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Monday 25 January 2010


Don't you just love these Gustavian clocks ? I'd have one in any colour.....Oooo , this one just happens to be grey !!

Here's another one in the most wonderful house.

I arranged for the sunbeam to stream in for this photograph !

Some amazing crystal drops and Oh Grandma, what a big sofa you've got !!

.......... beautiful painted cupboard ..........

This is probably the closest I'll get to a gustavian clock. A picture of one. It still looks good though.

I love this room, don't you ?

Oh, maybe I could afford this one...

.............. and finally, a massive, neglected chandelier,
What a delightful combination crystal drops and gustavian clocks make,


  1. I can't believe you don't have Gustavian clocks in every room darling. I always imagine you swanning around in high heels that you keep on window frames, wearing a corset, top hat, drinking pink champagne and winding clocks up, while Roxy Music are playing in the background and swans are dancing on your lawn. tee! hee!

    It's Monday, grey wet and my imagination is in overdrive...please forgive me, you know I love you really.

    Lovely post Jackie, didn't know that type of clock actually had a name, silly me.

    Much love

  2. Now this is just what I love. The whole feel and look of these photo's is just wonderful. Of course I adore chandeliers and what an array you have here.

    I love the rooms in #2 and #8 and the clocks are just gorgeous too.

    Thanks Jac's,

  3. Holy make me almost breathless and speechless....I just LOVE all of these photos,and the Gustavian Clocks is something I´m dreaming of too.......I´m drewling here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just love this post´s picture

  4. Who can resist a beautiful chandelier! I'm trying to decide whether I should throw caution to the wind and put one of these divine things in our sitting room. If it looked half as good as these gorgeous images I'd be in seventh heaven! Leigh

  5. The Gustavian clock you could affords the pretiest!Have a nice week!

  6. How dreamy are these images!
    I especially love that ray of sunshine beaming in (just what we need on such a grey day) and I just adore those crystal drops and that creamy sofa in the 5th image!
    I saw a blue Gustavian clock at last years Olympia International Arts and Antiques Fair... they are so beautiful!
    Have a great day Jackie.

  7. Mmmm,,,,, I'll take one of every room please. I would love to have any of those rooms here. The clocks are fabulous. Love the banjo style.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous!! So dreaming, so beautiful...

  9. Loving all of these Jackie and I think that couch would be perfect for a girls gab session ~ of course we would need a couple of bottles of wine ~ be better stick with white though in case we get the giggles and spill something!

  10. My first visit and oh how delightful it is...
    Dreams do come true and perhaps someday your wish for just such a beautiful clock shall be granted.
    Enjoy the week.

  11. Hey. I love those swedish clocks, too! Actually yours is the only post I've seen mentioning them at all! They are definetely on my wish list. And here is a great tip for you - even in the UK - check out this website - they sell them!! :) How's that for a tip!! :)

  12. G'morn ~ What an awesome presentation & enjoyable visit.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  13. Would you come round and arrange some sunbeams for me? I love how those Gustavian clocks look pregnant in such a delicately refined way.

  14. Oh, I'm drooling. I so want one of those chandeliers!

  15. Hi Jackie,

    Beautiful pictures of Gustavian clocks and chandeliers. I want that neglected chandelier for in my living room!!!! It would just look perfect!

    Wish you a Happy evening!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  16. Oh Jackie,
    YOU are the only one I would trust to come help me change give a facelift to my HOME! So perfectly Beautiful!! I adore those large crystal lights~ What a clean great look!!

  17. So forever. You always manage to transport us Jackie. XO

  18. Hello from Canada!! So happy to stumble onto your lovely blog,your photos are amazing! I will be back,LOTS! Thanks,Chrissy

  19. Lovely photos, Jackie! I love all the photos but the room with the fireplace and table, and the room with the painted cupboard are just fabulous. And if I may invite myself to Lori's girl gabfest - I will bring some wine also! :) Have a wonderful week, you have me thinking about all those lovely chandeliers! :) xxoo

  20. Hi Jackie,

    I would say: Sugar Sweet Eye Candy !!!

    LOVEly photographs.

    Thank you very much for sharing them. Brought much inspiration.

