
Monday 19 September 2011


After reading a post on Tom Stephenson's  blog about his experiences on his motorbike, I thought that I would tell you about my Aunt and Uncle.

Here they are above, on my Uncle's treasured Vincent bike. They have been enthusiasts of motorcycling for many years and, my Aunt rode pillion, wearing full leathers made by my Uncle, pretty much up until she died, a few years ago, in her early 80's. My uncle still rides it and goes on rallies in this country and often in Holland and he is now 83 !!  Here's hoping that the inherited genes give me the opportunity to be doing similar things in my 80's !!
I'm not sure when this photograph was taken but I just wished that I had one of them both  in their 80's on the bike.

This is The Ace Cafe on the North Circular Road where the ton-up boys hung out in the 50's and later the Rockers. For my sins and, I can hear many old Rockers and bike enthusiasts taking a sharp intake of breath, I was a Mod !! so, The Ace Cafe wasn't really my stamping ground. I'm sure that my Aunt and Uncle might have hung out there a few times though ! The Ace Cafe closed  in the late '60's ....... rockers had simply fallen out of fashion. It did re-open though, in 1997.

All I can say is that my Aunt and Uncle were in very good company ..........

........... and, finally, a high five and many congratulations to our daughter, who did The Great North Run on Sunday for the first time in 2 hours 17 minutes ! I would have lasted 5 minutes !!

image 1: mine, image 2: via The Vintage Guide To London, image 3: Via Cinema Style, image 4: via Burritobros, image 5: via China Daily, image 6: via Ellev.tumblr, image 7: via my new plaid pants, image 8: via full bore motorcycles, image 9: via port-magazines, image 10: via the consumerism, image11: via watsons wildlife, image 12: via fashion gone rogue, image 13: via photography Abdu, image 14: via we heart it.



  1. Jackie, an amazing post to honor you aunt and uncle and their joy for life!!

    I don't get out on a bike often, however love, love it when I do!

    Congrats to your daughter for completing that run! A huge accomplishment!


    Art by Karena

  2. Can't work out which I fancy the most - the Vincent or your aunt...

  3. Hurrah for your relatives, who are just as sparkling as yourself. And thank you for that last photo, which will surely help me convince my husband that we urgently need more armchairs and chandeliers to show his bike to best advantage.

  4. What a fab Jaqueline-esque post! Richard Gere in an Officer and a Gentleman - ohhhh YUM. Must admit I have never been on a motorbike - such a sheltered life I have led! Lou x

  5. You always make the greatest posts! I just love seeing a new one here first thing in the morning. First of all Congrats to your daughter! I don't think I would of even lasted 5 minutes! Second a big woohoo to your aunt and uncle! I love riding on my hubby's "hog". I got it for him for our anniversary a few years ago. We keep saying we are going on a cross country run. We might be in our 80's about the time we get around to it! Here in the states we call it the bitch seat. So fitting for me! The hubs tells me I ride bitch with him every day of his life! I think that's a compliment....

  6. What a great time and story about your Aunt & Uncle! I think it was An Officer & a Gentlemen that made me fall in love with Richard Gear ~ ahhh heaven! Happy Monday Jackie. xo
    Oh ~ and congrats to your daughter ~ Sam and I walked over 2 kms yesterday and I barely lasted through that!

  7. I just love this Jackie! My dad and one of my brothers were mad motorcycle enthusiasts and believe it or not I used to love riding the dirt bikes in the Aussie outback when we went on holidays. I could almost feel the wind through my hair as I read this post:) How did you ever manage to combine motorbikes, haute couture leather, chandeliers, Brad Pitt and The Great Escape in the one post? Perfection! Meredy xo
    p.s. Woo-hoo to your daughter! Where does your family get all its energy?? What a gene pool!

  8. Jackie, out of all the photos you have posted here the one of your Uncle and Aunt is head and shoulders above the rest, I love their expressions, your Aunt, what a stunner!

    And I could not agree more, regardless of age we must keep on doing exciting things.

