
Monday 12 August 2013

MONDAY MAGIC ..... Lavender's Blue Dilly, Dilly .....

Lavender says Summer .....  fragrant, blue, violet, lilac flowers, sometimes blackish purple, borne on spikes and found in acres of fields and gardens around the world.  
English lavender yields an essential oil with sweet overtones producing a beautiful fragrance.

Ooh ..... how did that get in there ?!!!! { well, it is lavender/blue in colour and very magical to me !! }

I have decided to start ' Monday Magic " ..... a collection of beautiful images with a theme. I'm not promising ' Monday Magic ' every Monday { as regulars to HOME know, I'm a bit of a sporadic blogger, to say the least !! } but, I'll do my best !!
Have a great week everyone and make it magical.


image 1: via vintage rose brocante, images 2 & 6: via beauty and grace, image 3: via heartbeatoz, image 4: via Zsa Zsa Bellagio, images 5, 7 & 8: via love french bulldogs, image 9: via discovers, image 10: via picture perfect, image 11: via fleaing france, image 12: via me



  1. Am I right in thinking that adding lavender to any beverage makes it medicinal? The young fellow is as charming as ever, and grown so much.

  2. I love your Monday magic, especially the bunch of lavender by the white chair . . . and the little one in his (almost) lavender bibs too!

  3. Oh Jackie, your post is absolutly magical........I looooooooooove LAVENDER.......I have a lot of English lavender in my garden. Thank you so much for all your breathtaking pictures!!! Most of all I love the sweet little boy on the last picture.........soooooooo lovely!!!

    Have a wonderful summertime, hugs Jade

  4. Lavender is indeed magical, I use it in many different ways! That young man is very handsome, he's grown quite a bit and yes magical indeed! Happy Monday my friend ( it just happens to be my 56th today - we should be in Barcelona, but health issues for Alex have left us stateside for the moment!) Much love to you! xxoo

  5. What a beautiful lavender post....lovely week Ria...x!

  6. Gorgeous Jackie!
    Mondays can always benefit from a little magic thrown in.

  7. Beautiful images....especially the last one! Hope your summer is going well. xoxo

  8. What more can I say, everyone has already said what I would say. So one more time for you, what a fantastic way to share your magical Monday with beautiful lavender your images are so lovely. That cute little boy reminds me of my son when he was that age, I want to hug him. x

  9. Monday Magic...what a lovely idea, Jackie...I can smell the lavender :-)
    Have a great week.

  10. Looking forward to follow Monday Magic!=)) Just love the picture with the purple dress!♥♥
    Hope you'll have a nice evening!

    Hugs Camilla

  11. Have you been to Hitchin Lavender? I went there last weekend and brought armfuls home and filled jugs around the house - smells divine!

  12. That's what I call an awesome summer lavender post.
    (My favorite summer flower, and fragrance, and herb, and color!)
    Nicely done.

  13. Such wonderful pictures to start off the week with,love the lavendel colors,can almost smell the lavender coming out of my computer :)
    Beautiful colors and pictures,a true delight!!!
    Tovehugs :)

  14. Everything you do is magic and you saved the very best photo for the end! Love themed posts Jackie ~ I used to do quite a few for Wordless Wednesday but have not done one for awhile. Will look forward for more ~ sporadic or not. xoxo

  15. Thank you for those beautiful, beautiful photos! I have the feeling the soft lilac sends its soothing qualities right over here (and boy, I need that at the moment...). Balsam for eyes and soul.
    I still have an image in my mind: a restaurant in a very old country house in the middle of Hannover, and they had thrown lavendel onto the wooden stairs, and with every step the sweet modest charming scent cracked up under your feet.

  16. Your lavender post is beautiful!!! You have to know which photo is my favorite though! Oh yes, I would say he fits the lavender theme :)))))
    much love...

  17. This post is full of the colors in the lil' lady bean's nursery, so I, of course, LOVE it!

  18. Beautiful collection of pictures! That milky lavender sea is strangely hypnotizing!