    Have a happy monday,


  21. Crystal drops and Gustavian clocks...hmm...I feel a song coming on...I'm tapping my feet could be a hit! I think you're on to something with those lyrics!
    Of course, we LOVE both....almost bought that paper one at Anthro...but couldn't figure out where to put it...and it is paper after all...paper dreams....OK...back to work! Thanks for the pretty pics for lunch!
    :) Laura

  22. Absolutely GORGEOUS Jackie, I love them no.2 is my favourite though....those doors and all that space!!!

    Those clocks are really lovely.

    Have a lovely week! xo

  23. Absolutely beautiful photos, thank you.

  24. Hi there, gorgeous!

    You just made my evening better!
    Comming here, seing your beautiful images,reading your post...oh, Jackie, it´s like a dream world.
    Just perfect, as I ´m waiting for the spring to come...
    I´ll have to wait, for a loooong time, there is more snow comming this way.
    But I di see the light. Today I noticed , the daylight lasts a bit longer. Thats a good sign!

    I hope your computer gets better soon. And don´t worry, you didn´t miss a thing!!! =D

    Wish you a wonderful evening!
    Love /

  25. Those images make my heart skip a beat....LOVE!

  26. Lovely Jackie, I think you should never never give up until you find that clock....It will happen! Wonderful images!
    Jeanne :)

  27. I can't stop looking at that blue and cream cabinet. That is classic Scandinavian colors! at least what I used to think of as scand style! I love the lighter white just as well. It's nice to see that crystal chandeliers are so popular too. The ones you've found are the creme de la creme! sigh!!! to have one in every room would be heaven!
    We have a grandfather clock that I bought new but has never worked...haha it might as well have been a paper

  28. As long as we stay here in this '70's/'00's pad a chandelier will escape me. MOTH would seek legal advice if I even suggested one for these silly sloping, raked beamed ceilings. But thanks for the drool, I know I can rely on you Jac to live vicariously through.
    Millie ^_^

  29. Hi Jackie,
    Don't you think that first one is just the perfect chippy grey? I could definitely find a place for that. Always, your images inspire me. Love how you got that beautiful stream of light to shine right onto the chandy.
    Maybe I'll just enlarge that picture of the clock in your first image and hang that pretty thing on my wall.

  30. sigh........I've been DROOLING over those clocks and I'm so obsessed with chandeliers - this post is my form of perfection!!!

    So excited to have found your blog - will spend some time here and read more!


  31. Fabulous pictures. YES, I love those clocks too. And how amazing are you to get the sun to shine through for that picture:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  32. Hello Jackie! We have such similar tastes, I know I can always come here and find drool worthy gorgeous photos!!! Thanks for the dose of inspiration!

    As for the JDL stencils...don't be afraid to try one, it's getting the stencil off in layers and ready to paint that is a little tricky, but the actual painting part is practically fail safe thanks to the adhesive backing...good luck...

    :) T

  33. Okay, sweet Jackie, you've made me crave every one of these rooms--every clock and every last crystal drop. I'm feeling greedy now, but I think I'll run with it. You really do unearth some of the most glorious photos. xoxo Gigi

  34. Hey Jacqueline
    Gorgeous images.. and thanks so much for ordering the sunbeam.. you know how much i like those.. in fact.. if you could, please send said sunbeam and the chandelier over this way... I'm sure it will post flatpack...

    Gorgeous images.. each and every one... I think i am also partial to the little bit of neglect at the bottom..nothing like a good dose of neglect to make something beautiful.... xx Julie

  35. Oh honey I burst out laughing with the liver comment....and yes everytime I see those hats, skirts etc I think of you. I've got an editorial you would love, just haven't got round to scanning them yet.

  36. I love this post today...two beautiful things that make me happy too. I have always wanted one of those clocks and the one in the first image would suit me just fine. I always adore visiting you...sweet dreams for me tonight. xoxo

  37. Such gorgeous pics, as always! the sunbeam is great! Have a sweet day!

  38. Que des belles Photos!!!
    j'adore ces lustres à pampilles,je viens d'en acheter un à voir bientôt!!!!!


  39. The first and second gustavian clocks are gorgeous! I love Gustavian style!
    All these rooms are stunning!!

  40. I just bought a book on Swedish Interiors, and what I like most are the colours and the CLOCKS!
    Your blog is gorgeous, I could spend hours on it (and will do so as soon as possible). I put you on my bloglist, hope you don't mind??