    Judging from what I know of you from your blog and your inherited genes, I think you will always be young.

  9. Three cheers for your aunt and uncle.

  10. ..I would have lasted two, Well Done to your daughter!!

    I just love that photo of your Aunt & Uncle, incredibly cool and they obviously enjoyed their life together...and he is still riding, wow!

    Mmm rather like that photo of Ewan ;)

  11. Hi Jackie,
    That photograph is amazing...they were a beautiful couple...looked like movie stars themselves! What fun photos...motor bikes were never my thing...I was never that cool and definitely not a risk taker! (Except of course for a pretty blue bicycle with wicker baskets that I could peddle around the neighborhood). Congrats to your daughter! :)

  12. Hello Jackie:
    What a wonderful photograph of your aunt and uncle and surely a good omen for you that their 'Born to be Wild' lifestyle has continued into their 80s. Where your relatives lead.....

  13. I love the photo and your "this was your life" piece about your aunt and uncle. Live life, no matter what age!

  14. Oh boy does that photo of Steve McQueen remind me of my "biker" days :)
    I lived in Hollywood Hills, California, winding roads going up and down and around .. and I was just young and adventurous and fearless ... I remember my first motorcycle ride, in San Francisco, after midnight, roaring through the city.
    I have not ridden a motorcycle in years now, I must be old :(

  15. Good for your aunt. Joe and I have a Moto Guzzi and after I ride I cannot get off the thing with any dignity.

  16. Congratulations Jackie to your daughter.
    We had a half marathon this weekend ourselves and two of my daughters ran. It was a little cool and rainy here, much like your neck of the woods.
    Beautiful images, as always
    Have a wonderful week

  17. Congrats to your daughter!

    Your post reminded me of the the thrill of riding, sans helmet of course back then, on the back of my first boyfriend's bike. I was not allowed on there but whenever my parents were not around you can bet I was holding tight, my arms wrapped around his waist....loving every minute.
    Now I would be too afraid so I am glad I was at one time brave. :D

  18. Beautiful post...i am not too old.......and congraulations to your daughter !! love for a happy week from

  19. Thank you for such a wonderful post!
    Congratulations to your daughter! Way to go!

  20. What an inspiration your Aunt and Uncle are - thank you for the post - I am still smiling.

  21. wow...congratulations to your daughter...and now I want a motorbike! Great post my friend. oxxoxo

  22. I really enjoyed reading this retrospective and atmospheric post, a lovely tribute to your aunt and uncle. Wonderful images. Congratulations to your daughter for her great achievement. Love Linda x

  23. Your aunt and uncle are stunning! I bet they were a lot of fun too! I used to ride motorcycles many years ago! I would like a small Vespa to putter around the town with! Congrats to your daughter - well done! xxoo :)

  24. I am smiling as I look at the great picture of your Aunt and Uncle. I just love reading about unique, fun loving, active people of all ages. It must be in your family genes and now your daughter is making her history, this is wonderful Thanks for this enlightening post.

  25. such great images.
    i am such a chicken though.
    i can get on a wild horse and feel fairly confident....
    but the motorcycles scare me.
    i think it is how i would deal with road rash.
    i wouldn't do well.
    a fall of a horse is so much less gory.
    but the statement is all tru.
    i should be riding a horse at the least. xxx

  26. Oh my goodness, what wonderful photos. Seeing those of Steve McQueen made me smile, the original iconic bike rider we all remember. Congratulations to your daughter, tell her to keep it up, or as you said, it'll go away. Love love love, J...

  27. Hi Jackie,

    Your uncle and aunt look great on the photo :-)! Love the other photo's you are showing as well. They are all so stylish!

    You wrote about you being a 'mod' when in your teens...somehow I already guessed this :-)!!

    Have a great week!

    Madelief x

  28. Well this explains alot about you have that adventurous side too, must run in the genes. They look like the Brad and Angelina of their day. I hope you have that photo up in your home.
    My ex and George both had bikes and it was fun when I was younger but I would go on a bike now.. I drive like a little old lady....speed isn't my thing.


