
Thursday 16 July 2009

LET THEM EAT we did......

I'm not a cakey person really.......give me savoury anytime.......but we went to my son and daughter-in-laws for dinner last night as it was hubbys birthday and , boy, did we have a cake. There was cream , there was chocolate and there was every fruit that God has put on this earth......... raspberries , blackberries , apricots , kiwi fruit , grapes , redcurrants , you name it , it was on there. It does sound rather O.T.T. but , because it was fruit , it was lovely , really , a good time was had by all but , as you can see by the picture below , I did come over all unnecessary and had to have a foot massage........I obviously had a touch of the vapours as, it definitely wasn't the wine that we drank !!!!
As I've gone all Marie Antoinette , I thought a few pictures of furniture in the Louis XIV (or was it XVI) mode would be appropriate . Not my favourite period but, as you can see , it can be done beautifully.

This is a real modern twist on the Louis era.

.....................Finally , a wonderful splash of colour and fun. Hoped you like the look at the French Revolution period . I'm off for a lie down in a darkened room !!!


  1. I LOVE IT!!!!!

    And I was going to do a cake post with possibly the same title funny is that!!!!Stop reading my mind would you!!

    Love all those chairs, particularly the last one actually.

    Wish I could say that I wasn't a cakey person.....the cake last night sounds amazing, glad you had a lovely time :)

  2. Love that last gorgeous colourful chair!!

  3. Jackie - you don't have to apologise at all.....what I meant was that we are on the same wavelength AGAIN!!!!!

    This is a lovely post - that bed in the last but one image is just gorgeous, I have that in my saved files.....beautiful style isn't it.

    I love your posts :)

  4. OMG!! I LOVE the second cupcake image! AND I WANT that modern twist Louie Lucite chair!! What an AMAZING son & daughter in law you must have to make you feel like Marie Antoinette!! AND to make your husband his birthday dinner:) BTW....Your blog IS one of my favorites!

  5. The cake sounded delicious! What a birthday treat and perfect tasty finale!

    LOVE the cupcake shot - look at that oh so sweet little glass dome! I want one of those!

  6. These photos are great! I especially love the cupcake image and those AMAZING flowers! Sounds like you had yourself a good old time last night!! YuMMMMMmm!

  7. So lovely...your blog and your post...I love anything yummy and sweet...and have always admired that adorable Marie Antoinette image...
    which reminds me I need to see the movie again..beautiful eye candy! Now those chairs are to die for...I adore a beautiful chair...thank you so much for sharing these lovely made my day a little sweeter!

  8. ooohhh... I really would need a lie down on one of these lovely sofas or bed after all that cake!! Had chocolate mud cake on wednesday and still trying to recover!!! Hope Hubby had a great birthday...sounds like you enjoyed it!! Lovely images Jacqeline and look at that tiny weeny glass cake dome!! too cute!! Julie

  9. Hi Jackie! Your husbands birthday celebration sounded incredibly nummy. I gained 3lbs. just reading about it! Hey, I love any Louis. I inherited two pieces from my grandmother who purchased them in Austria while living there. I wish cherish them always. Thanks as always for your tremendous comments today. You are not alone, I wear very little color as well. I love to live in it, but don't feel as comfortable wearing it,. I'm so boring with my blacks & grey's too but I don't think either of us act boring. Thank goodness! Have a sweet rest!

  10. ahhh cake! I am with Simone ~ love myself a big piece of cake. I am not a fan of this period of furniture either, but I do like the last one ~ what fun.

  11. We just went over friends last night and made little piggies of ourselves too. We had cupcakes but not a lovely as those. That reminds me I still haven't finished watching that movie. Eye candy calories!
    Oh by the way Johnny's movie was no so good. Pretty to look at but a big yawn!!!

  12. i loved the movie, that was the best scene in it.

  13. Got to work out...I think I gained a pound or 2 from the post. Sounds like a off with your head morning after a decadent evening!!!