    Regards from snowy Germany,

  41. Love the Gustavian clocks as well, I'm Swedish so I'm also really happy to see that not only Swedes like them!

  42. My fave? The Gustavian Grey at the top for sure xx

  43. Jackie, all your images are pure fairy tale magic!! I can just imagine prancing, swirling and twirling through those darling rooms in a long gown and a champagne cocktail in hand. Oh what fun :) I love chandeliers and am slowly collecting them for various rooms in our home. I sold a gorgeous clock to a client years ago and I still regret it, I wish it were in my home sweet home but alas it was not meant to be. All your images are gorgeous but my favorite is the room with the doors, I am always on the lookout for a pair to add to the stone room in my old farmhouse, maybe one day....

  44. Dearest Jackie,

    I love all the rooms and all the "things" in the rooms. And, do you know what? It doesn't surprise me at all that your arranged the sunbeam.


  45. What a great post, my dear Jackie - i looooove Gustavian clocks and crystal drops........everything is soooo delightful...........thank you for all this WONDERFUL pictures!!!!!!

    Have a lovely week, Hugs Jade

  46. Bonjour Jackie,
    Wow - chendeliers and clocks - perfect. That neglected chandelier is gorgeous and adding the sinbeam was a nice touch. Perhaps you could send a few over to Paris, though actually we did have some pretty sunshine today.
    Have a fabulous week Jackie!

  47. so pretty! i've always wanted a huge chandelier!

  48. these clocks are like works of art... seriously they make a room so sophisticated and lovely.. and yes, i LOVE the room and the neglected chandelier... soooo pretttty xx pam

  49. Jackie,
    I'm almost home again - returning from travels very soon, but at least I can always come HOME to you and surround myself with such beautiful things! The first image literally took my breath away....

  50. I love your blog! all the way from califonia so glad i found it ! Off to browse..beautiful things thanks for sharing..lulu

  51. I can imagine each room in your house looking like one of these beautiful pictures...elegant like you...:) Cate

  52. Ohh i adore #5 with that fabulous cluster of chandeliers! So stylish and incredibly glamourous. Of course I would need a big old home to match!

  53. Thanks for visiting me and for your sweets words.
    Lovely clocks, I love them also.
    Hope to buy such a beaty when I have money again.
    A warm hug to you.

  54. I would love to have a crystal chandelier hanging over my bathtub!

  55. Dear Jackie. Hope you read this soon
    there is alot of weight above this It's
    54 comments. WHew !!!

    I like the top clock and the rooms are lovely.
    I could be very happy in any of them.


  56. Dear Jackie - beautiful images as always, clever girl that you are - could you please send that sunbeam straight to Wiltshire? We're in desperate need of it...Susie x

  57. Come over with a big car next time you visit France... You won't get the round topped Gustavian easily- but I know a couple of places in the Gers where you can get a lovely 'comptoise' which would just require a little of your talented distressing... Food for thought?

  58. Oh how I'd love a Gustavian clock; and while I'm at it one of each of those exceptional chandeliers in every room in a large country home in Sweden or Norway please.Awww...Jackie, you always create dreams with each & every post. Hope the week has been good thus far? xoxo hugs from your friend

  59. Thanks for the sweet thought on "slow" gift wrapping and something tells me you can wrap a gift pretty well too. I can spot a good gift wrapper anywhere. XO

  60. I could happily find somewhere for a neglected chandelier. And I love the idea of hanging a small chandelier low beside a sofa or bedside. Rather gorgeous!

  61. Just a quick note to wish you a lovely day darling.

  62. just found your most beautiful blog
    so glad i did

  63. You are so amazing! Imagine how cleaver you were to get the perfect streams of light to come through your window. I think I want to be you!!!! Love the clocks especially the grey. You always have the best photo's, it's just nice to visit your blog and be transported into beautiful images.

    xxx, Michelle

  64. Absolutely gorgeous, Jackie! Love the Gustavian clocks, esp. Hope you have a super weekend, XOXO

  65. I can't stop looking at these photos.. they're simply beautiful.


  66. Jackie!
    i just love these photos!
    Thank you for your kind words, it realy meens much to me!Thank you from all my heart!
    Hugs and lots of love
    have a lovely week end
    Magdalena/Color Sepia

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