By Invitation is back and, I can't believe that we are in our fourth year !
Our subject for the month of September is Sharing.
Our subject for the month of September is Sharing.
I don't really have a lot to share. I'm ordinary, have quite a groundhog day life, as most of us have { with a few exciting moments now and again !! } and don't really have any pearls of wisdom to share with you all.
I'm sure that everything has been said about sharing much better that I ever could.
Sharing could be interpreted in so many ways but …..
….. sharing is what it is …..
Nature shares her seeds …..
….. people share information …..
You think that selfie's are a new thing ? Robert Cornelius shared this selfie of himself, that he took outside the store that his family owned, in 1839. It became famous for being the first self portrait or, as is commonly known now, the first selfie !!!!
Share a slow dance …..
Share food …..
Share a kiss { especially this one of Benedict's { or should I say Sherlock's } } …..
Share the rain …..
Share mischief !!
Share words and feelings …..
Share a secret …..
….. and, of course, as the child above said, ' Getting married means sharing your toys !!!!!
Everything's better when shared with another.
To see more interpretations of sharing, pop over to Marsha's for all of the links.
image 1: via meetville, image 2: via umla, image 3: via the good old days photograph by George. W. Hales, image 4: via news.distractify, image 5: via we heart it, image 6: via eating like an edwardian, image 7: via pretty sweet, image 8: via forumaski, image 9 & 11: via night tattoo, image 10: via margadirube, image 12: via chinwag, image 13: via polyvore, image 14: via love french bulldogs