night was quite quiet in comparison. Have a great week x

    1. Hi Chel,
      I have been embracing Halloween for quite a few years now, even though I was very anti !!! after all, we celebrate Guy Fawkes don't we ?!! I shall light a pumpkin next year ….. never thought I'd say that !!!! XXXX


    1. Oh Yvonne, that's a shame. These little traditions make for happy memories. I used to LOVE Guy Fawkes night and have many happy memories of fireworks, bonfires and eating sausages and potatoes in their jackets !!
      Hope Renée is enjoying married life !! XXXX
