
Tuesday 21 July 2009

CUSHIONS and QUILTS...............................

Cushions and quilts are our cuddley , snuggerly friends that give us warmth and comfort.They make us feel better when we are not feeling good , they send us off to the land of nod or they are just somewhere to lay our head. Whatever they mean to you , here are just a few to feast your eyes on..............
I have this one. It is probably one of the reasons I started my blog , as I came upon the shop that it comes from when I first started looking at Scandinavian blogs.......which took me to other blogs..........which took me to Scandinavian shops......... Kerching , kerching.......spending loads of money 'cos Scandinavian shops are absolute heaven and to sell one of your own limbs for !!!!!..... which then lead to other blogs and then I was hooked !!

At the moment , these antique grain sack cushions are my favourite.These are from
and are sooooooo expensive , but I have bought some from Etsy, which are lovely, at a fraction of the price.

This is a sofa and cushions from Mulberry and I love the mellow tones.

Love this shabby-look daybed ...oops , I've digressed a bit.....back to cushions and quilts....
although , it has got cushions and a quilt ON it.......

Bright and colourful and what a lovely worn chest....I bet it's seen a thing or two in it's time !!

These cushions look really well loved with their faded look.

Isn't this the most inviting bed . I just want to get in there with a mug of hot chocolate , a good book and , hopefully , it would be raining outside....I'll just pull the quilt up and set the alarm...Oh and I'll have to change the letters to J & C !!

These are more throws than quilts , so we can just throw them over the bed in the summer.

I think that these are beautiful . They are all different textures and colours but don't they all sit well together ?..........oh , and don't you just love the wall behind ?

Isn't this picture great ? I love the teapot sitting precariously on the top . It says to me Japanese tea ceremony .........laying on all of those cushions ,while lovely ladies in beautiful ceremonial outfits pour me tea from that teapot into those sweet little cups. .......wonderful.

I'd love a cupboard like that , where I could just pile lots of beautiful quilts and linen , but all of mine are on the beds !!

Well this just says English country cottage , a bit Laura Ashley to me ( even though it's not !! ) ......chintzy fabrics and a Victorian tureen.......and all in that lovely soft green.
I think a little lay down with a feather filled cushion , a pretty quilt and a look at the back of my eyelids !!!!!


  1. So many stunning cushions and fabrics. Love the rustic feel here

  2. I'm sure somehow we were connected in a previous life!!!!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post.....duvets, blankets and cushions are a real love of mine.

    I have the image of that absolutely gorgeous bed with the letters above it in my saved files.....fabulous isn't it!!

    Love the pile with the teapot on the top - great image.

    And the one where you "digressed"....that daybed......ooooooh!!!! I wouldn't move all day long if the sun was out :)

    I have to say I haven't yet really discovered Scandinavian shops - thank goodness in some ways.....I might have to go back to work if I did LOL!!!

    I long for a linen cupboard full of beautiful quilts and blankets.

    Lovely've made me want a hot chocolate now!!!

    Happy Tuesday!

  3. Hey Jacqueline!! I know what you mean about the scandinavian blogs. I started reading blogs by way of an article in Romantic Homes magazine and then moved my way across all the scandinavian blogs [and shops] ... into... france... off to the USA and then lastly into Australia and UK. It is mind boggling at first!! But back to your post!! Well you are speaking to my heart here! I love my sleep and LOVE quilts & cushions of any kind, shape and era!! I think you have them all 'covered' here! Not to mention the accessories, but hands down the winner is that fabulous bed on a platform of ?? antique doors? Great pics and great post!!! Think I need a little sleep! Have fun x Julie

  4. Oh Jackie .... yahoo are you awake yet. I love this! The top picture, the mustard and floral quilt is divine. The mulberry sofa and cushions and the room for that matter are just gorgeous. The Victorian tureen is a must have. Great post.xxxx

  5. These are all great. What an assortment!!! I especially love the daybed, too!

  6. Fabulous post, I love quilts and think that you can never have too many. I am currently repainting an antique french bed which I am planning on using as a childs bed/come day bed so will be off to look for a quilt to go on it at the weekend.

    Leeann x

  7. You did it again YOU!!! I get me right in the middle of my heart everytime! LOVE everyone of these images!! I think the fabric of our quilts are the very same:)

  8. Hi Jackie,
    Thanks for your lovely comment yesterday...I feel the same about you..going to add you to my blog favs today...:)

    Nice cushion selection..I also love the 3finegrains pillows...but the Mulberry's got me too!

  9. Jackie...

    How do you do it? Stunning post of one of my favorite things...lots and lots of pillows! I can't get enough of them. And now, I want to see if I can find some really pretty ones like the ones with the teapot on top!

    Happy Napping!


  10. Oh Jackie
    Your pictures just make my heart sing. I know what you mean about the Scand. blogs. The first time I saw one I went crazy and I couldn't stop going from one to the other. I kept thinking this does not look like IKEA.

    I have a real textile fetish too and want to pile tons of pillows and throws on everything. It's definitely a girl thing that men just do not get!
    Can't wait to check out 3finegrains.
    Great post!!!

  11. I would LOVE to collect quilts! Could become an expensive hobby. Ah ha

  12. I am ready now dear Jackie for a few winks and nods. Quilts just sum up security & comfort. I love handmade ones that tell a story. I had a special one made by my grandmother of scraps from dresses my mother sewed for me. I feel bad that I never took proper care of it & it remains so tattered. I adore the bed with the large letters above it. So, so lovely. Hope your weekend was terrific? Did you make great holiday plans with your friends? I am slow this week & just catching up. So little time!!
    xx deb

  13. Quilts are a favorite of mine ~ I have a couple that my grandmother made me as a child ~ it is packed away right now but I will be looking for a nice way to display then once we are in the new house. I also have one that Trevor's grandmother made him so you can see how much I love stuff with a personal history. I have some snippets of clothing from my grandmother and father along with some other pieces that have meaning to me that I hope to make into a quilt some day. I have a girlfriend that quilts, so I will go over and get lessons! Thank you for the inspiration to touch base with her again!
