
Saturday 5 June 2010

BLOGGERS ROCK ..........

You bloggers really do rock !! I have been given more awards and won a couple more giveaways.

The first giveaway that I recently won was from the talented Aina @ Modern Country Aina is from Norway and, just the very mention of a Scandanavian country means that her blog is going to be beautiful ........... and, it is !! I won a stunning linen heart, filled with lavender with 'Cherish Forever' embroidered on it and made by Aina herself. A visit to her blog is a visit to beauty so please go and say hello.

My other giveaway win was from the lovely Koralee @ Bluebird Notes I think that, most people who read my blog read Koralees. It is happy, colourful and sometimes poignant and all written by the loveliest of women. Koralee is kind and gentle and I find her blog very calming. It will be another one to add to your blogroll but, I would be suprised if it wasn't already there !....... oh, and the giveaway was a Saky Sack. It's a really lovely looking bag that folds down to next to nothing and is always in my bag in case I need know, when you come across a beautiful mercury glass candlestick, a lovely picture frame or a piece of clothing that takes your fancy !....oh, and I suppose grocery shopping as well !! haha. In the unlikely event that you don't know Koralee, pop over and see her.

I received this award from my good friend, Luiza @ Feelings Please go and visit Luiza. She takes the most amazing photographs, really, really is the most kindest and generous person that I have ever 'met', and always has time for you.
I have to pass this on to 5 other bloggers and I am giving it to :

Flaviana @ Maison des Lilas
Federica @ Sweet as a candy
My lovely friend Anne @ Decor Naturel awarded me the 101 Award. I have to write 10 things about me but, I have done this a few times and am running out of interesting things about me !! I will have a think and do this one a little later if that's O.K Anne............ by the way, Anne's blog is not to be missed, either. She writes from the heart and shows us her beautiful garden and home.

The above award was given to me by the lovely and naughty Maggie @ The White Farmhouse
This one involves telling and showing 5 sexy men that tickle my fancy !! That deserves a complete post all of it's own, so watch this space !! I am going to pass this one on and will do that when I do mine.

I was then given the above by the wonderful Lori @ Wildflowers and Rachel @ A little bit vintage. Lori is just the kindest and loveliest and you must have a look at her blog. Full of beautiful images and lovely stories of her day to day life and Rachel has just had a new baby and I mean JUST, and yet she is still making things and blogging !! I don't think that I was half as industrious as Rachel when I had my children !!
..........and last but by no means least, The Versatile Blogger Award from Mara @ Home Shabby Home. Another beautiful blog that you must visit. Mara lives in Italy, my other favourite country, and her blog is full of inspiration and wonderful things.

I was also tagged by Zaira @ Little Emma English Home to write about my 7th follower and will do that ASAP.
I think that , on reading this, you all realise how rubbish I am at doing all that is asked of me, as far as awards go !!!! I will try to do better in the future and I am on my knees begging for forgiveness for being so late in thanking you all.
So.....many, many thanks to all of you. I am flattered and grateful . Every giveaway that I win always has a place in my home and, when I look at them, I think of the person that sent them to me. Each award is humbly accepted and placed on my blog with pride. I will do all of the things asked of me as far as the awards are concerned and pass the awards along soon.
Wishing you all a happy weekend, filled with sunshine.



  1. Oh congratulations on all your lovely awards Jac's and well done on the fab giveaway wins!

    Have a really gorgeous weekend my sweet,
    xoxo Deej

  2. Wow! Congratulations Jackie! You deserve each and every award! I love Aina's beautiful linen heart and of course, her lovely blog...Modern Country. It is always fun to visit here in your world...we like to see what you are up to next!
    Have a fun weekend!
    Take care, Laura

  3. Congratulations on all your lovely awards and aren't you a lucky one wining all those gorgeous giveaways :-)

    Bon week-end a toi,

    Leeann x

  4. Oh sweet have a heart of Gold. Your words are always so loving and kind. You deserve every single award...congratulations. Sending you oodles of love for a weekend filled with Joy. Hugs. xoxo

  5. You make me smile Jackie!!! You're not rubbish...!!! You are fab and a very busy woman, that's normal. Just see how much we all love you, these awards are deserved, you're a splendid woman! Thank you so much for passing me your award, I'm much honoured indeed!!

