
Tuesday 31 May 2016


England is famous for having lots of rain. In fact, many countries have far more rain than we do but people still have an image of the UK as a very wet place. We haven't had much rain for a while  .....

BUT .....

today we are living up to our reputation !! 

It is coming down in stair rods ..... it's freezing cold, the wind is blowing a gale and it's like Winter !!!

I cleaned my knobs and knockers and I got soaked ..... the wind driving the rain into the porch and it looks like an Autumn day .... leaves have been blown everywhere and my David Austin St Swithun rose and Clematis 'Marie Boisselot'   have been blown to bits !!

Our conservatory was leaking { it doesn't look quite as bad as the one above though !! } and I think, because of the wind direction, rain was coming in the extractor fan over the hob in the kitchen ...... it's never done that before !!

Still, you've got to laugh ..... none of it's the end of the world is it ?

The weather is meant to improve next week ..... I hope so. There is much to do in the garden.

Here's hoping that your weather is a whole lot better than ours.


image 1 & 2: via margadirube, image 3: mine, image 4: via pinterest, image 5: via zsa zsa bellagio, image 6: via lost in the moment, image 7: via tumblr, video via youtube


Monday 9 May 2016

A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS ..... and a joke !! .....

Blogging inspiration has eluded me of late ......

..... and, I have suffered a series of unfortunate events .....

First, two GINORMOUS cold sores appeared on my top lip ..... very attractive .....

..... then, my parotid salivary gland was blocked and swelled to GINORMOUS proportions !! ..... even more attractive .....

and then, after, smashing my foot against the skirting board, giving me three bruised toes, I got a touch of sciatica .....

..... and then, as a final insult, I sprained my ankle, turning it over and falling down the garden steps. I now can't walk on it, I can't drive and my foot is the colour of a rainbow !!!!
SO .....
glass half full positively brimming over and, ever the optimist .....

here's the joke :

Late in the night, he finally regained consciousness.
He was in the hospital, in terrible pain.
He found himself in the ICU with tubes in his mouth, needles and IV drips in both arms,
a breathing mask, wires monitoring every function, and a nurse hovering over him.
He realised that he was obviously in a life- threatening situation.
The nurse gave him a serious, deep look, straight into his eyes, then spoke to him slowly
and clearly, enunciating each word and syllable, "You may not feel anything from the waist down."

Somehow he managed to mumble in reply,
"Can I feel your boobs, then?"


image 1: via pinterest, images 2 & 5: via livestrong, image 3: via new health advisor, image 4: via mirror, image 6: via bloglovin
