
Tuesday 7 January 2014


We are now at the beginning of a New Year and, ' By Invitation ' is back again.
To kick off with this year, our subject is 'Change'  - 'Moving On '.

Moving forward may mean ' from now on ', ' in the future ', or even ' now '. It gives a sense of action, purpose and direction that appeals to some. To many of you it may mean a change in career, an ambition fulfilled or maybe a house move.

Every ones future is unpredictable and things aren't always going to go as planned. Much of life is ' groundhog day ' but, interspersed with this are massive moments, proud points in time and touching memories ….. family Christmas mornings, weddings, a hurdle overcome or a poignant gesture.

Because I am pretty happy with my lot and, being older than most of you, I really don't have a need to move on or change in any way so, hopefully for me, there will still be wine ….. 

….. laughter …..

….. cake and chocolate …..

….. there will be friends …..

….. shopping …..

….. there will still be blogging …..

and books.

There will be dining …..

….. and some dreaming.

There will also, inevitably, be thunder and lightening sometimes …..

….. and, rejection …..

….. possibly some sadness …..

but, there is always beauty and …..

….. acts of kindness to balance everything out { although, you may not feel that at the time !! }

There are often a few obstacles to overcome { for some, many } ….. little setbacks to deal with, some huge ones and there will be sparks of darkness in the diamonds …..

….. but, we must move on as there are beautiful memories to be made in 2014 and,

….. there will be change in our family as ….. we will be welcoming another grandchild to the world !

I wish for all of you a bright and beautiful future and that you will change and move on as you wish this year without too many obstacles along the way.

To see how others in our ' By Invitation ' group feel about change and moving on, please pop over to Marsha's blog where she has all of the links.

image 1: via the gifts of life, images 2 & 8: via envers du decor, image 3: via, images 4 & 6: via margadirube, image 5: via la peche fraiche, image 7: via crush cul de sac, image 9: via an exquisite waste of time, image 10: via prettie sweet, image 11: via a touch of delicacy, image 12: via head like an orange, image 13: via heartbeat oz, image 14:  via pinterest, image 15: via bonnard 3, image 16: via ayshfi, image 17: via hqdesktop, image 18: via google images, image 19: via the collage crush, image 20: via zsa zsa bellagio



  1. Dear Jackie:
    You bring beauty into our world, compassion and kindness and a sharp spirited humor!
    Toasting to the New Year with a glass of Pomerol (my favorite wine)

  2. I always enjoy your spirited photos and words, bringing some sass, spark and glitter into my day.
    I am at a standstill right now, frozen in the tundra . . . all I can see is whirling white . . . hopefully we will get a break from this winter blast very soon . . .

    As one much older . . . and in a place of contentment and quiet . . . warm wool socks, a good book, time with my hubs, a toddy or two, visits with friends, awaiting the arrival of my first great grand . . .need there be more . . .

    Happy New Year Jackie . . .

  3. Wonderful news and a delightful post... Cheers!

  4. Beautiful, Jackie as always...gorgeous must let me know next time you are in Beaconsfield we could meet for a cup of coffee if you'd like too :) xx

  5. De jolies résolutions à suivre tout au long de l'année avec de la générosité , des rires et de belle humeur !

  6. Your messages are just beautiful! XO Mary

  7. Wonderful news...what a wonderful is so good !!!...happy 2014 !!! Ria...x !

  8. As always a wonderful selection of beauty in the choice of pictures you have chosen for this lovely post. I always leave you blog with a feeling of peace & a touch of serenity in my heart.

  9. Dear Jackie,

    Such a positive post, full of joy & happiness! Congratulations on you becoming grandmother again. 2014 must be a Happy year for you and your family!

    Madelief x

  10. Jackie....
    right now I have chills...and your breathtakingly beautiful and poignant post has left me with a feeling that life is grand and beautiful and if anything take a page, no a whole chapter on how you live your life...I am honored to be including in your lovely world....thank you so much for showing me a dignified and rocking , free -spirited and gay way to live and to live it in bitchin boots and cotton lacy frilly things....rock on you.

  11. Dearest Jackie!!!

    How beautiful you are in person, words and pictures!!!

    With each picture my smile became quite big and soft as I thought about your coming grandchild. I loved holding my babies(I had two) when they were new born and hated to put them down. Now they are 22 and 29 years old and of all the things I miss in life, it was the time I was pregnant and holding my cute little babies!! I'm so happy for you with the coming baby!!!

    We have many changes this year, but, we are all happy and looking forward to what 2014 has to offer!!!

    Thank you for this wonderful and beautiful blog!!!

    Have a great week!!!


  12. How right you are Jackie. I do believe my personality and world view is fixed and truly I am blessed beyond what I could ever think in family and friends. Your images are thoughtful and striking. best, olive

  13. Beautiful! Happy New Year to you from Sydney Fxx

  14. Aw Jackie, your words are so beautiful and timely - thank you! Congratulations on your second grandchild - so exciting! xxoo

  15. Oh, you wonderful & beautiful woman. No wonder I love you so much.
    Thank you for always rising to the challenge, for never letting anyone down.
    Thank you for being a true inspiration !!!

  16. What a totally wonderful post Jackie! I loved every bit of it!!
    And many many congratulations on the expected grandchild woo hoo!!

    Hey wait a minute..... you aren't older darling, 'just wiser and got more insurance' like Fried Green Tomatoes script. Anyway I think you've a little way to go to catch me up ;)))) xxx

    Thank you for your lovely sentiments on the 1st Jan, I'm back on track or getting there anyway. Cor Steve Mcqueen....blinking gorgeous!!!

    Biggest huggings Jackie xxOOxx


  17. What a lovely blog! Well chosen pictures to create the feel of the "life"! I have really enjoyed my visit here.

  18. What a wonderful way to look at a new year! I just want to disappear into the photos you choose.

  19. Happy New Year Jackie, How beautiful you are in person, words and pictures.
    Loevs Hetty

  20. Beautiful and eloquent Jackie... and absolutely the way to move forwards...
    Congratulations on your newest baby... how exciting...
    Happy 2014 to you and your lovely family... xv

  21. This is so beautiful Jackie! Thank you for bringing us such perfect words to feed our souls. The images you share with your words always make me want more, more, more!
    Congratulations on the new addition to your family this year. We are expecting a new one too in May. Isn't it the greatest?!
    much love to you my friend!

  22. Dear Jackie

    You are a wise and beautiful woman. Wishing you joy as you meet you new grandchild. I can imagine the fun you will have
    I loved this post and the lighthearted joyful approach.
    Helen x

  23. inspiring......which is just what I need on a cold January day.....happy new year!!

  24. inspiring......which is just what I need on a cold January day.....happy new year!!

  25. Hooray for another baby on the way. This list includes many things that I love as well Jackie and you did such a great job of putting them all together once again. Cheers to 2014 ~ another year of blogging and friendship ~ lots of love xo

  26. un post poetico e magico come sempre! Baci da Roma