    I hope you're having a fab weekend xoxo

  6. miley cyrus and guitar great !

  7. Jackie, you always make me laugh and smile.........your blog post are special to me. Congreadulations on your awards. XO MARY

  8. How fantastic to win such wonderful things and all those awards are such an honor, you deserve!

  9. Wow how fabulous!!! and such lovely things to treasure. ( I love to win things, it is a fabulous feeling)
    Lots of hugs Lynn xxxxx

  10. A special lady deserves all the awards bestowed upon her and giveaways too!! If you were not as fabulous as you are my dear Jackie you would have no followers and win nothing. Hope you are having a fabulous week-end and I look forward to seeing your Plastic Joy post.... xo

  11. Rocking the wins you are. Plastic Joy...he he...that's one to look for.


  12. Jackie, you are so deserving of every award out there! Congrats to you, and thanks so much for your on-going friendship and sweet thoughts. I appreciate reading what you have to say more, both as posts on your blog and as comments left on mine, than you will ever know.

  13. Such well deserved lavishness! Here Here! Jacqueline

  14. Wow Jackie!!!! That's a long list of awards!!! congratulations, dear!!! And thank you so much for passing that sweet award to me and for your kind words about my blog! And how lucky you have been to win such amazing giveaway!!!! Let me say that the first one, from Aina, is so so incredibly fab!!!

    Have a sunny Sunday!!!

  15. You deserve it all and I do adore your site!!

    Our blog friends are the best!

    Art by Karena

  16. Huh. All these bloggers trying to usurp my place in your affections just because I haven't given you an award yet or organised a giveaway that you won. Tardy me. Well wait till they see. I'm working on getting you the Nobel Prize for Blogging, to be awarded in person by Leonard Cohen, and I'm hoping to give away one of Renoir's middle period paintings soon that would look well in your drawing room if I can have a word with Then you'll love me best.

  17. Dear Jackie, Congratulations to all award ...
    And a very nice sunny weekend.
    Victor is back safely and enjoyed the beautiful English countryside ...
    Greetings en hugs, Hetty

  18. Congrats on all the awards and giveaways! I get so excited when I get one. I can't wait to see who your 5 sexy men are! I think this will be a must read. Not that all your posts aren't must reads. You always make the best posts!

  19. Congratulations, dearest Jackie! You deserve every single one of these awards and giveaways for we all adore you! Hope you are having a beautiful weekend. Thanks, too, for your comment on my last post.
    Sending big hugs-

  20. Congratulations!! That linen heart is just the cutest, and I'm sure your bag will be very handy to have around. I love the black and white print - it's so fun.

  21. Hi Jackie - YOU rock the blog world!

    Just logged on for a quick sec - I'm up to my elbows in wedding, rhinestones, vintage jewelry, damask napkins, shells, crystals, beads. twine. orchids, and glue gun. I've got a blister on every finger, typings painful.

    Plans are all coming together for wedding June 26 - we're so excited.

    I wanted everything you won - congratulations - I'd lose to you anytime.

    I'm anxious to show all the wedding details - soon...


  22. Lucky duck on the giveaways...can I go shares in your next lottery ticket? And as for the awards, absolutely no luck involved there! You deserve each and every one and they just go to prove how versatile, supportive and lovely you are. Just as well they're virtual awards or you'd need to build a trophy room onto your house! Rock on Jackie!

  23. Congratulations, so deserved!!!
    Great giveaway wins to !


  24. Dear Jackie,
    You lucky ducky! You are the Queen winner of giveaways!! You are loved loved loved by us all and don't ever forget it:)

  25. Congrats on the awards :)

  26. obv, you rock too! congrats... you deserve it all
    i love that first pic
    ~laura x

  27. HI jackie
    Well you are the lucky one... and congrats on your well deserved awards
    i must say i'm a little envious over those lovely linen wins from Aina.... Lucky you!!! Have a great weekend. xx Julie

  28. Exciting Jackie.....congrats and enjoy the rest of the weekend, xv.

  29. love your blog, very beautiful pictures :-)
    enjoy those lovely gift your got!

