
Tuesday 8 January 2013

BY INVITATION ..........

Our ' By Invitation' subject this month is either ' What's Wrong With the World' OR 'What's Right With the World'.  I obviously know that there are a zillion things wrong with the world but, being a glass half full to positively overflowing kinda gal, here are a few images as to why I think that there are quite a few things that are pretty right with the world ..........

random acts of kindness ....

Love ....

and passion ....

friendship ....

twirling ....

dancing ....

chivalry ....

joy ....

wildlife ....

new life ....

All of the above are free, so, even in these difficult times, the world isn't too bad a place to be..........
and one more thing that makes the world wonderful to me ( as well as the rest of my family of course) is our grandson, shown here below ..... 

......... all he needs is a brown luggage label with his name pinned to him and he would look like an evacuee from the war !!!! ..... bless his cotton socks. 

For more views about the world, good and bad, pop over to Splenderosa where Marsha has all of the links to the contributors.

image 1: via ayshfi, images 2, 7 & 11: via night tattoo, images 3, 6, 8 & 12: via zsa zsa bellagio, images 4, 5 & 10: via an exquisite waste of time, image 9: via encore life, image 13: via pretty stuff, image 14: via inked ideas



  1. Oh this post is so YOU!! There is no way you would ever concentrate on what is bad when there is so much good out there! Good for you...a truly uplifting view on the world. I absolutely adore that footage of the boy allowing the girl (his sister?) to walk over his back. So, so sweet. And as for your grandson...too cute!
    Your comment yesterday made me smile - yes we must make sure that lady with the initials VB does not come between us!! Haha. Lou x

  2. I use the term 'lady' loosely ;-) L x

  3. Absolutely my favourite . . . and "bless his cotton socks" put me over the moon . .
    refreshed . . .

  4. Love this post! Your grandson is just adorable!

  5. Your little evacuee is utterly charming, Jacqueline! His stylist should get a medal.

  6. I love this Jackie, I'm like you too.....the glass is always half full for me, often it's overflowing!!

    I love all your images....every year at my children's school they have an evacuee day when they are studying the World Wars, I made my daughter a brown paper package tied up with string & a large label for her, it was great!! The children got really into it.

    I laughed at your VB comment over at Lou's....say no more!!!! XX

  7. PS I was confused as to whether that is your grandson above or not - first I thought it was, then I read your comment & wasn't sure!!! I'm a bit tired today, sorry! I am thinking it must be - because he looks like you, A LOT!! He's a beautiful little boy, how lovely!! XX

  8. Oh Jackie you made me cry. What a beautiful post. Life is wonderful, we just have to open our eyes, our hearts and souls to see and feel. A friend of mine once said in a discussion about the state the world is in today and he said, please do not pity people - feel compassion (empahy) instead. I believe that. It will help no one that I pity someone who has less or feel guilt for what I have. I can work for a more equal world, by demanding equal for all. With this I do not mean that everyone should have a Porche, oh no, the once that can afford a Porche should have it and enjoy it, but a decent life, with food and shelter and peace and respect.

  9. Jackie, leave it to you to turn such a complicated subject into something so truly lovely and touching. This is so clearly from the heart and made me teary too!

  10. I LOVE your post, so true, poignant, positive. it reflects your great love of life. You just put a huge smile on my face, my dear friend.

  11. Happy new Year... I love jour post.
    XX Hetty

  12. Touching, positive, full of empathy and at the same time uplifting, dear Jackie!
    Yes! Despite all the "things" in the world - Let's keep our glasses half full - at least! As you show here it is still a wonderful world!

  13. Glass half full is the only way to go.
    Loved 'chivalry'! And a very grown up grandson.
    Great post Jackie.

  14. Only you could come up with something so tender and beautiful. Everything you say and all the photos capture our spirit so well. And, your grandson? Well, J, I think he looks like YOU !! Adorable going on beautiful. Bless you...

  15. Life IS beautiful !!....lovely from

  16. I LOVE this post! You always find the best images. I am still smiling!


  17. Splendid, thoughtful, and beautiful post. Your grandson is beyond adorable.

  18. Absolutely agree with all of the above.
    Great post as always Jackie.
    Lovely to see your handsome grandson.
    Have a lovely day,
    Liz x

  19. That little grandson of yours has an eye for timeless fashion - so cute!

  20. Hello Jackie

    Your grandson is adorable and who dressed him so beautifully.

    Thank you for this uplifting post. To a brighter tomorrow

    Helen xx

  21. Oh, Jackie I so agree with you! The absolute best things in life are free! You grandson is such a handsome little man, I just want to scoop him and give him lots of hugs and kisses! Much love to you! xxoo

  22. I love to focus on all the beauty in the world! Thank you for your positive outlook my friend. xoxo
    Such a sweet adorable boy you have....your grandson makes me smile in his little jacket .

  23. Beautiful post Jackie...fabulous choice of images and I just love the quote so very true...I knew you'd be positive!
    I missed being part of our post this month...just arrived home from beautiful Salzburg ;-)
    Have a lovely week.

  24. Ah...Jackie that video of the little boy fixing things for his sister just IS THE BEST!!! What an adorable little man!! I made my husband come across to watch..Ah how we laughed! All your post is just wonderful.
    And then there 'HE' is, your lovely handsome, blonde, bestest Grandson, what a handsome chappy and with his own little leather suitcase ready to stop with Nanna...Grandma, dear Jackie....
    A very Happy New Year dear Jackie!! xx
    Hugs Jane xxx

  25. Sweet...sweet Boy!!! adorable. xo

  26. so i think that you really do have the best blog out here period...
    always the best the movement ones...everything just outstandinly beautiful..

    now is it just me but does anyone else see a glowing penis in pic # 4

  27. LOVELY post Jacky! It was just what I needed. What a handsome grandson you have!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Madelief x

    And of course a Happy, Healthy and Sparkling New Year full of fun!

  28. Love this post ~ we have to always keep the glass half full in order to keep the sanity! Your boy is gorgeous ~ I see his grandmother in him.... What does he call you?? Grammy ~ Granny ~ Nanny?? Do tell!

  29. Lovely post Jackie!
    There are many negative things around us, but the art is to filter it all and see the fine grain that is left in the strainer.
    Love to you

  30. Oh Jackie you are so right there is so much to be thankful for in life. It is easy to dwell on the negative in the world and think it's all gone to shit!
    on a happy note....
    Your grandson is totally adorable. Love the little suitcase he is carrying. I guess he has the traveling bug like his grammy!

