
Monday 24 January 2011


When I was a child, many, many years ago in a galaxy far, far away !!!! this would have been the scene on a Sunday at lunch time, with Mum and Dad on the other side of the table. Don't get me's not a criticism.....Sunday lunch was always delicious and probably the best meal of the week. This then became a Sunday ritual when I got married and had children, but now they are grown up and have their own Sunday lunches so, together with friend's, Mr. Home and I can often be found having our Sunday lunch cooked for us in some pub of another.

Yesterday was one such Sunday and it was the turn of The Albion to be graced with our presence.

The Albion is a Georgian pub where regulars would take an afternoon stroll,out of the city and call in for a drink and a bite to eat.

Situated just behind bustling Upper Street in the centre of Islington, London, in the beautiful Barnsbury conservation area, it won the 'Observer Food  Monthly award' for 'Best Sunday Lunch 2009' and is one of the Independent's  ' Top 50 Sunday Lunch Venues'  and The Guardian's ' Best Pub's in the UK'.

We all had the 30 Day Prime Rib Steak .......... it was divine !!

After eating a plateful that even Henry V111 would be proud of, all washed down with a couple of glasses of red wine, it is appropriate to have a stroll around the area and have a good old nose at the gorgeous Georgian houses..........

There are one after the other of beautiful Georgian homes, all preserved beautifully, and , although quite modest in size, are WAY out of our price range !! Because of where they are they are all well into the millions of ££££'s.......... lots of millions of ££££'s !! 

I don't think that he was very happy that I was taking a photograph of his house !!!!

The Drapers Arm's is another pub in the same area which, I feel sure, will be getting a visit from us in the not too distant future !!

After all of that food, drink and strolling, a little lie down was called for .......... I feel a week of salads coming on !!

image 1 - flickr, image 6 - via plumb interior design, image 7- Michael Franke, image 9 - via thirtyoneseventyfive, image 23 - Agata Stoinska.
All other photographs by me.



  1. I am drolling for the thought of a Sunday pub lunch. Of all the things I miss about England, that is a big one. We can’t do that here that for sure and just about every Sunday I say to English Husband, wouldn’t a drive in the country and a pub lunch be just the thing...maybe a cream tea before hand and a Double Decker bar for good measure...Lovely village Jackie...someday....

  2. The pics are just gorgeous. Love all the homes. The pub looks like a lovely place to have lunch at. The food looks awesome! I have to go and wipe the drool off my chin now.

  3. Oh that looks gorgeous! I miss Sunday lunch so much (Australia doesn't really do it compared to the English) - a ritual in our family and we'd all sit down together (no excuses). Roasts over a BBQ any day!! :-)

  4. I love the thought of you eating up big and then wandering around taking photos of gorgeous houses...I can't make a good roast for love or money...hopeless! Love eating them though :)

  5. Your Blog has to be one of my very favorites of all Blogs...
    The Albion is absolutely lovely and what a handsome waiter.
    Have a fantastic week <3


  6. It sounds like a delightful time. Your photos are so pretty makes me want to take a visit.

  7. Oh my gosh it looks divine. You are very, very to read your blog..and can totally relate to the last picture...Ha.. I think i looked like that in a past life...enjoy your day
    ~ Kym ;)

  8. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Love these photos of those gorgeous homes!
    Hope you are having a great week!

  9. I am so coming over for a Sunday Lunch........what a great Sunday outing Jackie. Love the pics, the Albion looks fabulous. Much love Xo

  10. I'm sure that poor dog just wanted to join you on your walk. I know I wish I could have.

  11. awesome photos jackie. theres an albion pub near where i used to live. we had my PEI or bust party there before i left.
    your food looks amazing too
    have a great week
    ~laura xx

  12. Love the photo's, and would love to have a pint of cider...........the house are wonderful also. I always wanted to have a wront iron fence, it has a cool gothic look to me. Have a great week Jackie, you always have such wonderful posts. HUGS MARY

  13. you really are a crack up never disappoint - and let me tell you: that I can more than sympathize with your 'full' feeling, except mine will shortly be coming to a close (praise the Lord!)

    put that pub on 'our list' when I come to visit you okay? and by that time, I'm sure you will live in one of those fancy townhouses you took a picture of......

