I didn't think that Hurricane Doris was going to hit the South East as hard it has .....
Chris and I have been out in it all morning/early afternoon fixing the fence between our house and next door that had blown down .....
It was so strong that I very nearly got blown over { slight little thing that I am !!! ha ha } so, in the words of Colin Baker { English News correspondent for you overseas readers }
" This is Jackie, from Home Blog, married, mother, with an aching heart, soaked, really soaked, with cold feet, windswept, can't feel my hands, weather-beaten, pissed off, really dreadfully pissed off, drenched and with splinters " !!!
Hope that wherever you are, you are safe and have escaped any damage ..... thank goodness we had a new roof three years ago !!
image 1: via black velvet ribbon, image 2: via pinterest