
Saturday 27 January 2018


Have been cooking up a storm for a family gathering tomorrow and dancing around the kitchen to the above was so loud that I'm surprised the neighbours didn't complain !!!

A short and sweet post but worth a listen if you like a dance around your kitchen !!!


video via youtube


Tuesday 16 January 2018

BY INVITATION ..... UNITY ..........

This month, our By Invitation subject is Unity .....

For me, the first thought that came to mind was unifying around the table .....

I am lucky that our children and grandchildren live close enough for regular gatherings and, even though other members of my family are a little further afield, we do meet up and food is a major part of the proceedings !
Sitting around the table with the people you love the most has many physical and emotional benefits and, the added bonus is that it involves delicious food and drink !!
Unity around the table brings all ages together where we can share our news and emotions, catch up, relieve stress and keep our friendships strong. 

Sharing a meal is universal, allowing us to discuss how our day has been, sharing a bit of gossip over pasta and a glass of wine with friends ..... to break bread suggests communication and dialogue.
I admit that I am guilty of being lazy and not inviting our friends over enough so, let 2018 be the year of more dinner parties, get togethers and lunches with friends and family and to unite more with those closest to us.

Unity chez moi !!!

For more on our By Invitation January theme on Unity, pop over to Wolfie's blog Daily Plate of Crazy 


image 1: via gottman, image 2: via jillcookshere, image 3: via bread and olives


Monday 8 January 2018

JOKING AROUND in the 1950's ! ..........

I found this photograph of me the other day. I've seen it before but have only just realised that I have my ' trick ' telescope in my hands !!!
You gave it to members of your family or friend's and, after they had looked through it, they were left with a black eye !!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!

 Every Saturday morning after our Dad had given us our pocket money, I would go to the toyshop and spend most of it on jokes and tricks ! Black face soap ...

itching powder  ..... I had that bird warbler thing but it was called a ventriloquist aid ... you put it on the roof of your mouth and it helped you throw your voice !

I also had the bloody thumb. the chocolate biscuit finger and the trick cigarettes to name but a few.....
I must have been a right pain !!

I wish I'd kept them !

This is the other half of the photograph of my Dad ..... I've also just noticed that his right eye { our left } looks very black ..... I obviously tricked him and that's why the photograph was taken ! My Dad was good at taking a joke.


image 1: via me, image 2: via cosmetics4u, image 3: via ghosts of the doll, image 4: via curious objects


Tuesday 2 January 2018


We went to an amazing New Years Eve party ... there was a magician, a pianist, a few celebs, delicious food and drink, fabulous hosts and .....

..... a caricaturist  .....

That's us !!!

HAPPY 2018 ... make it one full of laughter.