    Anne Marie

  14. What a wonderful Sunday! Your pictures are gorgeous! Thank you for inviting us along, I truly enjoyed seeing the neighborhood and beautiful homes.

  15. Ok bit of a whinge session here....why oh why can we not have gorgeous little pubs like yours...they have so much history and character.

    The houses are just gorgeous, so lovely that you wouldn't notice one is actually exercising lunch off!

  16. I love the arched windows and door on that house. Sunday lunch is a treat whether cooked at home or eaten out. We do a bit of both here, it all depends on my mood!

  17. Pub food is the best Jackie ~ that and you can always have a beverage of your choice! Loving all the shots but I do have to ask ~ where did you snow go?? Were these recent pictures?

  18. Such a perfect place for a Sunday lunch. I love that green on the walls.

    So unfair that all the loveliest places are millions and millions of pounds, don't you think??

  19. Hallo Jackie wunderschöne Bilder(beautiful pictures)Dein Blog ist super schön (your Blog is so nice)grüße aus Deutschland(lovly wishes from Germany) Nina

  20. Nothing like Sunday Roast is there? These pictures are so evocative of that part of town. I love all the doorways. There is a town house where I live that is nestled right in the middle of the city - overlooking the park and it is just beautiful. Even as a child I recall appreciating it! Now I just wonder who lives there - it was completely renovated recently and looks divine. I would love to go inside! Lou xx

  21. Absolutely gorgeous houses, I bet they all have a story or two to tell of days gone by.... Lucey xx

  22. Hhahahahah!! what a nice pictures !!.Jackie !! i like that pub...and all the beautiful houses!! and that dog in the cute,.......lovely make me happy to starting with your lovely post.....!! thanks for that !! love Ria.....

  23. Hello!
    OIhh I love your photos so Beautiful!
    Have a nice day!

  24. Ohhh --- Hello Jackie. It is so nice to see you. Yes Sunday Lunch used to be a favourite in our house too --- more like Sunday tea though.
    Today things are a little scattered with teenagers and i am looking forward to the idea of things being done for me. x tell us what you had....dying to hear. x

  25. What a great tradition. If we had pubs like that i would have Sunday lunch too. Beautiful photo's , the one with the dog made me smile. I know the look, my dog had that same look and it made people give him cookies :)


  26. What a TRULY lovely way to spend an afternoon..and your area is so very beautiful..thanks for the tour. That PUB looks like a TRUE DELIGHT to eat in.
    Oh yes,being retired for a number of years now... eating out is one of our VERY favorite things to do....we are in the habit of doing it often at different times.
    Neither one of us like to cook instead of shopping for all the "fixings" and then throwing half of it away later when it goes bad.....
    Because you can't just buy small portions of fresh things here in the States like you (probably) can England.
    We just let someone else do the cooking AND CLEAN UP.
    And we have become "family" with so many of the waiters and waitresses all round...nice to see them smile when we walk in.


  27. Wow! You just posted this, look at all your comments. I have been waiting too. Years ago
    I went into a Pub at Rusell Square, there was a statue of Florence Nightingale there. Remembering the ambiance of the fire place and overhead Beams and those fabulous Ale taps of porcelain. Looks like a great meal and do I see Popovers? Thanks for sharing your wonderful Sunday, with such beautiful homes and Pub.


  28. Thank you for the tour - just lovely!

  29. i love ANYTHING Georgian.

    and it looks to me
    like one fabulous day.
    lucky you

  30. Hi!

    Stunning photos everyone!!!
    Lovely story, that about your sundays lunch with your family!
    And I should propably think salad too this week after a weekend with candy, wine, pizza and...=)

    Hope you'll have a nice evening!

    A big hug from me to uou!

  31. Dear Jacqueline, Food served in Public Houses has certainly come a very long way since the rather nasty fast food snacks that were de rigeur in my youth. The Albion looks the perfect place to enjoy Sunday lunch which I totally agree with you is such a pleasure to eat out these much work involved to do this at home.
    London does have some interesting nooks and crannies and Islington is a most intriguing area with such a variety of architectural gems and stylish shopping. I have most enjoyed revisiting it all with you in this posting.

