Being the kind and generous friend that I am, I said that I would water my friend's garden while she was away in Yorkshire. Opposite her house is a large old house called The Old Barn in front of which is a very large public lay by. I parked there and was the only car.
We had the key to the garage, opened it up, left it open, lay down our phones and car keys, unlocked the back door and got on with the job in hand. I went to the bottom of the garden with the hose while Mr Home started watering the pots with a watering can. After a while, he called out to me that he thought we had a problem !!!
The draft from the garage door being open had slammed the back door shut, the bolt at the bottom of the back door had slid down and we were now locked in her back garden ..... no phones as we had left them in the garage !!!
Luckily, it was a hot day and I could see that next doors patio door was open. I climbed on a bench and, after many ' halloo's ' that got louder and louder when nobody seemed to hear, a man came out. His English was limited but, he got the gist and came and released us. He did seem to take a very long time though ..... he only had to come from next door !!! ..... and, he said it was the wrong time to water the garden ..... bloody cheek !!!
A couple of days later, the same procedure occurred ..... I took the hose down to the end of the garden while Mr Home proceeded to dead head a very large bush rose at the top of the garden. When I arrived at the rose, Mr. Home was watering the pots out the front. I started to water the rose but must have pierced the hose with the thorns on the rose and started getting wet from three sprays of water where the hose was punctured !!!
So, my act of kindness not only got us locked out but it cost us £50 for a new hose .....
when we returned to the car, the b******ds who live in The Old Barn had blocked me in in the lay by. We were the only three cars in a lay by that's at least 500 metres !!! With my wonderful driving skills, I got out ..... they obviously don't like anyone parking there !!!!
Remind me not to do anyone anymore favours !!!
image 1: via umla, image 2: via andreas waldschuetz. image 3: via bloglovin, image 4: via, image 5 & 6: via kero i am, image 7: via nibs blog