  30. You are lucky arent you! Hope you have had a fabulous weekend! xx

  31. You lucky, lucky girl!!!
    You should buy some lotteries, and maby win some money =).

    Haha, I see the "original" award is passed. Well, the girl on that award, is a sweetheart.

    I wish you a wonderful day!


  32. My dear jackie,

    congrats on your well deserved awards..Hugs XXX

  33. Oh, I think you are the true blogger that rocks Jackie! Congrats and enjoy. Much love XO

  34. Dear Jackie,

    Congratulations on your awards....and those giveaways....they are so beautiful! I will have a look at the blogs you mentioned above. One of the Dutch bloggers (Saskia) already said I had to take a look at Koralees blog. The fact that you recommend her as well says something!!!

    Enjoy your gifts!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  35. Wow, have you bought a lotto ticket? 'Cause it looks like you're on a winning streak! xx

  36. Sweetie, whenever I try to comment the page goes blank.

    Just wanted to say congrats on the mostly sweet awards (!), well-deserved gifts and I hope you have many more, peace, love, X

  37. Aw...thanks for the love and the award, Jackie! Congrats to you on your "winnings" and your awards! :) Have a happy week!


  38. Congrats for your awards!

    Have a great week!

  39. Congrats on your winnings and awards, Jackie! You are a beloved fixture in blogland.

  40. You are one lucky lady, Jackie...Congrats to you! Have a beautiful week! xxoo :)

  41. no one deserves all of this more than you sweetie... xoxoxoxo

  42. Our Dear, Dear Jackie - you deserve every tiny ounce of love you get from us, you really do! You enrich our lives every day, with your imagination and sense of humour - no wonder you have so many fans! I love you too! ox

  43. Oh jackie, you are so beautiful, and you deserve everything good that you receive. Both the gifts and awards. Congratulations on everything you've received!! And thank you for everything you give me as a blog friend, all the words you share here in this post made me so tremendously happy. Because of this, I have also received several e-mail with beautiful words and orders from my shop. It's absolutely amazing! Again, thank you.

    I hope you had a nice weekend. How is the summer where you live now? I Hope it gives you a lot of positive energy.

    Have the best day,

  44. You've been one lucky lady! I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

  45. Jackie.. if there's one blogger who rocks , well, that must be you!
    I've been on blog-detox during the weekend, now I'm catching up on my favorites and what do I see?? You've been up to A LOT: giveaways won (wow!!) and a long list of awards received (all totally deserved)! I can't believe you wanted to pass one to me..Thanks a million!! This is awesome !
    Jackie, yes, yes, you ROCK!
    with much love

  46. What lovely giveaway wins Jackie, and congratulations on your awards. I agree - I think you must be a blogger who rocks. Hope your days are warm and sunny. Amanda xx

  47. you lucky girl!
    Can't say anything else then YOU rock ;)

  48. Congratulation to you dear Jackie! You are a lucky girl!
    Have a nice evening,

  49. Shall we split up the bill and buy Pauls Victorian house.. and can I live in the basement ;)

  50. Have a wonderful weekend. You deserve them all! xoxoxox

  51. Oh Jackie, you are such a gifted blogger and deserve every single award out there. I went award free awhile ago, because I was so bad at following the! I think you do so well acknowledging them!!! You are the one that rocks girl!!!

  52. Hi Jackie! Congratulations on all of your wonderful awards and gifts! Hope your week is going well! Jennifer:)

  53. Oh Jackie you are the one that rocks. Modern Country was one of my first blogs I fell in love with....even George liked..go figure:))
    Thanks for stopping by and hey it rained again today for a bit. Love that!!! lol
    I owe you an email. Maybe tonight
    Miss you!

  54. Can hardly wait for your post on The Plastic Joy Award Jac!
    Millie ^_^

  55. Congratulations on all your lovely awards. And for that lovely give away wins!

    Your blog is so beautiful!

    Lovely weekend!

  56. Beautiful blog, I just found yours through another in Australia and yet I live just an hour from Hertford. Funny how the blog world works!

  57. Hi Jackie!

    I hope all is well with you! Did you have a great weekend?

    Thank you so much for leaving me such wonderful comments. I love how you are able to make me smile, even though I am not always happy these days.

    Lots of hugs,

  58. You are the blog queen! Congratulations! You deserve each and every award and giveaway Jackie! What would we do without you?
