
Tuesday 18 May 2021

FIDDLEHEADS ..........

For the uninitiated { of which, there are probably none } , Fiddleheads are the furled fronds of a new fern. Left on the plant, each fiddlehead will unroll into a new frond but, many people harvest them before they unfurl and eat them as a vegetable. I have yet to do this and wondered if any of you out there have eaten them ? Fiddleheads are antioxidant and are a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and are high in iron and fibre. They are called fiddleheads as they resemble the end of a stringed instrument. The taste of fiddleheads is unique and has been described as grassy and spring-like with a hint of nuttiness, or as a cross between asparagus and young spinach ..... some say it has a flavour similar to an artichoke, maybe with a whiff of mushroom ! Sounds really delicious but, I have yet to find out ! Can anyone tell me if they have eaten them and can you eat any fern fiddleheads ? 

In other news from my boring, Covid-limited life, I did stop drinking for a while. I often do that ..... don't know why but I do. I have started again and am going through a bottle of Sauvignon Gris that my brother-in-law bought us when they visited last. It is very nice .... delicious, in fact. I am in no way a wine connoisseur but, apparently, not much Sauvignon Gris grape is planted ..... out of all the white grapes used for the production of Bordeaux wine, only 2%are devoted to Sauvignon Gris. I would think it would go rather well with a plateful of Fiddleheads ! 

Our son and his family have just got a new kitten. They were going to get a dog but they seem to be thin on the ground at the moment so they will get one later. The kitten is a British Shorthair who has been named Cloudy by our grandchildren ! He will eventually grow to be like a big cuddly bear .....

That's all for now ..... I shall be back soon { ish } with more excitement { !!! } from my fun-filled life ! 


photographs 1-4: via me, photographs 5 & 6: via Google. 


Monday 10 May 2021

ADVICE ? ..........

We have the above bench and, as much as I love the distressed look, it is so rusty now, which comes off on our clothes so, it needs painting. I have been told to paint it black, which makes it recede but I'm not so sure about that ..... I'm usually pretty confident with my choices but, this time, I'm not sure ..........

Our other painted bench is cream ....... should we go with cream again ....... or grey, or green or black or sky blue pink !!!



photos via me