  32. Prime rib, a lazy Sunday with the hubs, Georgian architecture, a cute pup, and a nice stroll sounds like the perfect Sunday afternoon Jackie. Now isn't your birthday just days, hours away?

    I loved this post and the Albion looks like a place I'd love to spend many an hour. Hoping all is very well my dear and I plan on catching up with you very soon.

    Hugs to you xo xo Deb

  33. Oh Jackie! I would have been with you! a charming pub, beautiful houses to look at and, after all, a restfull nap...that sound like a great Sunday!!!

  34. That is my kind of pub, absolutely gorgeous! The homes are just beautiful...lovely, lovely post, Jackie! Much love to you! xxoo :)

  35. I love Islington - have been to that pub many times. In fact, when Chris (Mr Simply B) and I met, he lived on Canonbury Square, so Islington was our 'courting ground'. Love your all your pics, as usual. The houses are gorgeous. Thanks for your lovely comments on my photo. Have relised my chances of winning are nil - I messed up my entry re the entry requirements. Hey-ho! Hugs to you, B x

  36. P.S I need to spellcheck! B x

  37. We are Sunday lunchers, too, and now I want to go to this wonderful pub. One of the things I miss most about London when I come back to the states are good pubs. Todd and I are really hoping for a London fix in the coming year. It's been over a year since our last visit, and I'm starting to get very antsy! Your wonderful photos make me even more antsy.

    We often go to a sweet little restaurant here in our neighborhood on Sundays. They have decadent dishes like poached eggs over homemade gnocchi. I'm making myself hungry just typing this! Thanks for the virtual feast, Jackie! xoxo Gigi

  38. I think doggie was wondering why you hadn't brought him a doggie bag? Wow is that steak dinner suppose to be eaten in 30 days. That was some plate! Yes I think salads are in your future missy...haha just kidding!
    I have to say Sunday dinner was always a big deal at our house growing up and luckily my mom was a great cook! though back then I hardly eat. Picky eater!

    Loved joining you on your Sunday luncheon Jackie!


  39. I also remember the days when my siblings and I would site down after
    church and have a wonderful banquet of delicious food and just be happy
    to be together.I do miss those days gone bye. LOVE the photo's- what
    fun to take a walk and see some beautiful houses as you relax after Dinner
    the food looks scrumptious .

  40. I think I could curl up and live right here, right now happily ever after on your most beautiful blog Jackie... thanks for always making me feel at home~

  41. gorgeous gorgeous pics! the pub is just beautiful!
    happy wk,

  42. Can't think of a better way to spend the day - gorgeous food and wandering around looking at fabulous houses. Leigh

  43. J'aime toutes ces ambiances,j'ai une envie folle d'aller à Londres en ce moment.

    Belle journée


  44. Hi Jackie,

    That pub looks great. It looks old, but has a contemporary feel about it. I like that...and when the food is good....mmmmmm. Even better!! Those houses are so beautiful. I especially love the photo with the pink tree in front of it!

    Wish you a happy evening!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  45. The Albion sounds divine! Beautiful pictures and a fabulous post! XX

  46. That's a great way to spend a Sunday! We also have a family dinner and a nap on our Sundays! There's just way too much delicious food to choose from.
    Lila Ferraro

  47. I love your photo chooses.
    I just watched An Education and every picture reminds me of it.
    Don't tell anyone... but I always cry from happiness at the end.

    Best wishes
    Homan Rajai

  48. Hello Jackie! thank you for revealing new precious adresses! you're my living London guide ;)

  49. Jackie, a wonderful afternoon and all of your images are just beautiful!!

    Do come and learn a little more about me!

    Art by Karena

  50. Jackie,
    Such wonderful memories - past and present. A meal with family or friends is always full of special moments. My hub and I have followed a similar past - years of Sunday lunches at the farm with family, and now lunches with friends after church. You are lucky to have such lovely places to stroll - the Georgian style is one of my favorites. Great images. Have a wonderful weekend. Rita

  51. oh i want to come over and eat with you! it all looks amazing... wouldn't it be fun!?! xoxo

  52. I love the Georgian style Jackie ... and I'm sure people thought you were stalking them while taking photos of their beautiful homes!

    I wouldn't mind a 30 day prime rib steak right now, I'm salivating as I type!

    I have an award for you hon, waiting on my blog.
    Have a wonderful weekend ... and keep all those fabulous places coming ....


  53. Be honest Jackie - did you prop those absolutely, gorgeously perfect bikes next to the entrance of The Albion? Could it possibly be any more inviting? I'm proud of you that you actually left the confines of the pub before dark and had the wherewithall to take such blog-worthy photos afterwards. You rock. More! More! Meredy xo.

  54. Dear Jackie,
    Oh, I hope I can go to London soon!!!!!
    I love the flair and the old beautiful houses!!!!
    You are a lucky one to live in this great country!
    Have a happy weekend,
    Big Hugs,

  55. ...beautiful houses, lovely places....great atmosphere...I m traveling with you in time and space...

    lots of love and many thanks for your kind words dear Jackie!

    have a lovely weekend!

  56. I don't know Islington but it looks a really attractive place, I love the ivy covered house with the black railings and gate. London is full of lovely old Georgian houses if you know where to look for them - I lived in Hertfordshire when I was first married and my husband worked in the City and I used to spend Saturday afternoons exploring London, pity I never got to Islington!

  57. Jackie, Your sunday sounds ideal, haven't visited The Albion but have visited the Drapers Arms very good. Nothing better than looking at beautiful houses one of my famous pastimes!!

  58. I love those houses with the restrained gaiety of the colourful doors and charming fanlight windows. One day I plan to live in one.

    Thank you very much for your grace and good humour in taking on the miniature jam jar position in addition to the full size jar role; I wasn't sure how to break the news to you and feared union action or demands for a salary increase. Ex gratia payments will of course be made for any work-related stress.

  59. Oh now I know why my daughter loves your country so much...the homes and shops are just sooooo lovely.

    Hugs and love for a great new week. xoxox

  60. That was just what I need...I have just finished my cheese salad from my tupperware box at work ha ha, but I ate it in style looking at your fab post. You live in a gorgeous area, and that restaurant looks amazing, I would just love to eat anything there.
    Thank you for your support and kind comments, kindness makes things so much easier you don't feel the burden quite as much xx You are right as well because I can now change some things, and and make a new storage /larder area..if you see and nice tongue and groove kitchens feel free to tell me Jackie xx I need the inspiration.
    Love Lynn xx

  61. Dear Jackie, how lovely to have found your blog via Simone. I live five minutes from the Albion and have spent many a day and evening in there. It's a great pub. My boyfriend and I go out for Sunday lunch almost every weekend. I must recommend you try the Royal Oak in Columbia Road, they do wonderful roast beef and are very reasonably priced. Booking is essential for the upstairs restaurant. Columbia Road is fabulous and the market is lovely too xx

  62. This looks fantastic Jackie, Barnsbury is such a gorgeous area....those houses, oh, I would live in them like a shot!!!!!

    The pub sounds wonderful, nothing beats a roast dinner - especially when someone else has cooked it!! xx

  63. A great lunch and wander looking at lovely homes. My ideal day. Did I hear it was a special birthday for you? If so, Happy Birthday.

  64. I wanted to wish you happy birthday for the 1st Jackie....may all your wishes and dreams come true. Much love, xv.

  65. Happy Birthday Jac's....cheers babe will be having one (okay I'll be honest...a few) for you tonight :)
    much love Deej

  66. Happy Birthday Jackie! I'm down here in the Colonies clinking glasses with Millie. Whoop it up girl!

    Jennifer xx

  67. Hi Jackie, SO GLAD that Millie pointed me in your direction, what a great breath of good British air you brought me this morning.
    You're straight up on my blogroll so I remember to come back often
    Happy Birthday!
    My French Country Home

  68. Jackie...I love this post! Your photos are fantastic and I just love that pub. There is a fantastic bike shop in Islington that I have been meaning to get too...I now have two reasons to visit :)

    Thank you!!

    Jeanne xxx

  69. I just found your blog and this seems very nice indeed! i like the photos :) have a nice week!
